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ITT James Plays HHM 100% Crit

Smiley Jim

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Character Review: Part 1


Our lord and savior is still as tough as ever, even though he does have a rut to climb out of before he starts getting good. In 100% crit, his lackluster speed hurts him a lot less, and his good str and def really stand out amongst the lordlings(and pretty much anyone for that matter), though his poor res does really bite him in the ass in magic heavy chapters. But that issue can be alleviated somewhat using Pure Water or Barrier since a full use takes off 21 damage.


He's not exactly awesome here due to being swordlocked and generally bad durability. He's ok against axe users due to having WTA on them, and can OHKO cavs just fine with Rapier, but it is hard to get him levels since he sometimes fails to OHKO stuff unless I give him a steel weapon, and against durable things that's still not enough. To tell you the truth, I've been giving him just enough exp to stay significant considering that he is forced for some maps.


Lyn is overall decent since even though doubling is fairly unimportant, she has generally good evasion thanks to her high spd and luck. Unfortunately, her durability isn't exactly great since she is OHKO'd by most steel weapon users, but her offense is pretty impressive with the MK since it kills ponies and tin cans. Thankfully, she does have all of Lyn mode to get to the point she is now; had I just started HHM without going through LM first, she would suck very very badly.


Clutch. Absolute clutch. If I said that Oswin's not amazing here, then I'd probably wish I had kept that to myself. Oswin is to this hack as Seth is to FE8, though unlike Seth, Oswin still has movement issues to contend with. Like I said with Hector's review, speed is pretty irrelevant if you are OHKOing shit, and it's even more irrelevant if you have enough durability to negate the damage from most crits. As a side bonus, I'm actually getting lucky with his res, as well, so he can magic tank to an extent.


In any old playthrough, Sain's str and Kent's spd would basically outweigh Lowen's durability advantage, since it's not hard to get 3-4RKO'd in vanilla Fe7 unless you're Lyn or someone like that. However, in this edit, Lowen's 'average' atk is just enough to 3HKO most enemy types, which translates into a OHKO in the context of this hack, and his durability stands out as he can be exposed to more hits than either Kent or Sain(ex. 12/0 Lowen dies to 22 atk. Sain and Kent, both at Lv11/0, are killed by 17 and 18 atk, respectively.) In a way, it does help somewhat that my Lowen is str/def blessed.


He's actually decent here. He does have a bit of a beginning rut called 'being OHKO'd', but he basically OHKO's everything forever with his manly str and access to hand axes. His speed isn't so much of an issue here since he obliterates everything in one shot anyway. He's mostly being used to meet the Karla recruitment criteria. At least this isn't that one draft where Karla could be drafted separately from Bartre...


I'm going to be perfectly honest here, he's not anywhere near great before promotion, as he has swordlock and generally piss durability to contend with. And even after promotion, his res is still awful to the point where many magic users do massive damage to him without PW, and he absolutely hates promoted magic users because they kill him even with full PW(Elfire sages can bring 20/1 Raven with full PW to 1 HP, FFS.). Still, he still has good offense, and overall ok durability post promotion.


I could go on and on about how overrated Canas is, but in this edit, his advantages over Erk/Lucius become a little more apparent. Like, for example, Luna is now generally a clean OHKO against most bosses(again, depending on his mag; as a general rule, he only needs 15-16 magic in order to OHKO most bosses worth using Luna on until CoD Linus shows up.) Another interesting perk is Nosferatu. Because damage is tripled and Nosferatu drains HP, assuming he survives the hit to begin with, he will basically regain all his HP, which is basically totally retarded.


She's another one of many units whose combat does not really impress. What I mean by this is that she can kill most things just fine(but really, anyone can), but her durability is just simply lacking. Granted, this is to be expected of pegasus knights, but still. She was still useful for flying related utility such as getting Oswin over those cliffs in C16 or getting Raven over those mountains in C19x.

Serra and Priscilla:

Healbots. Nuff said, really.


His combat is, well, crap, but he was still helpful since he did get most of my promo items and a few statboosters on the side.

Edited by Mercenary James
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Chapter 21: A New Hope

Units Deployed:

Hector, Eliwood, Bartre, Canas, Lowen, Legault, Florina, Priscilla

Units Acquired:


New Units:

Ninian: She's a dancer. 'Nuff said.

This map is covered in perpetual fog, but thankfully, this map is littered with fairly weak enemies(well, other than Oleg, but he's all the way in the back). Also, buy some pure waters here. Trust me when I say this.

Ok, I sent Hector and Bartroll up to engage the enemies to the east while Flo and Lowen ran after houses. I bruised through most of the enemies with Hec and Bartre, using Canas and Lowen has support while Florina grabbed even more houses and I also sent a few units into the arena as well. By that I mean that I was able to get Canas to Lv16, and also get Eliwood a bit of exp as well. Now, I could've stayed and gotten a little more exp/money from the arena, but there were reinforcements everywhere and they were threatening to rip huge chunks into my units, so I said 'fuck it' and had Hector draw Oleg in, Legault stole his hero crest, and Bartroll went for the kill.

9 turns.

Hector    	17  00  35  18  14  10  12  19  03  13   Lyn C
Lyndis    	13  00  33  13  17  19  12  05  02  05   Hec C
Eliwood   	07  00  24  09  08  11  08  08  05  07   
Oswin 		20  02  44  23  14  10  08  23  14  16   
Matthew   	09  00  22  07  07  18  05  05  01  07
Serra 		06  00  21  05  06  09  09  02  09  04          
Lowen 		13  00  34  14  07  09  04  17  01  08	
Bartre   	18  00  45  20  11  15  07  11  07  13   
Priscilla 	06  00  16  08  07  09  10  03  09  04
Florina   	09  00  21  10  12  16  14  04  07  04  
Raven 		16  01  45  20  21  22  03  15  04  09
Canas 		16  00  27  17  11  11  11  09  15  07

Oh yes, Canas and Bartre will be promoting next map :awesome:

Swag: Wyrmslayer, Light rune, Elysian whip, Restore, Shine, Hero crest

Edited by Mercenary James
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  • 1 month later...

