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The Maps of The Divine War


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Ugh, we've hti the difficult part of every hack that wants to include FE6, the Western Isles. Or as I like to call it "complete fucking contrast to the rest of FE8's palette" For an arc that gets so few actual chapters (10, 11, 12, 13, and 13x is in a cave) it sure is causing problems. Why? because the palette just feels odd and I can find no replacements for it fan-made or otherwise.

so what this leads to is me and Mask jumping around and doing every other map, simply to avoid the isles.

Until then have the new Chapter 17, the first map of the 'Lycian Counterattack' Arc.

The 2 Guardhouses (I have no idea what they are in the game, but for now they are guard houses) and keep are controlled by Erik, Eliwood and Hector (provided the latter is alive, if not it's just Eliwood) fighting the advanced force of the enemy. The main army is in the center area, trying to break through the top. At the bottom, just outside the gates, is where Roy deploys. This is Worde on the Elibe map by the way, no I don't care nor did I bother checking Hasha no Tsurugi for what that Worde looks like. HnT can blow me for all I care.

EDIT: Herpa Derpa forgot to post the map

Made by me, cleaned by Mask. And I say cleaned in a very loose sense, as In I gave him this barebones thing and he brought it to life.


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Interesting, I have to say I like it. I'm too lazy to scan it thoroughly, but I can't see anything wrong on the once-over.

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Yes, Worde borders close to Nabata, hence the grass is lighter (That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!). more to the point, I needed that keep castle and this was the only map that had it.

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Nabata =/= Sacae.

And Worde really isn't that close to Nabata, even if there wasn't a mountain range in the way. Like, Ostia's closer.

Worde forms a trade link through Nabata, Ostia is all empty fields. Also there's no Sacare archetecture so I'm not going to be fussed, especially since I wanted that Keep tile.

@Anouleth, because it doesn't fit with FE8

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dude it's just changing colors. See what the difference in RGB values for, say, FE8's "normal" grassy tileset and FE7's, and then apply the same differences to FE6's western isles, and tweak if necessary.

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A trade link? What? To where? And how does that affect its climate?

Bulgar, the largest city in Sacae: http://img.photobuck.../Chapter19B.png

Yes thank you deranger I know what Bulgar looks like.

And yet again you are ignoring the most important reason

I wanted to use that keep and no other tileset had it. Since the only difference between the Sacae Tileset and the Lycia Tileset (not that we should refer to them as such seeing as this is FE8's tilesets) is that one has lighter Grass and different castles, I'm not seeing the issue except the niggling feeling in the back of your mind going "This is Sacae"

I can live with that.

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Because besides the keep being the one in Bulgar the grass is literally the only thing that identifies this as being less like Lycia (known for darker grass)?

Unless I'm missing something here, and certainly hope I'm not. And if I am could you please be more specific, I haven't slept in over 24 Hours so to say "my head hurts and my sinuses are so flared up I am literally crying, and I can't sleep because loluniversity" is my current state would be an understatement.

In short K.I.S.S.

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deranger, I don't see how you can make the architecture argument since that particular castle is used exactly once in both FE6 and FE8. It's just a castle/keep that looks a little different but isn't tied to some sort of culture.

I'm more concerned with the fact that your "mini-forts" look stunted and cut-off.

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deranger, I don't see how you can make the architecture argument since that particular castle is used exactly once in both FE6 and FE8. It's just a castle/keep that looks a little different but isn't tied to some sort of culture.

Sacae is pretty much the representation of oriental things on Elibe, and that keep, at least to me, gives of an eastern vibe.

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Sacae is pretty much the representation of oriental things on Elibe, and that keep, at least to me, gives of an eastern vibe.

Except, it's also used in the FE8 Carcino map. Which is in the northern middle of the continent.

Being used just once in each game really isn't enough to constitute "cultural architecture".

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