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Grandjackal's Pokemon Black Playthrough!


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Yeah, but I'm not sure when that is. Also, where you get the Water Stone? It's in Castelia right?

Yeah, it's in Castelia, I think on the pier closest to the entrance or something like that. And Panpour learns Scald at Lv. 22. The only other moves you'd consider delaying for are Acrobatics (31, but there is a TM) and Crunch (lol43). I'd recommend evolving as soon as you get Scald.

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Yeah, it's in Castelia, I think on the pier closest to the entrance or something like that. And Panpour learns Scald at Lv. 22. The only other moves you'd consider delaying for are Acrobatics (31, but there is a TM) and Crunch (lol43). I'd recommend evolving as soon as you get Scald.

I agree. Good thing too, I'm getting sick of this unevolved monkey. That, and it allows me to use Eviolite on Sandile.

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Rules on using Panpour:

Either evolve ASAP for wait til Scald. Evolving ASAP delays Scald until Gym 5, but you don't NEED it until then anyway. But if you're close enough to Lv22, may as well wait.

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Much like the rule of Pansear is to not use it.


Water Stone get! But I still have another errand to do before I start doing actual stuff. As I search about I find a dude who gives me Rest! I got a couple Chestos, this could prove useful at some point, but I doubt it. Next I show someone my pokedex and gives me Eviolite! This is an awesome item. I give it to Panpour for now. At a party in a high rise get the TM Attract. I do not care about this. Some crazy dude gives me TM Flash. Tea Sop gives me...Lemonade? Wrong drink dude. Now for actual stuff.

I go to the center and talk to a breakdancer who gets to fighting me with a Pansage. I switch out to Sawk and Double Kick. To my surprise, I don't kill. I then Rock Smash him.

Sawk level 21: +3 HP, +4 Atk, +2 Speed and Defense, +1 Sp Atk, +0 Sp Def. I don't bother with Counter.

Time to find other dancers. Down the alleyway is one, and he decides to figh tme. He has his own Panpour. I notice his is a higher level than mine. Goddamn game, I'm using 2 mons and you're outleveling me already. Well, jokes on him since I have defenses. He uses Fury Swipes for 3 reps, doing notably less damage than my Bite. Water Gun hits and does diddly. Water Gun again, and Bite is about to kill in one more attack. Good thing no Lick came form this. Omnomnom.

Panpour level 21: +2 HP, +1 everything else.

The next dancer has a Pansear, and that is again one sided. Now that I assembled a breakdance crew, I'm rewarded with an Amulet Coin! Yeeeeees! YES! Given to Sawk. Now to deal with Plasma, because these idiots went and stole Bianca's mon. Again. So, I go with Burgh to deal with these idiots. First one has a Sandile. Simple affair, as now I'm faster and tougher. Anoter Sandile, and it goes down. Mission success. I get a Smoke Ball anda Yache Berry for that. I heal up and go to the gym.

Castelia Gym

Honey and clowns. Burgh, you're a loopy guy.

First up is a Sewaddle. I'm going to hate this gym. I Bite it and make it flinch. I Bite again and it String Shots me. He's now faster and Razor Leafs me. Razor Leaf again and I barely survive it (Thank you Eviolite). I know can't survive so in goes Sawk. It tried to troll me with Tackle. Nice try. Venipede comes out next, and that's even worse than Sewaddle. I switch in and out because Panpour is almost level and I want to not deal with it unevolved anymore. In goes Sawk while it Protects. Low Sweep does like a quarter while it Poison Tails. It keeps using Protect just to annoy me, and I land a crit. That makes me breathe some relief as it uses Screech. My next Low Sweep doesn't kill and it hits me hard with a Poison Tail. Finally it goes down.

Panpour level 22: +2 HP and Speed, +3 Atk, +1 everything else. HOT DAMN, Scald is GOOD. I forget Lick, since thanks to Bite, Lick is pretty redundant.

Panpour evolves into Simipour!Taken Eviolite off him and given Amulet Coin.

Simipour level 22 Brave

71 HP, 53 Atk, 34 Def, 50 Sp Atk, 39 Sp Def, 47 Speed

Well, it doesn't look bad. Now I want Aqua Jet.

Now to go through. I hit a button and a clown pops out. He has another Sewaddle. Time to Bite, which now does a third. It Tackles, then Razor Leaf, and of course it lands a crit. Dwebble is next, and I use my brand new Scald. It uses Fury Cutter, and it doesn't kill so I finish off it's Sturdy with Water Gun. I use my Lemonade on Simipour. Another clown from a button, and he has another goddamn Sewaddle. Razor Leaf hits and FUCKING CRITS OH MY GOD.I Bite it agan just hoping for a flinch, and I don't get it, so Simipour goes down. Sawk comes in and finishes off with a Low Swe-WOW it doesn't kill even though it was like a quarter health! Man, Leavanny is gonna be fun! NOW I finish it off. I go back out to heal up because Burgh's gym is dicing the shit out of me. Last clown has a Venipede and it gets Scalded. Fucking Sewaddle, the bane of my existence out next. It doesn't crit me for once. It uses Bug Bite, which starteling does similar damage. One last Bite kills it. Super Potion used. Speaking of which, forgot to get my Fresh Water from Stan Lee.

