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The Quest for the Not So Holy Lyle


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It kinda ends abruptly, but I consider this to be the introduction to the story: Part 1.

*Lyle walks into Bianchi’s room. She’s asleep. It’s late right now. He walks over to her.*

Lyle: .....I’m sorry. I have to leave. *He kisses her cheek.* I know you won’t understand why, but please forgive me.

Bianchi: Ngh...*She rolls over and grabs Lyle’s neck. Then pulls him in close.*

Lyle: Bianchi.....I’m sorry....Erk. You’re choking me...

Bianchi: *Still asleep but nuzzling him*

Lyle: *Manages to squirm out of her grip. He then stares at her for a while.*

???: Lyle.....

Lyle: I know. *He tucks Bianchi in.* Let’s go.

???: *He taps the air and a portal opens.* This place is nice. I had forgotten.

Lyle: It’s not the place. It’s the people in it. *He walks through the portal.*

???: How very true. *He follows, and the portal closes.*

*A restaurant, at the same time. Masu is babbling on while Princess is pretending to listen.*

Masu:.... So then! I was like ‘woosh’! And he was like ‘woah!’ and then I completely owned him!

Princess Kilvas: That’s really neat Masu. *She has a fake smile on.* (Geeze Masu, I like you and all, but you never stop talking.....)

Masu: So how are you enjoying your meal?!

Princess Kilvas: ....We haven’t gotten it yet Masu.....

Masu: Oh. I haven’t been paying attention. I was too busy admiring your beauty!

Princess Kilvas: Aww. Thanks Masu. (What a cheesy line....)

Waiter: *Hands them their meals* Here you go. Enjoy. *Bows and leaves.*

Princess Kilvas: *Starts digging in.* Mm. This is delicious.

Masu: Yeah. Mine to. What did you get?

Princess Kilvas: Some Chicken. You?

Masu: Er. Chicken? Doesn’t that make you a cannibal?

Princess Kilvas: <_< First: I’m a raven Masu. Second: No.

Masu: Oh. Okay...

Princess Kilvas: (This isn’t really going very well.)

*Later on in the evening.*

Masu: So uh....do you want to go to a movie or something?

Princess Kilvas: Um....

*Flashback. Masu is sitting in his movie seat crying.*

Princess Kilvas: Masu? What’s wrong?

Masu: *Sniff* It’s just so sad! Agent 99 was in love with the Rock and then he broke her heart! *Cries.*

Princess Kilvas: .___.

*End Flashback*

Princess Kilvas: I’m kinda tired right now Masu, I’d rather just go home for the night.

Masu: Okay. Do you want me to walk you home?

Princess Kilvas: No...that’s okay Masu.

Masu: Oh....okay.

Princess Kilvas: See you tomorrow though!

Masu: Okay!

*Princess Kilvas gets back to Bianchi’s palace. She goes up into his room.*

Princess Kilvas: *Sigh.* As much as I love that guy, he can sure be a pain sometimes.....Well it could be worse I guess. *Remembers Damon.* Ugh......

*Morning. Bianchi is running around the palace.*

Bianchi: Lyle?!

*She runs into Knife’s room*

Bianchi: Lyle!?

Knife: Whut? What the hell! I’m trying to sleep here!

*Bianchi runs into Princess Kilvas’ room.*

Bianchi: Lyle!?

Princess Kilvas: Gah! *She’s changing into her clothes, but manages to cover herself in time.*

Bianchi: Sorry Jen! Have you seen Lyle?

Princess Kilvas: No....? Why? Is he missing?

Bianchi: He’s supposed to have greeted me this morning with breakfast in bed.. He never showed up! I can’t find him anywhere!

Princess Kilvas: He probably went out to get coffee for you. I went to get some and there was none.

Bianchi: No! I drank all the coffee myself because I was so worried about him!

Princess Kilvas: <_< He could still be out getting some.

Bianchi: But-! *The doorbell rings.*

Princess Kilvas: See? That’s probably him now.

*The two of them run to the door. Bianchi opens it.*

Masu: Hey Bianchi! Is Princess here? *He’s at the door holding flowers.* I figured since we didn’t go to the movies last night, we could go to the park today.

Princess Kilvas: (Ugh.) Not right now Masu, we’re looking for Lyle. He didn’t show up to wake Bianchi up this morning.

Masu: Have you tried his bedroom?

Bianchi: No.....

Masu and Princess: .____.

*Lyle’s bedroom. The bed is made neatly and no one is in it. In fact, it looks like there are no signs of anyone ever actually being in it.*

Bianchi: He’s not in here either......

Princess Kilvas: I’m sure he’s fine Bianchi.

Masu: Hey, what’s this? *He picks up a letter.* Hey! It’s from Lyle!

