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[FE8] 0% Growths Draft


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Chapter 3: 4 turns

Oops, Ross died. Oops. But he served his purpose, which was to destroy walls.

Franz and Ross tag-teamed on the walls, Seth killed the first bandit and then Eirika crit the second bandit (while doubling) blocking the path. Seth then rescued her and ran ahead. Then, cue Ross dying. Oh well, it's not like I was going to use you anyway. Seth stands in hand axe range, then javelins the boss back. He finishes the boss on PP.

Chapter 4: 4 turns

I could've staged this better, I'm sure. I got Lute. Base Franz is surprisingly compentent here. Eirika's alright, but likes to die.

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[spoiler=Chapters 1-5]

Prologue (1 turn)

I'm a total n00b and stuff.

Chapter 1 (3 turns)

Turn 1: Seth rescue Eirika, moves fully.

Turn 2: Franz rescues Gilliam, hides in a corner. Seth moves adjacent to the boss and drops Eirika below her. Some manipulation required for Eirika's survival.

Turn 3: Seth manipulates a steel sword double hit on the boss in order to conserve silver lance usage, Eirika seizes.

Chapter 2 (4 turns)

Turn 1: Moulder visits a village, Eirika and Seth head south, Vanessa rescues Ross.

Turn 2: Moulder visits the other village, Eirika plants herself on a forest near next-turn brigand reinforcements, Seth continues south, Vanessa buys 2 of every weapon except for a slim sword, repositions towards the spirit water village.

Turn 3: Vanessa visits the last village, Seth kills a brigand, Moulder manipulates an Eirika crit (she leaves a brigand with 2 hp on EP). I'm lucky that Garcia hit that stupid archer because he was hiding in a forest. I should've had Vanessa assist Garcia, even if it meant missing out on spirit water, which I can buy later.

Turn 4: Moulder manipulates a crit for Eirika against the other brigand (left with 4 hp), which means 2 injured brigands will suicide into Eirika on EP.

Chapter 3 (4 turns)

Prep: Buy 3 javelins and 2 hand axes, sell red gem, manage my items a bit.

Turn 1: Neimi, Ross and Vanessa break the wall, Seth kills the brigand behind the wall, Garcia attacks the chest key brigand with a hand axe and counters a hand axe brigand on EP.

Turn 2: Neimi recruits Colm, Vanessa + Eirika + Garcia team up for the wall break, Seth equips a javelin and rescues Eirika, using his full movement.

Turn 3: Seth drops Eirika 3 spaces from the boss, remaining units retreat to safety since Ross and Vanessa are too fragile for combat.

Turn 4: Moulder heals Neimi (she got doubled by a thief), Seth bosskills, Eirika seizes.

Overall notes: I probably should've killed the brigand with a chest key for later usage :/

Chapter 4 (3 turns)

Finally things get *somewhat* interesting ;)

Prep: Didn't field Ross or Neimi since they were more of a detriment than a help in my plan.

Turn 1: Seth javelin kills a revenant to the east, Vanessa attacks a bonewalker right of Lute's village, Eirika moves onto a forest in the range of both a revenant and bonewalker, remaining units move.



Turn 2: Seth continues Southeast, Eirika moves onto a new forest where she's in range of a bunch of revenant reinforcements, Moulder visits the iron axe village, Garcia continues right, Vanessa moves down 1 space and heals. On EP, Eirika is reduced to 2 hp but also crits a surprising amount of enemies with the rapier.



Turn 3: Eirika gets an unmanipulated crit on the full hp revenant above her, Seth moves into the range of the revenant adjacent to the snag, Vanessa attacks a bonewalker, Garcia lands a kill, Moulder heals Seth. On EP the remaining enemies die.



Chapter 5 (3 turns)

Nothing special, Garcia gets the dragonshield on turn 2 while Vanessa gets the armorslayer on turn 3, and Seth silver lance ORKOes the boss. Slightly concerned about Eirika's rapier usage (17 left), and Moulder isn't getting any opportunity to heal.