Boss: Burgh

First is luckily not a grass mon, and is instead a Whirlipede. Scald hits and Burns, which reduces Poiton Tail's might. Water Gun finishes it off.

Simipour level 23: +3 HP and Atk, +2 Sp Atk and Speed, +1 Def and Sp Def

Leavanny wastes no time coming out, so in goes Snivy. I get a Leer off since I survive a Struggle Bug, then Snivy goes down. Saw comes in next, and though Razor Leaf hurts, I get a speed reduction. It Protects and Low Sweep dings. I get more speed down and it starts using String Shot. Nice try, you. Time to keep Sweepng to dismiss it's silly string play. I don't manage to kill it by my shock. I decide to Leer while it's healed up. I Low Sweep, this time doing about a quarter to a third. Yup, a third. It String Shots again. Razor Leaf hits and nearly crits, but-h ok, I don't manage to kill. He uses another Hyper Potion, though I Rock Smashed because I didn't think he had another. I use a Super Potion. It's next Leaf misses while I get a crit sweep. No more potions now! DOWN GOES LEAVANNY! To think I was worried.

Saw level 22: _3 HP, +0 Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Dwebble last. BWAHAHAHAHA! Simipour, take it away. Didn't even have Sturdy.

I get TM Struggle Bug! Time to heal up and take a break.


Simipour level 23 Brave

74 HP, 56 Atk, 36 Def, 52 Sp At, 40 Sp Def, 49 Speed

Bite, Leer, Scald, Water Gun

Sawk leel 22 Naughty Sturdy

68 HP, 68 Atk, 44 Def, 19 Sp Atk, 38 Sp Def, 43 Speed

Rock Smash, LEer, Double Kick, Low Sweep

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Continuing! Before the route, Bianca stops me for a fight.

Rival: Bianca

First mon she has out is a Herdier which I kick int he face twice with Sawk.

Sawk level 23: +3 Atk, +1 Sp Atk and Speed, +2 everything else.

Munna is next, so out goes Simipour with it's Bite technology. Bite one shots. Dewott comes next and I keep out Simipour to Bite and resist, which he does well. Flinches about, causing a Super Potion use, and yet another followed by a crit which finishes the fight.

Simipour level 24: +3 HP and +1 Def, +2 everything else.

Woop, Pansear next. *Scalds*

Desert Road

X Accuracy off to the side. Now to catch me a Sandile.

Sandile level 16 Hardy Intimidate

44 HP, 31 Atk, 17 Def, 17 Sp At, 19 Sp Def, 30 Speed

Sand Attack, Torment, Sand Tomb, Assurance

Now I had caught one earlier but forgot to save before Cheren because I didn't think a Pidove would stonewall Sandile. It was a LAX nature, and that was sick. I'm fine with Hardy, but I wish I had my Lax Sandile still. I heal up before I head to the left for now. There's some fisherman down here I wanna take care of, and they all have Basculines. Yes, that is ineed a bad fight for Sandile, but I still wanna level it. Luckily, Simipour is actually kinda boss enough to take what they can dish out. Intimidate also helps. Basically just repeat a whole bunch of swapping back and forth till this first fellow with 4 Basculin goes down.

Sandile level 17: +2 HP, Atk and Speed, +1 everything else.

Next Fisherman has 2 Basculins, to which I switch out to Sawk for because Simipour is pretty roughed up. Essentially the same thing happens.

Sandile level 18: +2 HP, +1 everything else.

Continuing on the path, there is an Ultra Ball hidden to the right of the construction sight. To the left in plain sight, a Great Ball. Up ahead is a Parasol Lady (Strange place for you to be, lady) and she has Tympole (this is a desert, why are there so many water types!?). So out goes Sawk. Supersonic of course hits, because despite it being 55 acc it might as well be 100. I muster through it anyways and kick it in the face.

Sandile level 19: +1 Def and Sp Def, +0 Sp Atk, +2 everything else. Replaced Sand Attack with Mud Slap, since it's essentially the same move, but Mud Slap hurts.

Tympole again, and I decide to keep Sawk in because I didn't wanna risk anything, but that may have been stupid of me. Simipour comes out next to Bite, and it Mud Shots to finish me off. Sandile out last, and with an Assurance seals the deal. Next up is a Worker, and he has a Roggenrola. Sand Attakc and Mud Slap? Needless to say we spend a few turns missing eachother. Timburr out next, so I send out my last mon Snivy. I just Leer away while it does stuff like Focus and Low Kick. It Bides so I get plenty of Leers in. Snivy simply takes care of it, because I don't wanna risk Sandile at all. Snivy gets a level up but I don't care.

Roggenrolla out next, and I start Mud Slapping to pre-emptive the acc battle. I actually run dry of Mud Slap. Eventually I cut it down with Assurance.

Sandile level 20: +2 HP, Atk and Speed, +1 everything else.