Bainchi: What?! *Grabs the note from Masu’s hands. And reads it.*

Dear Bianchi,

I’m sorry, but I can no longer stay here in this plane. I’m afraid I must leave. Thank you for filling my life with such joy Bianchi, but I cannot stay here any longer. I am needed elsewhere, and while I shall always care for you deeply, I’m afraid I can never settle down with you. My life is full of sadness, but the moments I spent with you were magical.

Thank you for everything, and I’m sorry.

Lyle Dayek.

*Bianchi is now in tears.*

Bianchi: He.....left?

Princess Kilvas: Why did he leave? Did he say?

Masu: .....That jerk!

Princess Kilvas: Masu!

Masu: He knows how much it would tear Bianchi apart to leave! But he still did! I have half a mind to go after him!

Fireman: *Appears out of nowhere.* You sure do.

Princess Kilvas: Ah!

Fireman: Sorry about that. I heard the trouble and smelled a profit. Want me to go get him for you?

Bianchi: .....No. I’ll get him myself.

Masu: Huh?

Bianchi: Lyle’s always talked about the planes. He went there. It’s possible for us to go there to. We’re going to the planes. And we’re getting Lyle back.

Princess Kilvas: Oh boy.....

To Be Continued.

Edited by Hexblade
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Ha nice. Princess Kilvas's name is Jen?

Yeah. Jennifer or something.

(Before you think I'm a stalker I remember you telling me for The QFTHH. I was reminded when you sent me the pictures and each of them was marked with your initials.)

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That was a really good first part!

Yeah, I set up the whole 'Masu and Princess are having relationship troubles' storyline.

Oops. Possible spoilers?

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Epic start! And im guessing that this is the REALLLLLYYYYYYYY annoying Masu....not the currently "Less annoying and knows when princess is annoyed" Masu. XD Poor agent 99!! *cries*

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Yeah, I set up the whole 'Masu and Princess are having relationship troubles' storyline.

Oops. Possible spoilers?

Sounds like a transition from "Really annoying oblivious Masu" to "Not as annoying and can take a hint Masu"!! :lol: This is good!

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Epic start! And im guessing that this is the REALLLLLYYYYYYYY annoying Masu....not the currently "Less annoying and knows when princess is annoyed" Masu. XD Poor agent 99!! *cries*


Sounds like a transition from "Really annoying oblivious Masu" to "Not as annoying and can take a hint Masu"!! :lol: This is good!

Yeah something like that'll happen. Plus Princess is going to go through some character development and changes as well.


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Yeah something like that'll happen. Plus Princess is going to go through some character development and changes as well.



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Also, to continue on my elaboration of the story, since this will be taking place in the planes, there may be spoilers for various animes/video games/etc. I'll try to keep them to a minimum, but there will be certain ones that will be unavoidable.

For example: Kenpachi's eyepatch is a seal on his power.

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Also, to continue on my elaboration of the story, since this will be taking place in the planes, there may be spoilers for various animes/video games/etc. I'll try to keep them to a minimum, but there will be certain ones that will be unavoidable.

For example: Kenpachi's eyepatch is a seal on his power.


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I say that to you about TOS 2 (when what you think is a spoiler has been confirmed since before it came out) and ur like WELL FUCK YOU MASU! GRAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!


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I say that to you about TOS 2 (when what you think is a spoiler has been confirmed since before it came out) and ur like WELL FUCK YOU MASU! GRAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!



Anyway, enough about that, I'm going to get back to writing the next part and bashing my head on the wall for making Princess do Hexblade over cause I'm a picky jerk.

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Anyway, enough about that, I'm going to get back to writing the next part and bashing my head on the wall for making Princess do Hexblade over cause I'm a picky jerk.

YOU DID!? *cracks knuckles* Why would you do that???? Its so rude........but good luck on your next part! I look forward to seeing it when i get back from work!!!! (And good luck sleeping tonight)

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Introduction Part 2:

*Bianchi’s palace. Bianchi has lined up numerous amounts of people in a line. They are as follows: Fireman, Knife, Nightmare, Songbird, Branded Blade, Cymbeline, Desdemona, Masu, Princess Kilvas, Raven and Fox.*

Bianchi: I have gathered you all here because we are going on a mission to save Lyle!

Fox: Why am I here? And why should I care?

Raven: *Whispers.* Because they were serving free lunch and I have no money.

Fox: Ugh.

Bianchi: So, what I have planned, is that we are going to go to the planes, and search for Lyle till we find him!

Nightmare: That’s all fine and dandy, but how the hell are we supposed to go to the planes? The only way we’ve ever gotten to there was because of Damon or Lyle.

Masu: You’re not going to try and call Damon are you? He wouldn’t help us! He wanted Lyle to return to the planes! He probably was the one who forced him to go!

