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Laptop Shopping...


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Yeah, so I've been wanting to get a laptop for a while now, particularly underlined by my desire to play a few PC games, and college coming up in just over a year. So, I'm looking for a laptop that can perform basic functions, as well as play games. I don't want a hardcore gaming computer. From what I've seen, those are too expensive for me.

So, with ~500$, what do you guys recommend? I'm only looking for a pc, btw.

I found This One while browsing, thoughts?

Edited by Diavolo
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I took a random gander and this seems like something to consider. What, exactly, are you looking for, in terms of gaming? What is the year-range of the games you're expecting to play? My laptop is a bit better on than this one (2.4GHz) and it can run Morrowind at 60 fps with some optimizing and fog manipulation. If you're wanting any gaming on it, and you're just buying one with an on-board graphics thing (which, you most likely will be) don't expect to play too many recent games very nicely. I was also able to get Half-Life 2 running at a nice framerate, after setting everything to nothing. I didn't get into any combat, though.

Edited by Celice
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I took a random gander and this seems like something to consider. What, exactly, are you looking for, in terms of gaming? What is the year-range of the games you're expecting to play? My laptop is a bit better on than this one (2.4GHz) and it can run Morrowind at 60 fps with some optimizing and fog manipulation. If you're wanting any gaming on it, and you're just buying one with an on-board graphics thing (which, you most likely will be) don't expect to play too many recent games very nicely. I was also able to get Half-Life 2 running at a nice framerate, after setting everything to nothing. I didn't get into any combat, though.

Mostly new games, and roms. The Sims would probably be the most demanding game I would ever play. I'm also concerned with streaming ability.

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Streaming games? eck. I suppose as long as your connection isn't shite... oh yeah, I do have The Sims 3 on my laptop, set to lowest settings, and my nieces play it fine (they wouldn't stop hogging my desktop whenever I visit for holidays ;_; ) but!

Because you will likely have an on-board graphics, you may as well say good-bye to any games even remotely built for actual machines. The Sims 3 was meant to be playable on different levels of machines. Valve, too, seems to like to develop their games with a wider range of support. I've heard Skyrim scales wonderfully, but I would NOT get your hopes up over anything like that. Like I said, on my lappy (which was better than the one you linked too) Morrowind and Half-Life 2 are unplayable until you set everything low, and Morrowind, even after that, had some optimization going on (since it couldn't take advantage of the multi-core).

Basic emulation you should be cool with. I didn't try it with mine, but you might even get some good support for some 3D emulation, like the N64 and PS1, with the right system. GBA and lower work great, as expected. These are just my experiences, though, but for sure an on-board graphics will cap your knee so hard.

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Streaming games? eck. I suppose as long as your connection isn't shite... oh yeah, I do have The Sims 3 on my laptop, set to lowest settings, and my nieces play it fine (they wouldn't stop hogging my desktop whenever I visit for holidays ;_; ) but!

Because you will likely have an on-board graphics, you may as well say good-bye to any games even remotely built for actual machines. The Sims 3 was meant to be playable on different levels of machines. Valve, too, seems to like to develop their games with a wider range of support. I've heard Skyrim scales wonderfully, but I would NOT get your hopes up over anything like that. Like I said, on my lappy (which was better than the one you linked too) Morrowind and Half-Life 2 are unplayable until you set everything low, and Morrowind, even after that, had some optimization going on (since it couldn't take advantage of the multi-core).

Basic emulation you should be cool with. I didn't try it with mine, but you might even get some good support for some 3D emulation, like the N64 and PS1, with the right system. GBA and lower work great, as expected. These are just my experiences, though, but for sure an on-board graphics will cap your knee so hard.

Alright, thanks for the help. My expectations certainly aren't high, but it's nice to know what I'm getting for my money.

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