Last worker has a Timburr, and he does stuff like Focus and Bide, letting me do evil stuff with Sand Tomb. I actually manage to get the battle ended even though I should have lost this fight immediately. My reward is TM Torment for going all the way out here. Not really all that good a reward. Oh, an also there's a hidden Burn Heal up here. Oh, and also an Ether. I forgot about this item tucked away as well, which is a Hyper Potion. Ok, that was more worth it. I heal up before heading bac onto the main road. It's then I find Cheren the robot rival. He says he wants to fight because that's what the rival in pokemon games does.

Rival Robot: Cheren

I burn every single Assurance I have on that stupid bird Pidove, and it gets two crits of Air Cutter while spamming Roost doing so. Pansage is next, so I do a elayed switch out to Sawk who takes a very weak Vine Whip for it. Double Kick does it's job wonderfully. Pignite next, so I throw in Snivy to die while I heal up Sandile. Super Potion used. Flame Charge hits and demolishes Snivy. Sandile comes in at full health and Intmidates. It's faster and uses Defense Curl, which I won't care because I have Mud Slap. It keeps spamming it too as if it'll work after I get all these Mud Slaps in. After about 3 I get him to use his Sitrus Berry. He eeps spamming Defense Curl and I don't know why. I get 6 Mud Slaps in, and he maxes out Defense Curl. He uses Smog which does absolutely dick but DOES Poison because my luck sucks. Sand Tomb hits, and with all the residual damage it goes down. Bam, Pignite beaten by a Sandile.

Sandile level 21: +0 Def, +1 Sp Atk and Sp Def, +2 everything else.

Liepard is next, and though I eat a Pursuit, it doesn't do all that much damage. Sawk comes in, and he's mad as hell. Torment is used, as if that'll help at all. Double Kick absolutely demolishes it.

Sawk level 24: +1 Def and Sp Atk, +2 Sp Def and Speed, +3 HP and Atk.

Sandile level 22: +2 HP, +1 everything else. I don't bother with Embargo because Embargo sucks.

I heal up after that ugly mess and move onward.

On the desert path is an Ether to the left before I start fighting Backpackers who tend to have random mons. First of them has a Cottonee (Dammit!), so I switch out to Sawk who avoids a Stun Spore, and it decides not ot use it again so I Double Kick it's face in. Next Backpacker has a Darumaka. Mud Slap hits for about a third, which Sandstorm will turn into a real third. Facade stings a bit, so I Mud Slap again, and it misses a Headbutt. Mud Slap hits once more, and it misses a Facade. Assurance finishes it off. Near that fellow is a Burn Heal. Next Backpacker has a Petilil. Out again comes Sawk who takes a Mega Drain coming in. It crits, but still doesn't do that much. Double Kick easily disposes. Super Potion get. Hyper Potion hidden away in a corner (I didn't actually know that was there). Next Backpacker has a Blitzle. Eeexcellent. Mud Slap hits (I'm faster, yes!), and it Charges up. Mud Slap agan, and it misses it's Flame Charge. Assurance finishes it off. Worker next as I head to the left (Gotta go down there eventually anyways) to fight a Roggenrolla. Sand Tomb misses while it gets a Headbutt off. It does another one after it hits. Sand Tomb finishes it off.

Sandile level 23: +0 Sp Atk, +1 Def and Sp Def, +2 everything else.

Timburr next. Out goes Simipour while it Focuses, so I hit it with a Scald and MELT that thing.Them misfiled warranties. Yet another Worker on the road, and yet again it's a Timburr. Simipour comes out and takes a Low Kick for not that much damage. Scald once again melts that sucker. Scald is so good.

Simipour level 25: +1 Def and Sp Def, +2 Sp At and Speed, +3 HP and Atk.

Nearby place has TM DIIIIIIGG!!!!!!!!!!!! Sandile is happy. I get rid of Torment for it.

Desert Resort

First up is a Doctor, who I kinda need at the moment. He sends out a Solosis, a mon I would really like to use, but htis is Black version. It tries to Snatch and I just pimp slap it with an Assurance. He heals me up, and onward I move to find hte many trainers and booty of the Desert Resort. First guy out here has a Tranquill in his backpack. Right...So out goes Simipour who takes a QA for like 9 damage. It Detects my Scald just to be annoying. It fails it's next Detect, and Scald melts. Next Backpacker has a Watchog, which are the most annoying motherfuckers in existence in this game. Sawk comes out and gets Hypnotized. It then starts Crunching (crit of course), but I wake up the next turn and crit it's face off.

Sandile level 24: +3 HP, +2 Atk and Speed, +1 everything else.

Nearby is a pair of Blackglasses, and up ahead is some agent wit some Soft Sand. This game, it spoils Sandile so much. In the upper right corner of the place is a hidden Hyper Potion. Next Backpacker has a Maractus, which is not a joke for Sandile to take care of. Sawk comes in an takes a hell of a Mega Drain for it. Double Kick hits and crits, but doesn't kill as it does a pathetic Synthesis. Double Kick finishes it. Super Potion nearby. Ether hidden close to there as well. Slight visit into the Relic Castle just for the trainers here. First of the Psychics has a Sigilyph...I forgot entirely about these nightmares. It sets up a Light Screen while I hit it with an Assurance. It uses Air Cutter while nearly kills me with a crit. I switch out Snivy to die in order to bring in Simipour. Bite finishes it off nicely.

