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Sea Lion's Stuff

Sea Lion

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The base of it was a resize of his FE13 portrait, but I redid a lot of the shading and some parts of his outline. I'll see what I can do with the colors. And the pot had to become silver or copper if I wanted to keep it at 16 colors; I'll probably go back and make a version with the pot as the normal greenish color too.


So I made the helmet green and the blues more blue-ish, and then I changed around his eyes and face shading a bit, still not playing around with the neck yet though. And I hate that stupid spear head, I can't get it right.


Also a new sprite I just started:


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Eventually I might go and make an Engineer class to go along with Perry. And if I do ever finish both of those, I'll make a Platypus-bear as Perry's promotion.

Also, I got the colors down to sixteen, kept the pot greenish, got the spearhead a bit better, and fixed up his right (our POV left) eye.


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It still feels really gray and lumpy... like it was seen through a bad filter :/ I played with a little saturation and contrast to try and take away the pasty dull colors :E


I just kept seeing the weird NO$GBA color filter as if it was being used on your sprite, which in turn made me feel like it was lifeless :(:

I think the first set of eyes is better though. They don't seem so out of place in how open they are.

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Something about that shading on his shirt and neck are bothering me, at least compared to the helmet. Yeah, there's a lot of contrast ... almost like he's standing in front of a car with the headlights on. Is it supposed to be like that?

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it's cause he went off the FE13 portrait, so it doesn't have regular FE shading (at all) :P

Edit: not saying it looks bad, just not like a normal portrait at all :3

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His eyes looks flat and depressed like they're staring out into space rather than looking to the side.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I've left Donny for now, and I'm working on sprites for my Hack: A Sleight of Hand (going VERY slowly, it'll pick up once the school year is over though.

I've got four characters done and I'm working on my fifth.


This is Piers, he was a farm worker (or maybe a house builder? I dunno, he was something boring) before he got drafted. Eventually he'll lead the Kino Resistance Army with Remie. Oh, and he's a solider.


This is how he appears in the first scene and probably a couple scenes throughout.


This is Tyler, he's a mercenary. He meets up with Piers early on.


This is Tyler's friend, Henry. He's a mage.


This is Piers' commanding officer. He's sad cause he killed a lot of people. You'll might get him late game, not sure yet, he may just die.


This is the beginning of Remie. He's a scholar (custom class) who lives in Westover, his father basically started the war. You act as him in multiple levels until he meets up with Piers. I'm not sure about his hair, I thought I didn't like, then I changed his pallet and now I'm not sure.

So any critique on any of the characters would be nice (specially Henry and Remie). Also, is Tyler's head too small?

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I don't see much of a difference. It's more like the eyes and hair are inconsistent with the angle of the rest of the portrait. Especially its right eye (ITS, not ours). And the ear has what I assume is an earring... if it is, it's not very well done. It looks more like a splicing oversight.

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I did reference that cause it was the only sprite I could find with a suit jacket, am I supposed to ask to reference something? I'm sorry if I am.

You don't have to but it doesn't hurt to. If you do ask then at least they know. I generally say whose sprites I reference if I do reference them so that people don't jump to conclusions. :) But yeah, I think Char was merely curious (though I may be wrong).

As for Henry, I think you should clean up the face shading on the forehead, hairline, and neck. Right now those area look a little messy in terms of shading. You can reference some of the official sprites to see how those areas are shaded.

I also did a REALLY quick clean up to show you how much difference it makes.


My other problems is that the eyebrows don't match up well.

Best of luck. :)

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Well, if nothing else it gives me a decent base to work off of. I started some work on Henry, but I want to give him new hair so I won't post any more of him until that gets accomplished. But in the meantime, look at my ukulele!


Pretty happy with how this came out. After the competition I'll probably go and make the uke actually 3-d, I was too lazy to do that for the time being.

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I really like it :) The shirt needs work, but that's about it,as it kinda looks like it's grafted inside of him >_> The only other thing I can think of is the hair on the top-right, on the side (its right side, our left), it seems a little out of place, or lacking detail like the other parts of the hair. Like it's a different hair style there :o

but other than that, pretty nift

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