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H2 Chapter 14

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Is it possible to get a 4 turn in H2? Whatever combination I try, I always end up losing Feena to the dark mages or the Rescuebot...I need the rescuebot (Yumina) to be able to rescue Marth as far left as possible in Turn 3 so he can reach the throne in Turn 4...but how do I clear the enemies as quickly as possible with a draft team AND get warp? Its killing me.

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I mean, I guess. I could have technically beaten C14 in H3 in 5 turns, but I'm doing a 100% recruitment run, so the minimum when Marth recruits Tiki is 6.

I can see a 4 turn if you grab Fortify (put it in convoy) by ORKO'ing the thief with a unit with a full inventory on turn 1, have Mal/Yumina grab and use it that same turn; this allows you to charge through the initial dragons and 2 mages in turn 1 and all (or nearly all) of the thieves in turn 2. Make sure the person who nabs Warp staff has a full inventory, so it goes to convoy as well. Have Marth talk to the ghost and complete the two spheres on turn 3, with Feena's help; make sure Marth gets the Warp staff in his inventory somewhere around this time. On turn 4, have Mal/Yumina go up to Marth, trade for the Warp staff, and warp him near the throne and then cap (make sure Marth doesn't act on turn 4 before the Warp -- I haven't used the staff before since I only do H3, but I assume it works like the rescue staff that way).

Use Fortify staff as necessary and use the Thief staff to get Again. You may or may not be able to get a thief to get the Swordslayer on turn 4 with Feena's help; I'm not sure.

I know for a fact that turns 1-2 can be done on H3 with a full team without Rainbow Potion, so I'd imagine it could be done (although it may be difficult) in H2 with a draft team, especially with Rainbow Pot use. I hope this post helps.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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Thanks. That gave me some ideas. Although, I cant warp Marth at all in the draft. I can have Marth reach the ghost in Turn 2. Then, Yumina rescues in Turn 3 and 2 full moves will land him exactly in the throne. Also, the only unit that actually ORKOs ice dragons in my team is Berserker! Ryan :/. Even Dracoknight! Female My Unit has trouble with them.

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Also, the only unit that actually ORKOs ice dragons in my team is Berserker! Ryan :/. Even Dracoknight! Female My Unit has trouble with them.

Did you stock up on dragonpikes and wyrmslayers? It's possible to ORKO H3 versions of them with high level units, provided they're using those weapons.

Also, I thought Marth was just short of reaching the ghost on turn 2. o.O Guess I'll see if I can shave it down to a 5 turn next time around, although I kind of doubt it. 6 turns (getting Tiki) was a bitch to do in H3 as it is.

Edited by Kngt_Of_Titania
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