Princess Kilvas: Masu. Calm down. Though I agree. Is there really anyone who can get us to the planes?

Bianchi: Well......

Arc: *Shows up unannounced.* I know someone.

Fox: Arc? Where did you come from?

Fireman: I’m fining you for copyright infringement.

Arc: <_< I know someone in the forest who’s been to the planes. If you want, I can bring you to her.

Bianchi: Okay!

*Kiryn’s house. Arc is standing outside. Fireman, Bianchi, Masu, Princess Kilvas, and Songbird are with him.*

Arc: Kriyn! Open up!

Masu: Are we sure she’s awake?

Arc: Nope. But that’s never mattered. *He strings his bow.* I’m giving you till the count of three! One-!

*The window swings open.*

Kiryn: FINE!! What do you want?!?!?!

Bianchi: Can we come in? We want to ask you some questions.

*One explanation later.*

Kiryn: So Lyle went back to the planes?

Bianchi: Yeah. He didn’t say why....

Kriyn: Well the planes are known to be extremely dangerous. You sure you want to go?

Arc: Could be fun if you ask me.

Kiryn: I wasn’t talking to you!

Masu: When are you two just going to admit that you love each other?

*They both glare at Masu, who shrinks into a corner.*

Fireman: We’ve already established that Bianchi is set on going to the planes. We just need to find out how to get there.

Princess Kilvas: What did you use Kiryn?

Kiryn: I used a special staff to get here. However, It only works for me and it’s quite difficult to work.

Bianchi: Damn.

Kiryn: But, there’s still another way. It’s a complex spell. I was researching about how to travel through planes and I found this documents about a person named ‘Rauz Chisean’ who wanted to attempt it.

Songbird: Did it work?

Kiryn: He never tried it. He was killed by assassins before he got the chance. It said that he was certain it could work though.

Bianchi: Well if that’s all there is then we at least have to try that.

Fireman: Don’t we know how Lyle got to the planes?

Arc: Nope. And it’s not like we can go ask him.

Princess Kilvas: Wait, it says it’s a spell though, do we know anyone who is powerful enough to pull something like that off?

Masu: I’ll do it!

Princess Kilvas: (UGH!) Masu, I know you’re strong, but this is an extremely complex spell.

Bianchi: I can do it. Me and Masu can do it together.

Arc: Is that safe?

Kiryn: Actually, it might be even better to have the two of you do it. One thing that it said Rauz thought he would have a problem with was keeping the portal steady. If there are two mages doing the spell, there would be more stability in the portal.

Bianchi: Then it’s decided! We’ll make the portal and travel to the planes to find Lyle!

*In a different plane.*

Damon: Zzzzzz........


Damon: GAH!!!! *Damon freaks out as he is awoken. He looks upon the face of Yachiru, who is a 12 year old pink haired girl. **NOTE: Since Yachiru had left the Bleach universe, she started to age.*** Yachiru!!! You little creep! *He scrambles to try and grab her neck but she slips away.* RGH!!!!!

Ikkaku: Tch. Idiot.

Yucmichka: How ugly.

Damon: Shut-up you two! *Grumbles.* So what’s the deal? Why the hell’d you wake me up?

Yachiru: Cause you were sleeping!

Damon: *twitch.* Rrrrrr.......

Kenpachi: We’re leavin. Something big is happening. And I wanna be there if there’s a fight.

Damon: Eh?

Ikkaku: Looks like this is gonna be a good day.

Yumichika: I hope I don’t have to fight anyone ugly. Like Damon.

Damon: Why the hell do I hang out with you guys?

Kenpachi: Cuz you enjoy fights as much as we do.

Damon: *Grins.* Oh yea.

*The rest of the group run off, while Damon lags behind for a second.*

Damon: *Yawn.* Still, fighting gets boring after a while if there’s no reason. I need some sort of spark in my life. I haven’t had any fun since that Demon King. Oh well, maybe something interesting will happen.

*Serenes Forest. Bianchi’s palace. Everyone is gathered in the room. (Fireman, Knife, Nightmare, Kiryn, Arc, Songbird, Branded Blade, Cymbeline, Desdemona, Princess Kilvas, Raven and Fox.) Bianchi and Masu are standing at opposite ends of the room.*

Bianchi; Ready Masu?

Masu : Whenever you are!

Princess Kilvas: Masu....please don’t screw this up.

Fox: Um. I think we should leave now Raven.

Raven: You’re probably right.

Arc: I think it’s too late for that. *He points.*

*The portal is already open. And it’s starting to pull them all in.*

Branded Blade: Uh....Should it be doing that?

Kiryn: Um. I think so....

Knife: This is gonna suck

*They all get pulled in.*

To Be Continued. Next Episode: Horrible Mistake.

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