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Mar insertion/ maybe mappy problems?


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Quick backstory, i have a faint idea what i'm doing (At least when it comes to map insertion) however it doesn't seem to want to work for me now...at all.

I thought maybe it was either the way i inserted it the first couple times, however i literally followed arch's youtube guide verbatum. I can't figure out what's going on, it could really be anything as i i can't pinpoint the issue.

However all of my issues seem to be,

-The tiles set perhaps?

-Everytime i go to expot the map to MAR it always says something like "Too many blocks for .05 thing." so i switch to 1.0 then it also says you have 1024 blocks only use MAR with 1.0 compatible framework. Meanwhile i'm thinking it's gone insane because my map is small, only 15x15

-Maybe i'm not selecting the right object set via nightmare, though as my failings continued i started to do simpler and simpler maps until it was practically fool proof...though it wasn't.

I'm thinking it's somekind of issue with Mappy as i've done a redone...and redone the process. If there is some better program or a better version of mappy then that would be great.

Dunno if it helps but i'm using mappywin32...um i'm also on a windows 7 computer...perhaps thats the problem? Only reason i think this could be it was because it was causing problems with a pokemon hacking program...

Other than that i'm completely in the dark. Any help would be appreciated.

-Eriad Eternas-

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Wow, it really does that? But it makes sense as i'm pretty sure, though i'm loathe to admit it, that i switched the tileset everytime as i was making it...

Well i guess i'll try it out...when i feel a little less like ripping my hair out...

Thanks for the help, hopefully it works!

-Eriad Eternas-

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<div>^right, that. And the fuck Serenes?</div><div><br></div>

Yeah, I usually preview th tilesets in paint if they're not set up as a line, or else restart mappy and make a new map once I've deicided which tileset I want to use. I need to learn to use tiled.

And don't worry, your new version of your map/ new map's gonna be better than your old. Experience is good.


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so are you refering to the black tiles on the tileset (area to the right?) or whats actually on the map?

And if i choose one tileset and stick with it then will i avoid having to do this?


-Eriad Eternas-

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