Sandile level 25: +2 HP and Atk, +1 everything else. I don't bother with Swagger.

I use my Oran Berries to heal up Sandile. She has a Woobat. I nearly one shot with Assurance. But then it uses Imprison, and apparently it ust so happens to have Assurance. In goes Simipour who takes an Air Cutter. Bite kills it. Munna next, and Sandile goes back in. Assurance hits and does almost half. It misses a Hypnosis. I hit it with a Mud Slap but apparnetly that won't kill Munna at blip HP. Assurance kills it. I take the Plume Fossil and head out. To the upper left of the Relic Castle Pillar is a Heart Scale. I head south, finding a Psychic with a Yamask. Assurance hits and it doesn't go down because it's tanky. It uses Hex, and it does nothing. Assurance hits again, and it goes down. Munna is next, and it takes an Assurance. It then lands a Hypnosis which annoys me. It then uses Imprison and dies to sand. Stardust found hidden around. Nearby Pokemon Ranger has a Ducklett. I was actually considering this mon at first, and I might use it in some future playthrough. Simipour comes out while it sets up Aqua Ring. Bite hits, and to my surprise, Air Ace hits harder. Bite makes it Flinch, and it goes down to another bite. Mmmm, duck. Rangers give you Rawst berries in this region. Next of the rangers has a couple mons, starting with Darumaka. Was hoping I would get to test Dig sometime soon. Oh right, I'm asleep. *Gets punched*. Good thing I survived that. In goes Simipour who takes an Uproar. Not that much damage taken. Scald makes it melt. Blitzle follows, and out goes Sawk to take the place of the sleeping Sandile. Flame Charge hits and doesn't do a lot. Thunder Wave hits me, but I Double Kick and end that thing's life.

Sandile level 26: +2 HP and Speed, +1 everything else.

Behind him is a TM for Rock Tomb. As meh as it is, in every game it always finds a way to be handy. Fire Stone get. One last Psychic to worry about, and he guards a Rare Candy. Psychic himself has a SolosisBite instantly takes care of it.

Simipour level 26: +1 Speed, +3 HP, +2 everything else.

Next is Woobat which I also Bite to kill. North of that is a Stardust just lying around. One last Backpacker to deal with, even though my team is beatem up badly. He's got a Dwebble, so I'm not that scared. It uses Rock Polish while I Double Kick it. Dwebble's made of solid stuff, seeing as Double Kick only did half damage. I get Paralyzed next turn as it keeps Polishing. Faint Attack hits me for like no damage, and Double Kick finishes it off.

Sawk level 25: +3 HP and Def, +2 Speed, +4 Atk, +1 everything else. I don't remember any times I need to Rock Smash, but it's 40 power to Karate Chop's 50. Nota huge improvement, especially as Rock Smash can lower defense. Keeping Rock Smash.

I talk to the doctor and heal up before moving out. Back on the main road, there is but a lone Backpacker with a Pidove to deal with. QA hits for 6 damage, and Double Kick knocks it's head off.

I find an intersecting tunnel to town, and Juniper gives me some Ultra Balls along with an upgrade to the pokedex I don't care about.

Nimbasa City

Head first into Plasma goons while I protect the day care man. First of them has a Watchog, which makes Sawk MAD! SAWK SMASH!! Trubbish next, but I don't switch out because Sawk don't care! It uses Double Slap, and that's all it gets! Low Sweep two shots! Next guy doesn't even want any part of me, so they run off and I'm rewarded with a bike! I chase after the goons, only to run into that N fellow. He tells me to get in the merry go round with him, and he tells me he's the king of Plasma. You have to admit, N is one of the most oddball antagonists out there.

Plasma King: N

Sandile first, and Sawk does not care in the slightest. Sigilyph soon follows, and Sawk cannot actually deal with that so out comes Sandile. Air Cutter hits for a bit of damage, but Assurance does more. Air Cutter again, and Assurance finishes. Scraggy next, so out comes Sawk. Double Kick knocks it's socks off.

Sawk level 26: +1 Def, +0 Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Darumaka next. NOW I get to use Dig. ig easily one shots this sucker. So, N is still free.

Hidden item nearby in the form of a Super Repel, near an X Attack as well. I deal with the story event of Bianca before healing up and heading for Nimbasa Gym. I'll take care of that later, the desert is a trial.


Simipour level 26 Brave

83 HP, 63 Atk, 40 Def, 58 Sp Atk, 45 Sp Def, 55 Speed

Bite, Leer, Scald, Water Gun

Sawk level 26 Naughty Sturdy

78 HP, 80 Atk, 51 Def, 22 Sp Atk, 45 Sp Def, 51 Speed

Rock Smash, Leer, Double Kick, Low Sweep

Sandile level 26 Hardy Intimidate

65 HP, 48 Atk, 26 Def, 25 Sp Atk, 29 Sp Def, 47 Speed

Mud Slap, Dig, Sand Tomb, Assurance

Sandile caught up in levels quick, but as you can see he's still quite behind in stats. Oh well, it's typing is amazing, it' speed is still good, it's movepool is freaking sweet, and he hasn't even evolved yet (besides, Eviolite and Intimidate make up for his lacking defenses).