Edit: Forgot to mention I recruited Joshua on turn 3 so I can have his killing edge.

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Chapter 5: 3 turns

Go Seth, kill things. I get Joshy~

Chapter 5x: 7 turns

Go Orson, kill things

Chapter 6: 3 turns

Go Seth, kill things

Chapter 7: 5 turns

No, it's not another "go Seth". Well, kind of. Franz ferries Eirika since his stats make him kind of shitty now, but 7 mov is still good. They trade off until they get to Murray, then Seth kills him. Joshua and Lute get some CEXP for their promotions~

Chapter 8: 5 turns

Go Seth, kill things while Franz ferries Eirika and tries to get CEXP for himself. Joshua hits level 10, Lute is sitting at level 5, Franz is level 6. Here I come, Tower.

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Here's a demonstration of my C7 strat (I obviously didn't TAS it for the draft).




[spoiler=Chapters 5x-8]Chapter 5x (7 turns)

Orson's a cannonball.

Chapter 6 (3 turns)

I actually had to manipulate Seth's survival on turn 2 >;-/

Chapter 7 (4 turns)

The strat I used is very similar to the youtube video at the beginning of this post. The only difference is that I trained Ross, Garcia and Moulder a little, and had the mage miss Vanessa on turn 2 to make her turn 3 survival much easier.

Chapter 8 (5 turns)

Prep: Only deploying Eirika, Seth and Garcia because everyone else is too fragile against the starting enemies.

Turn 1: A bit of manipulation is required to make a soldier and armor miss against Garcia so that he still has 20/28 hp.

Turn 2: Garcia opens the door, allowing Seth to move fully and drop Eirika ahead of him.

Turn 3: Eirika rapier crits a shaman blocking Seth's path, Seth rescues and re-moves fully. Garcia uses a vulnerary.

Turn 4: Ephraim kills an archer so that Kyle+Forde don't cause a penalty, Garcia uses an elixir (he was down to 4 hp), Seth drops Eirika within seizing distance.

Turn 5: Garcia finishes off a merc (now lv 8.57), Seth knocks Tirado into submission with another 2 silver lance blows, Eirika seizes.

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I'm a bit stuck on chapter 9, as my units are so weak that Eirika, Vanessa, Garcia and Neimi cannot combine for a mercenary kill without someone landing a crit. I can either have a comic over-reliance on Seth and murder my turncount in certain chapters, or go apeshit with low% crit manipulations on a regular basis (not hard at all but perhaps unfair to other draftees).

Edit: After trying to TAS chapter 9, let alone play it normally, I have come to the conclusion that this challenge is nuts, at least with the roster I have, so I'm forfeiting :/

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Come on, don't just give up. Don't let your name just be another blank spot in the logs :) Why don't you try Eph, since you get free Duessel and all? It might be slower but it could be possible.

Chapter 9: 10 turns + 1 turn penalty

I used Tana to get the rapier village. Seth goes down to rescue the dracoshield village, then eats the dracoshield later. Franz, Lute, Josh and Eir handle the reinforcements and Josh kind of tanks the pirates by himself. Franz goes GK for this, since the extra promo bonuses is more necessary than the +1 move.

Chapter 10: 6 turns

I don't see how I could do this any faster without a Tana penalty. Seth and Franz ferry Eirika, derp. Guiding ring for Lute~

Towerspam: I got EirikaxSeth C and SethxFranz C. Also, I promoted Lute and Joshua. Yum, dat crit. Seth, Franz, and Josh go naked and cover up the 3 space wide chokepoint in the beginning and take hits. Seth gets tinked, so Lute heals off whatever damage Josh and Franz take every turn with help from Tethys. Lute gets to B staves before I get bored.

Chapter 11: 8 turns

Mage Knight!Lute is pretty good. She torchspams, kind of, and elfires things she can't double and uses fire on things she can. Joshua's crits helped out a lot. Seth solos half the map, the rest of my team gang up on things after Joshua weakens/kills things. Also attacking through walls is fun.

