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I must be sick.


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I need some sort of RPG fantasy awesomeness. Like Tales of Symphonia. But not a tales game.

Well, it doesn't even have to be a video game at this point. I'm just in a rut right now in my life.

*Lyle sits in a hole while everyone walks around it, paying him no attention as he watches.*

^That's pretty much how I feel right now.

It's not a cry for attention, it's just that everyone seems to have a direction in life, and I'm stuck in a hole.

Edited by Lyle Dayek
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When I get annoyed by something, I usually remain silent for long periods of time.

Speaking of which....




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Well of course. It's not you guys. It's me.

I've heard that line before.

...waitaminute no I haven't.

Edited by Branded_Blade
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Maybe. I think I need something new and exciting in my life. Lately it's been the same droll day. like there's nothing substantial to keep me from staying in bed all day.

I need a new amazing video game.

I feel that way sometimes too.

That will probably make you feel better. . .

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I feel that way sometimes too.

That will probably make you feel better. . .

Well I know everyone feels this way, but I'm the kind of guy who always has to be thinking away of doing something or else I go crazy. (Like I am now.) If I'm in a rut, I feel like I can't do anything. And it drives me wild.

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Well I know everyone feels this way, but I'm the kind of guy who always has to be thinking away of doing something or else I go crazy. (Like I am now.) If I'm in a rut, I feel like I can't do anything. And it drives me wild.

Ah. Well, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure of what you should do. I'm sorry.

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Well I know everyone feels this way, but I'm the kind of guy who always has to be thinking away of doing something or else I go crazy. (Like I am now.) If I'm in a rut, I feel like I can't do anything. And it drives me wild.

usually I just sleep or take a nap, or watch something funny if this happens to me, I feel great right after

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Ah. Well, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure of what you should do. I'm sorry.

Thanks. It's okay.

You know what I could really use? I need to get myself an X-box 360 and play some GTA 4. I think that would cure me of my ills.

Unfortunetly I have no money.

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Thanks. It's okay.

You know what I could really use? I need to get myself an X-box 360 and play some GTA 4. I think that would cure me of my ills.

Unfortunetly I have no money.

All right. . .

=/ Hit a gutter again. . .

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All right. . .

=/ Hit a gutter again. . .

Well, I'm gonna take a 9 hour or so nap. Also known as going to bed. That'll probably help. Thanks everyone.

Night all.

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