When does it evolve again?

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Sandile evolves into Krokorock at level 29 and Kamina Krookodile at level 40. Also, the mental image of N on a Merry-Go-Round is spectacularly hilarious, it's too bad we just get that Ferris Wheel. XD

Edited by Kon
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We ride!

I teach Sandile Rock Tomb, getting rid of Mud Slap which works off Sp Atk and is piss weak anyways.

Nimbasa Gym

As usual, I grab a Fresh Water from Stan Lee before I get to it. Now this place is suposed to be an Electric gym, but just about everyone uses Emolga who is part flying. Thus, Rock Tomb. It also helps because it means I don't have to worry about Static as much. First one speaking of which doesn't fall to a Rock Tomb, but nearly does. Goes down easy as it just Pursuits.

Sandile level 27: +0 Def, +1 Sp Atk and Sp Def, +2 everything else.

Oh, apparently I must have crit because it takes about 2 Rock Tombs to kill an Emolga. Emolga goes down to an Assurance. Next up is a Rich Boy, who thankfully has a Blitzle because PP with a 10 PP move is not exactly fantastic. I Dig while it does stuff that won't save it. Trying to get on the next coaster pod reveals another Rich Boy with another electrical zebra. Dig works as well as it's ever had.

Sandile level 28: +2 HP, Atk and Def, +1 everything else. I replace Assurance with Crunch.

Another Blitzle, so I Dig and win. Next coaster has a Lady in it with an Emolga. It starts with Double Team, but I hit twice with Rock Tomb. I am just barely on the cusp of level 29, but not quite.

Boss: Elesa

First up in this rather annoying lineup is Emolga. It has Air Ace, and it kinda hurts. Rock Tomb with Crunch kills it.

Sandile level 29: +0 Sp Def, +1 Def and Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Same story with the next Emolga. Last but not least is Zebstraika, who I switch out to Sawk for. It uses Spark, and it hits pretty hard along with paralyzng. I use Low Sweep to lower it's agility. It Sparks again, and Low Sweep hits again for the kill. Easy Peasy.

TM Volt Change get! Not particularly useful to me, but it's there.

Sandile evolved into Krokorok!

Level 29 Krokorok Hardy Intimidate

77 HP, 59 Atk, 34 Def, 34 Sp Atk, 37 Sp Def, 58 Speed

This actually was not that huge a boost. More HP for sure, but otherwise it was like a couple things in Atk and Speed. More in like it's defenses, but his defenses still suck. Oh well, with Intimidate they're still well enough.

I heal up and head east just for a brief visit. There's trainers there and some items, seeing as I won't be going this way for any reason until after the actual game is over.

Route 16

My first enemy on this route is actually a cop. He uses a Herdier instead of a Growlithe like in previous gens. Herdier is also far inferior as it has no typing, and is easily kicked to broken bones by a Sawk.

Saw level 27: +3 HP and Atk, +2 Def, +1 everything else.

Bike Rider up next has an adorable Ducklett, so Simipour eats it. All it does is Water Pulse. Liepard next, which I melt with a Scald. A Backpacker next who has a Drillbur. Scald proceeds to melt. While I'm snooping around the wilds for treasure, Simipour eats a Gothita.

Simipour level 27: +2 Sp Atk, +1 Def and Sp Def, +3 everything else.

Cut yields me a Rare Candy! Will be saving this up for Tynamo. That or Axew.

Lostlorn Forest

You would normally come here for an event of a mon that got all hyped up from BW's announcement, and yet they made it so you can't catch it outside of an event. That's really dumb, because I like Zoroa/Zoroark, and they deny me the awesomeness. Ooh, shaky bush! Oh, it's just Emolga. Nearby stump has a Big Mushroom. You can sell these in a bit for bigger cash than normal. If not for the event, that's pretty much the only reason to come up to this area. I leave the area, ooh shaking bush! Audinooooooo. I love how they put Audinos into this game solely to be EXP pinatas. I hit two Scalds, and a burn kills it. Backpacker nextand he has a Scraggy. I hit with Scald, but I don't kill and eat a Payback for it. Does nearly half. Finished with Water Gun. Just one last Bike Rider to take care of, and he has a Whirlipede. It Protects to spite me, Scald eventually hitting while I take a weak Pursuit. Water Gun takes it out.

Simipour level 28: +1 Def, +2 everything else.

Another Whirlipede comes out and again Protect whores. Scald now one shots.

