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Round 46 SF Splicing Competition


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Because rules are important:

  • No mass Customing, you may custom a bit to make your mug look good/making it work, such as working on shading a bit, but try not to go overboard.
  • You can use any color palette, you aren't chained to FE colors, go ahead and recolor to your hearts content.
  • You have to use at least 1 piece of each mug, that shouldn't be too hard.
  • You may use only the set given, no other mugs.
  • 16 color limit, don't go crazy with your colors. >_> 15 on your mug +1 for background. This might be a bit of trouble for some, so I'll be a bit lenient with this rule. I just don't want to see mugs with like 50 colors with rainbows.
  • The winner will be determined by voting, if there is a tie, the poll will be edited to include only the ties, and revoted upon.
  • FOR VOTING YOU MAY NOT VOTE FOR YOURSELF, it is dishonorable to yourself.
  • Hosts may enter contests
  • Only 1 mug per member
  • Winner of the contest will choose the next set, but seriously, don't be a jerk and choose a set with all different body sizes/things that won't fit, choose things that would be an interesting set

Dealine: January 11th~

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I swear I've seen this set before. Seriously, guys, more Lloyd and Harken?

I gotta agree with this word-for-word here. Refresh my memory, how are the sets picked again?

And I still think the whole "dishonor to vote for yourself" bit in the rule should be "disqualified from the round"

Edited by The Blind Archer
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The previous winner picks 'em. orz

It's an obscenely simple set, but then the rest of the forums rages when people pick anything remotely "interesting."

It was meant to be simplistic.

But yeah, I didn't want anyone freaking out if it was difficult or anything(hence the bolding).

Besides, it is even more impressive if someone can take a simple set and make something intricate and unique.

Edited by eCut
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Besides, it is even more impressive if someone can take a simple set and make something intricate and unique.

Which at least 80% of the spriting community seems to be unable to do, unfortunately.

Let's not even mention the fact that much of SF's spriting community is biased by spriter and not by work.

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It doesn't have to be flashy to be impressive. Flashy work is good for a while but eventually it just gets old and annoying. It's perfectly doable to create a work that is still on the level of a flashy one while being subtle.

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It's perfectly doable to create a work that is still on the level of a flashy one while being subtle.

Which at least 80% of the spriting community seems to be unable to do, unfortunately.

Oho ho ho ho ho

it's so true, though~

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Then the 20% that is able to do it should do it, so everyone's happy, yay~

The other 20% is being swamped with projects because the other 80% can't. :B

...well, actually only about half of that 20% is doing anything. The other half of it disappeared somewhere.

@aR - It's a public contest, mate. Have at it.

Edited by · j e a l o u s y ·
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I wasjust wondering. What program do you say is good? I have no money so can i use mspaint?

MSPaint works fine. Alternatively, I prefer GIMP, you can download it free.

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thank youguys. I lookd at other topics and stuff and noticed that people didn't like when colors wehre changed, so I used alot of sacred stone colors. I hope that is okay. I also noticed alot of times there were alot of colors on my sprite i was making. But I thing he came out good. He can be a prince or something. I hope it's not too bad. http://gyazo.com/fbd5d95588133f555767f09206a1bc1f

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thank youguys. I lookd at other topics and stuff and noticed that people didn't like when colors wehre changed, so I used alot of sacred stone colors. I hope that is okay. I also noticed alot of times there were alot of colors on my sprite i was making. But I thing he came out good. He can be a prince or something. I hope it's not too bad. http://gyazo.com/fbd...767f09206a1bc1f

That's actually quite good.

The only thing I suggest is using something like imageshack or photobucket to post the actual image instead of a link to it.

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