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Lunatic Mode Possibilities

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To all the Fire Emblem Veterans.

Would it be possible to complete Lunatic Mode without the use of the Rainbow Potion and Having My Unit's Class as a Female Mage!

I noticed in every playthrough and Guide, The Rainbow Potion is used and the Type of MU used is usually a Fighter or Armor Knight at the beginning, Also being Reclassed to Pirate, Dracoknight and some other physical classes.

Is using a Female!MU a dealbreaker for Lunatic? I plan to use Female!MU when i decide to do a Lunatic Playthrough. I also plan to do this playthrough without the Rainbow Potion!

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To all the Fire Emblem Veterans.

Would it be possible to complete Lunatic Mode without the use of the Rainbow Potion and Having My Unit's Class as a Female Mage!

I noticed in every playthrough and Guide, The Rainbow Potion is used and the Type of MU used is usually a Fighter or Armor Knight at the beginning, Also being Reclassed to Pirate, Dracoknight and some other physical classes.

Is using a Female!MU a dealbreaker for Lunatic? I plan to use Female!MU when i decide to do a Lunatic Playthrough. I also plan to do this playthrough without the Rainbow Potion!

Well, I've met dondon's old Lunatic turn counts (post-prologue) with an Archer!MU and no Rainbow pot. It's a PITA turn-count-wise in prologue with Archer!MU simply due to no 1-range, but not exceptionally hard to do. Mage!MU has shit-tastic bases, but she could pull it off, I bet. You'd have to play smart and use vulneraries pretty heftily, but yes.

Also, rig growths and probably take Cleric's Child or Farmer's Child. You'll need durability and to outgrow those crappy bases ASAP.

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You should look at Paperblade's runthrough if you want to see how to perform with Mage!MU.

Things get a lot more difficult, but there's still Palla who can somewhat play like a My Unit with some restrictions. You're just going to find a lot of LTC strategies get thrown out of the window without Rainbow Potion, is all.

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I see.

Would a Combination of Clergy's Child, Diverse and Honorable be bad?

As a first guess, I'd switch the last two myself, simply because it fits better with mage caps (so, Beautiful and Recluse) and because it reduces the threat of being doubled in P-2 (I forget Luke's and Rody's SPD, though; I think it's either 8, where you'll be fine, or 9, where you'll need a SPD level up OR Beautiful).

Between Clergy's Child and Farmer's Child, it depends. Clergy's Child tends to work better in P-1 and when you chug vulneraries, but Farmer's Child makes it easier to avoid OHKO status (and will help more over the course of the game, since it gives +10% HP growth). You'll have to try both and goes with what works best.

EDIT: @Colonel M, you can still pull off (most) LTC strategies, it just ends up requiring you to be very strict with experience and to arena a fair amount more than you'd like. LTC doesn't go out the window, but your gold usually does. There are...three...chapters where you need to force (a couple killer) crits to make up for a lack of doubling due to no rainbow pot, mainly C7, C11, and C12, the first requiring Navarre to crit twice on turn 1 to ensure a 4 turn, 1 rescue clear, the second requiring at least one killer crit in dondon's strat anyways, and the third being mainly because Draco!promotion doesn't give SPD (so it's hard for Palla to hit 22 SPD to double with Dragonpike).

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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It's been a while, but I remember doing this back last September. I had to rig the first couple battles (getting the right starting stats) for her to not get swamped, but she took off after that. Well, took off as best as she could. Other units were more easily used for the mode than she was.

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It's been a while, but I remember doing this back last September. I had to rig the first couple battles (getting the right starting stats) for her to not get swamped, but she took off after that. Well, took off as best as she could. Other units were more easily used for the mode than she was.

That sounds about right.smile.gif

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As soon as she promotes stick Mage MU to staffbot duty.

Except Mage!MU has the highest MAG growth in the game tied with Mage!Mal (which practically never happens) and E staff on promo.

Staffbot doesn't sound like a great idea on promo.

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No, no one has ever beaten Lunatic with Mage MU. Especially not me. And if I did, I certainly didn't put it up on Youtube

But, uh, seriously, it's perfectly possible, you just need to rely on non-MU dudes more

Edited by Paperblade
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I actually watched some of those Videos...

By the looks of it, people would promote one or more units much earlier than the other so strategy would become easier!

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