Route 5

Robot Rival: Cheren

Yeah, it's you again. First out is Liepard, so good thing I swapped Sawk into the front. Fake Out annoys, and then Torment which for Sawk is not that big a deal. Double Kick absolutely demolishes it. Tranquill next, s I keep out Sawk. Low Sweep hits for the sake of-oh, critkill. Pansage next, so I keep Sawk out still. Double Kick hits and doesn't quite kill actually. I eat a Seed Bomb for that, and it kinda hurts. Rock Smash ROCKS it.

Sawk level 28: +3 Atk, +1 Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Pignite comes out last, so out comes Simipour, and all that hawt water happens. You suck Cheren, and I wish you didn't exist.

We meet a guy named Alder, and to teach Cheren a lesson he can't learn because robots with programming can't feel, he gets ME involved in a team fight against two kindergarteners. Alder is a weird fellow. Liepard does a dab of damage while Sawk demolishes. Other dog thinks he can get away with a work up sweep. Double Kick hits and it doesn't quite kill because this thing is bulkier than average. Still trying to set up though, so that fight was free. I get into a fight with the local chef who's cooking outside of her trailer (have to admit, the settings they set up in gen 5 are pretty interesting), and she insults me by using a Pansear. Panpour next doesn't help much, as Double Kick sweeps this team. Now, the lady in the trailer will give you 500 a pop for Tiny Mushrooms, and that big one you got will score 5000 big ones. But after that, I take the north route to get the various treasures. The Backpacker there has a Munna so I switch to Simipour, dodging a Zen Headbutt and Bite one shotting. Seems she was hiding a Great Ball. Next up is yet another Backpacker, this time wielding a Palpitoad. Now this thing is one of the most annoying mons in the game. Double Kick hits and properly one shots. Thank you Sawk, you save me a lot of headaches.

Sawk level 29: +0 Sp Atk, +2 Def, +3 HP, +4 Atk, +1 Sp Def and Speed. Brick Break? Yes please! I get rid of Leer, again because I have Rock Smash if I wanna lower defense. I have also hit 90 attack with this thing. Not even level 30 yet.

Revive can be found nearby. Through the dark grass you van find a Zinc. As I walk through the grass I run into a Minccino. I Scald it because why not. I take a single stupid step and immediately I'm assaulted by a Minccino and a Liepard. Scald melts the Minc, and Double Kick kills the Lie.

Simipour level 29: +3 HP, +1 Def and Sp Def, +2 everything else.

I face off aganst a Clown next, and he's got more of the Protect whore masters, Whirlipede. Oh well, Scald one shots now. Next up, a Musician with a Blitzle! Simipour doesn't care because SCAAAAAAAAAALD. Another Blitzle is more hawt water. Next up is an Artist who has a Sigilyph. Bite hits and nearly one shots, and it Whirlwinds me out. Snivy is now out, and it uses a Tailwind. I don't really do enough and-DAMMIT, it whirlwinds me again! Why would you do that you senile bastard!? Aaagh, all that exp ruined. It uses Air Cutter, which doesn't evne come close to enough damage on Krokorok. Snivy learns Leaf Tornado because why not. Last up, a Dancer who has a Darumaka.

Simipour level 30: +3 HP, +1 Speed, +2 everything else.

Another Darumaka goes down to water. Bridge goes down, so now it's cool to cross into town. Bit of a walk though, and I can find feathers too. Or Duckletts.

Pretty Wing get. Seems that's all I get, how useless.

Driftveil City

The music here is addictive. Clay tells us to find the Plasma folks and run them out, or he'll have us deported. Not sure where, but I'd rather not get shipped out like that. But first, time to catch another member of my team! Well first, I take out a Tranquill. 512 exp isn't bad. Ok come on Deerling, you're supposed to be like the most common mon here. Another Tranquill? Fine. Now come on game-oh, shaky bush! Nope, Emolga. Finally, a Deerling! Bite hits and brings to half while it Double Kicks. Ow, kinda. Great Ball thrown. Gotcha!

Deerling level 23 Relaxed Sap Sipper

62 HP, 36 Atk, 36 Def, 28 Sp Atk, 33 Sp Def, 41 Speed

Double Kick, Leech Seed, Faint Attack, Take Down

Interesting movepool to say the least. I like it. Can deal with any ghost problem, can deal with normal and rock types, has Leech Seed and a mighty STAB in the form of Take Down. Also happy it got Sap Sipper, meaning it can freely tangle with any grass type out there. Also while I wouldn't say Relaxed is the best nature for it, it's not the worst either. It's got plenty of speed anyways, and it's increased bulk means I can stay in and mess teams up for longer.

I heal up and head south for my next destination.

Cold Storage

I head to the right first to get a Rocky Helmet, a rather strange item to say the least. Youngster first, and he just had to have Whirlipedes. First fight, and already there's poison. Out goes Krokorok. Rock Tomb hits while it uses Iron Defense. I Crunch to finish it. Karrablast next which is still a thing Deerling can't deal with. Krokorok comes back in. It Endures a Rock Tomb. Sand Tomb finishes.

Krokorok level 30: +2 HP, Atk and Speed, +1 everything else.