Chapter 22: Of Wyverns, Nomads, and a Fucking Useless Kid

Units Deployed:

Hector, Lyn, Eliwood, Raven, Oswin, Bartre, Canas, Lowen, Priscilla, Ninian, Legault

Units Acquired:

Isadora, Heath, Rath

New Units:

Isadora: She's honestly not good here due to her awful durability. And you do not want to be swimming in low durability units here.

Heath: He has a slow start, but is innately strong and can take a degree of punishment. And the ability to take hits actually matters.

Rath: Not much to say about Rath. He's an ok unit since he doesn't take counters, but his durability isn't anything special anymore. In fact, it is quite bad.

Another defend map, though this time you can defeat the boss. Of course this is what I plan on doing anyway. The hardest part of this map is the huge influx of mage reinforcements from the south as well as the reaver weapons lying about, which could cause some... unfortunate situations if you attack with the wrong unit.

Anyway, sent Bartre and Oswin down to take out the first two knights south of my start point, while sending Hector west with Lowen. Canas then used Isa's Seraph Robe, which allows him to take a hit from any of the enemies here and return the favor with Nosferatu. I then kill all the wyverns to the west(minus Heath, who is to be recruited)and form a wall with Canas+Bartre+Raven while Oswin goes and blocks the fighter's entrance. All goes without a hitch and I recruit Heath on turn 3. As this is happening, I take out more of these fuckers and send Lyn further east to pick up Rath.

I then dealt with a huge influx of mages. I used Oswin and Canas for this task because Raven utterly sucks at taking mage hits and Bartre does little better. Oswin gains another level here and I wipe out the rest of the mages. Hilariously, Heath gets a perfect level up here, but who cares anyway. I break through the enemy line by turn 6, and lure in and kill Eubans on turn 8.

8 turns.

Hector    	17  00  35  18  14  10  12  19  03  13   Lyn C
Lyndis    	13  00  33  13  17  19  12  05  02  05   Hec C
Eliwood   	07  00  24  09  08  11  08  08  05  07   
Oswin 		20  03  45  23  14  10  08  24  15  16   
Matthew   	09  00  22  07  07  18  05  05  01  07
Serra 		06  00  21  05  06  09  09  02  09  04      	
Lowen 		14  00  35  14  07  10  05  17  01  08	
Bartre   	18  01  48  21  13  15  07  14  10  15   
Priscilla 	07  00  17  09  07  10  11  04  10  04
Florina   	09  00  21  10  12  16  14  04  07  04  
Raven 		16  01  45  20  21  22  03  15  04  09
Canas 		16  00  38  17  11  14  11  11  17  08
Heath 		09  00  33  15  11  11  08  14  04  09

Swag: Brave axe, 10000G, Seraph robe, Spear, Mine

Edited by Mercenary James
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Chapter 23: Two Gay Bandits

Units Deployed:

Hector, Raven, Ninian, Heath, Florina, Canas, Serra, Legault

Units Acquired:


New Units:

Hawkeye: His speed isn't so much of an issue here as he OHKO's basically everything with Hand axe, and his durability allows him to take 2 hits from most enemies(after factoring in the tripled damage from being critted.) He's actually very useful if you want to use him.

Ok, this map can be brutal if you are trying to move quickly. There are magic users and wyvern riders everywhere and they can easily kick your ass. Now, because this is a desert map, mounted units are all but useless, as are armors(which restricts Oswin to the northeastern portion of the map). Use fliers and mages to bypass the terrain, but don't expect them to take all that much of a beating. Oh, and getting that 700 exp req for the Gaiden is going to be a bitch, not that anyone else besides me is masochistic enough to try 23x on 100% crit.

Let it be known that I gave Pent an Iron Rune prior to starting the map because he is OHKO'd by wyvern riders.

I start by having Serra cast torch and Leggy use a torch while grabbing the ocean seal. Heath takes out the mage, then Ninian dances him and I move her out of the way and substitute Canas there. Raven then kills both knights as well as a brigand on EP, while Canas tanks two wyvern riders with Nosferatu. I take out the first boss using Raven, while I take out the mage and two archers with Heath+Flo+Canas. On turn 3, I have Heath leech exp off the wyvern reinforcements while Leggy draws in Jasmine and I also recruit Hawkeye. I then use turn 4 to take his white gem and kill him using Leggy.

The next part was basically me killing reinforcements and getting treasure. I managed to get Filla's Might by pure luck, but Leggy grabbed both the body ring and light brand, as well as the hero crest. I ended the map on turn 10.

10 turns.

Stats later. Sorry.

Swag: Ocean seal, Hero crest, Prism sword, Body ring, Filla's Might, White gem

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Letting you know, bartre is going to murder karla when they fight, haha.

I have a solution for that.

It's called: Give Bartre a bow(and the iron rune). With this setup, Bartre cannot counter Karla and he won't get critted.

and @Lucina: Yes, if Pent dies, it counts as a game over. And 23 atk Steel Lance dracoknights OHKO him in 100% crit. And he cannot dodge them indefinitely as they have like 40% displayed on him.

Edited by Mercenary James
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  • 1 month later...

I am here to inform you that the 100% crit data on my USB stick was deleted while I was moving stuff(I thought I could paste stuff that I deleted)and therefore, I cannot complete the playthrough and it is dead until further notice.

Have a nice day.

Edited by Mercenary James
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