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Burning Forest 3



8 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your prefered character limitations?

    • Meta Knight only
    • High Tier and below (i.e. MK banned)
    • Mid Tier and below
    • Low Tier
    • No restrictions
    • Two or more of the above (specifiy in the thread)
  2. 2. Would you participate in Burning Forest 4?

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Alright, so I kinda got back into Brawl again.

Before making a thread for Burning Forest 4, I'd like to see whether people are even interested though. Going by the poll results, it would be MK banned.

EDIT: Added a poll.

Edited by Kaoz
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So, I kinda would be in. My router has been iffy lately though, so I'm not sure if the connection is stable enough to be playable. If it is, I would definitely join again.

And my new main? Unstoppable.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

That's nice. I can't figure out who your new main is, though. Marth? You've been using him for a while now, so it's unlikely. Same with Ganondorf. My only assumption is lolMK.

I didn't know LzR ranked that high...that faggot.

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Finland had him banned for a while and then unbanned him a few months ago iirc. I think it might have had something to do with more of their players going ooc, but not sure. (Unless you're not talking about Finland, in which case disregard this)

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Yea, it seems like the whole MK ban thing has simply turned into regional preference. Some like it better without the character being allowed and vice versa.

I do not think mkkkalll is referring to MK at all. M.kal was using him for the longest time well before making that post.

Anyway, I'd be interested since I still have like 7 weeks left in the summer, and scheduling for these tourneys in the past has always taken forever to finish lol

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I was referring to Ganondorf - this was my first time using him in a tournament seriously, and I did unexpectedly well :D

And they just decided to unban MK without any real reasons imo. I'll keep him banned from my own tournaments, probably, but that doesn't stop the others. Three or four players whining enough about the ban was apparently a good reason to unban him. They were pro-ban before the URC was disbanded - and this is one of the reasons why the whole unban thing is stupid. All the reasons why MK shouldn't be legal still apply, and it's unbanned again with no apparent reason - but it's true that Finland is going to be more competetive in OoC tournaments too, and so it's reasonable to say that they need MK MU experience. Many placed well in 2HOT. At any rate, the ban/unban is completely based on opinion - even though pro-ban players like myself have reasons to ban MK in mid-level highly competetive offline tournaments with cash prizes, the weight of those reasons depends on personal preference.

I think the majority of Finnish players still want MK banned (or are neutral, it's hard to say as I and Dyna are the only low-level players who have hosted tournaments recently), but only the opinion of the highest level players (top 8 or so) is dominant, and those players are very.. How to put it, er, resistant to new ideas and hearing out others' opinions without bias. Well, LzR is cool with open-minded theorycrafting, but I can't say that about the others. Players like Vurky and Schwa are very strongly anti-ban and make sure their voice is heard whenever the matter surfaces in the community, or at least they give that impression to me.

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I was pro ban because I think Metaknight removes the need to practice, skews Mid level play heavily in favor of the MK player, frustrates newcomers, etc. But I never really had trouble with him. My region has him banned and it will probably stay like that. If hes not banned in Apex 2013 and we all decide to go, then we will start practicing MK heavily before the tournament.

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I was referring to Ganondorf - this was my first time using him in a tournament seriously, and I did unexpectedly well :D


That's ridiculous.

I think the majority of Finnish players still want MK banned (or are neutral, it's hard to say as I and Dyna are the only low-level players who have hosted tournaments recently), but only the opinion of the highest level players (top 8 or so) is dominant, and those players are very..

Now wat.

Have you seen low level players?

Those are low level players. You're at least mid-level.

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