Next Youngster here has a Joltik. Dammit, everything is either a bug or poison. I get fed up and decide to just use Take Down, only eating a Bug Bite which hurt no doubt. Dwebble next, so I switch out to Sawk who takes a a Bug Bite for nothing. Brick Break nearly kills, but it has Sturdy. It uses Rock Polish, and next turn gets off a Smack Down before I smash it. Nearby is a hidden Hyper Potion. I decide to go back and heal Deerling because it's start can be summed up as bad luck. In the garbage can is a PP Up. Nearby on a grassy path is an Ether. The Worker in the dark grass area has a Pansage for me to destroy. I keep it smple and start Double Kicking it since all it can do is make me angrier with Seed Bomb. Double Kick hits and nearly kills, and it Bites. Double Kick finishes it off.

Deerling level 24: +3 HP, +2 Def and Speed, +1 everything else. I replace Double Kick with Jump Kick.

I do not wanna tangle with a Timburr though, I don't have that kind of luck. It hits me with a Wake Up Slap. Brick Break knocks it's block off. Hidden in the area is a Dive Ball. It has a Protein as well, which I give to Deerling. I run into a Herdier in the dark grass while trying to make my way out. Nice free 734 exp right there. Another Herdier in the normal grass. 523 exp that time. Lastly a Vanillite.

Deerling level 25: +2 HP, Atk and Speed, +1 everything else.

I go heal up before heading inside, as those fights made Deerling take a bit of a beating. But first before going in, I grab the nearby Heart Scale.

Cold Storage Unit

Up the stairs is a Net Ball, though you could honestly save it for when you're coming back out. Many a worker here, and the first has a Pansear. This is not Deerling's day. Sawk comes out because he don't take no guff. Brick Break destroys. Timburr next. I switch back out to Sawk who gets woken up with a Wake Up Slap. Thanks, Timburr! You estroyed all that was left of Pansear's credibility! Now get your Brick Broken. Next worker has a Panpour. Fgured you were coming. Deerlng shouldn't have a problem with you. Leech Seed hits, and it uses Fury Swpies which only gets 2 reps and doesn't hurt that much. Leech Seed makes most of it dissapear. Take Down hits and pretty much spells death for it. It pisses everywhere with Water Sport before succumbing to Leech Seed. Timburr is next so I switch out to Sawk who takes a Low Kick. Brick Break ends it. Next guy has a Gurdurr, a scarier version of Timburr. I send Snivy out as eath fodder, because I want Sawk in as clean as possible. Snivy gets Low Kicke, and to my shock doesn't even do half to this very underleveled snake. I Leer with my spare turn because Snivy is faster too. Brick Break hits, and it one shots. Thanks Leer! Next worker has a Vanillite. Jump Kick wrecks it.

Deerling level 26: +2 HP, +1 everything else.

Timburr is next, so out goes Sawk who takes a Rock Throw like a champion. Ice Heal nearby. I can't even remember the last time I was frozen. Next Worker who is apparently freezing his balls off has a Timburr, so out goes Sawk. Wake Up Slap hurts, but Brick Break hurts more. Next is a Timburr and I decide to keep Sawk in to finish it off.

Sawk level 30: +3 HP and Atk, +1 Sp Atk, +2 everything else.

Vanillite is last, so in comes Deerling to Jump Kick it. Hyper Potion near him. Now inside the near trucking box is the Plasma goons we were looking for. Well, time to take these scrubs out. First of them has a Sandile. Jump Kick does the trick easy. Watchog hm? Well good thing I' faster and crit you with a Jump Kick.

Deerling level 27: +3 HP, +2 Atk and Sp Def, +1 everything else.

Next Grunt of these fools up, and she has a Trubbish. Well uhhh, in goes Krokorok. Stockpile is used. Sand Tomb hits for above half while it just a meh Double Slap. Crunch finishes it. Next in line for an asswhooping is a gruntess with a Liepard. Fake Out of course happens. Fury Swipes hits and does an annoying amount of damage, while Jump Kick just demolishes it. Gawd I love this move. Last dude uses a Watchog, which gets rocked with a Jump Kick. Scraggy is next, and that's a bit risky so I switch to Sawk. Sawk takes a Headbutt pretty well and Brick Breaks in return.

Deerling level 28: +3 Def, +1 Sp Atk and Sp Def, +2 everything else. Oh dear, Aromatherapy. It sounds really useful, but it's only for convenience, nor would I have it over Leech Seed or any other move I have. I don't bother.

Team Plasma gets sent to the clink (pardon me, the klink because this is pokemon, and this place I'm sure is meant to be like Texas so they're probably going to be executed via ground up by Gear Saucer from many a Klink). One last item here, a NeverMeltIce.

I heal up and take a break after Ghetsis shows Clay that Plasma's large numbers make them far more intimidating than punks like the ecoterrorists of Hoenn.


Simipour level 30 Brave

94 HP, 73 Atk, 46 Def, 67 Sp Atk, 51 Sp Def, 64 Speed

Bite, Leer, Scald, Water Gun

Sawk level 30 Naughty Sturdy

89 HP, 93 Atk, 59 Def, 25 Sp Atk, 51 Sp Def, 59 Speed

Rock Smash, Brick Break, Double Kick, Low Sweep

Krokorok level 30 Hardy Intimidate

79 HP, 61 Atk, 35 Def, 35 Sp Atk, 38 Sp Def, 60 Speed

Rock Tomb, Dig, Sand Tomb, Crunch

Deerling level 28 Relaxed Sap Sipper

74 HP, 45 Atk, 44 Def, 33 Sp Atk, 39 Sp Def, 49 Speed

Jump Kick, Leech Seed, Faint Attack, Take Down

Now as I'm about halfway through now, figure I might as well take a thought on the performances of these mons.

Simipour: Really, it's just Scald, but Scald is really good, and once Surf comes in, that'll be good. It has decent speed (even ignoring it's nature), and to my shock it has similar defenses to Sawk, who is a pretty tough dude. Bite's also helped it out, along with it's Atk+ nature. Hoping to teach it Crunch through a move tutor guy with a heart scale.

Sawk: I don't really need to discuss Sawk. We all know he's insane, and he continues to be insane.

Krokorok: Well, he has a really easy time leveling up at his starting area, great typing and stabs, immediate TMs and access to awesome stuff like Dig and Crunch, can learn Rock Tomb to make the immediate pain in the ass gym into a joke, has Intimiate...What's not to love? The game spoils him immediately with everything it would ever want, and it's going to continue being awesome.

Deerling: It's start isn't bad. It starts off rough since most of the first trainers it deals with have pain in the ass mons for it to deal with. Once it learns Jump Kick though, it goes flying. It's typing, amazing starting movepool and Sap Sipper will make it a golden member of the team.

Now just to get Axew and Tynamo, and my team will be complete.

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Driftveil Gym

I get the Fresh Water from Stan Lee before taking the elevator down. Ya know, for a grass type I have realized that Deerling doesn't exactly learn grass type moves too quick. First up is a Worker with a Palpitoad. I Leech Seed first and it Mud Shots which doesn't do a lot, especally with Leech heals. In fact, it basically only does one damage, and annoys me with speed reduction. It Aqua Rings next while I Faint Attack. It misses the Muddy Water while Faint Attack finishes. Drillbur comes out and hones it's claws. I hit it with a Take Down to nearly take it down, an it keeps honing claws so Faint Attack finishes. Next Worker is basically a trap elevator, and he starts with a Sandile. It has Intimidate, so Jump Kick doesn't kill, but it wastes it's time with Embargo. Goes down to a Faint Attack. Next up is Drillbur, which hurt me pretty bad last time so out goes Simipour. It Digs, and does about a third. Scald melts that fool.

Deerling level 29: +2 HP and Speed, +1 everything else.

Next Worker stops me to show off a Krokorok, which I nearly one shot with Jump Kick, though I fail. Luckily all it does is hit me with Mud Slap. Faint Attack finishes. Next happens to be NOT a worker, but instead a Clerk! Seems the Clerk uses Sandile, which annoyingly has Intimidate. Jump Kick blows it up still. Palpitoad is next, so I hit it with a Leech Seed to get some health back. It starts hitting with stuff like Bubble Beam and Mud Shot while I just keep hitting it with a few Faint Attacks before going in with a Jump Kick that crits.

Deerling level 30: +3 HP, +2 Atk and Speed, +1 everything else.

Another Sandile, but this time it hits me with a Mud Slap. Luckily I still hit. It then hits me with Assurance while I fail to kill with Faint Attack. In goes Simipour since Deerling s a hit away from death. Water Gun ends the fight. Fresh Water used. Finally it's a Clerk with a Drillbur. Take Down takes off a big chunk, but it then Digs to annoy me. It even lands a crit to bring me back down to the red. Now for the basement floor...Fresh Water used.

Boss: Clay

Funny how he has a very lethal type to work with, and yet he's probably one of the easiest gyms in the game. First off, a Krokorok which doesn't have Intmidate. Jump Kick nearly kills it, and it Bulldozes. I see a Potion incoming so I Jump Kick again. He uses yet another Hyper Potion whch I didn't see coming (Heywhatever wastes Potions), but then it crits a Crunch and kills me, getting a Moxie boost. Ok, have it your way. Sawk goes in and Double Kicks with impunity because it knows Krokorok can't do a damn thing to him. Palpitoad is next, so in goes Simipour. Scald hits and does about 2/3 while I get hit with Bulldoze. Aqua Ring comes out next, so I just melt it.

Simipour level 31: +3 HP, +1 Def, +2 everything else.

Now Excadrill is normally a terrifying pokemon, but I have not only Sawk, but Simipour in the back. It's really fast, as it Hones Claws while Sawk is out, Saw not finding that funny so it Brick Breaks. To my disbelief it fails to one sot, and it critflinches me with a Rock Slide. I bring in Krokorok since he can resist AND Intimidate. Slash hits, but so does Crunch. Down it goes. Was actually worried there for a moment that he would just sweep my ass in that moment.

I get the bage, but Clay's too much an asshole to give me the TM right this moment. Guess 'll meet up with him later.

Break for now, just wanted to do a small update.

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