Chapter 12: 10 turns

I love you Saleh. Seth goes up and kills things, Saleh kills things. Joshua crits things. His hax dodge also saved me a reset because he had 2 HP and was being ganged up on by gargoyles but he dodged. :U

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I'm a bit stuck on chapter 9, as my units are so weak that Eirika, Vanessa, Garcia and Neimi cannot combine for a mercenary kill without someone landing a crit. I can either have a comic over-reliance on Seth and murder my turncount in certain chapters, or go apeshit with low% crit manipulations on a regular basis (not hard at all but perhaps unfair to other draftees).

Edit: After trying to TAS chapter 9, let alone play it normally, I have come to the conclusion that this challenge is nuts, at least with the roster I have, so I'm forfeiting :/

I think it's pretty obvious we're all going to be doing unspeakable things to the RNG for this run. Do whatever you like.

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If you decide to come back to this, the spot's still here. There aren't many people who want to do this in the first place.

Chapter 13: 4 turns

Well, shit. I'm so glad I got Saleh for this, otherwise this would be impossible. Meh.

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Chapter 14: 11 turns

GO SALEH :B There's like, no other possible way I could kill Carlyle except for stalling until Saleh hits 4 times in a row, so I had to rig a crit with killer lance Seth then I had Saleh attack with Elfire. Haha Carlyle does 3x2 damage to Saleh. I picked up a guiding ring so Ewan could warp. Meh, it's not like we're not swimming money anyway.

Ewan went shaman a few chapters back for the lulz.

Unit      Level  HP  Str  Skl  Spd  Lck  Def  Res   Class
Eirika    9.01   16  4    8    9    5    3    1     Lord
Seth     17.28   30  14   13   12   13   15   8     Pally
Franz     4.48   23  9    6    9    2    8    2     Great Knight
Lute      8.51   20  8    7    7    8    5    7     Mage Knight
Joshua    3.91   29  10   13   14   7    7    3     Swordmaster
Saleh     9.78   30  16   18   14   11   8    13    Sage
Tethys   11.85   18  1    2    12   10   5    4     Dancer
Ewan      1.03   16  5    2    6    5    1    5     Shaman

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Chapter 15: 7 + 3 Cormag penalties

Used Cormag to ferry people across the desert so I could actually get this done within 7 turns. Lute found the swiftsoles and Seth found warp. Woop. Knoll got the master seal village then instapromoted for more speed and summoning. Duessel trades Eph's javelins and then goes into the enemy clusterfuck. Valter gets dragonaxed by Duessel after Cormag brings it over to him after trading.

I exploited a little loop hole (well, kind of) in the rules to have Rennac get the body ring and the silence staff by having Tana drop him places, since they're both undrafted but undrafteds can still dig up items. I gave the body ring to Saleh. I dunno if my plan would work, but I think silence would still work on Lyon? It'll probably never hit though, so meh...

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ok thank you ^^' I wonder if Tana is possible to use with a 0% run ;3;

Tana has nice bases, add promotion gains and her combat will be helpful. Don't forget she flies.

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If Toad's done, I can do it. FE8 isn't hard at all, and Eph route has Mr. Free Battery Man.

You just have to let me finish my 100%crit of the very draft Horace did to inspire this.

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Sure, go ahead.

Towerspamming: People who can warp now: Lute, Saleh, Knoll, Ewan

Ewan goes summoner with the guiding ring I got in chapter 14 and I work his staff rank up to A. Knoll does so as well. Duessel hits S axes for Garm.

| Wasting time is so much fun. :dry: Damn my completionist tendencies. If +atk supports don't do anything for staff range... :(:



LutexKnoll        A 
SalehxEwan        A
FranzxSeth        A
TethysxEwan       A 
DuesselxEphraim   A
EirikaxSaleh      B
DuesselxKnoll     B
SalehxMyrrh       B 
SethxEirika       B 
EphraimxEirika    C

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Chapter 16: 4 turns

I used Saleh to warp shit across the map. Knoll warped backup shit across the map. Duessel gets ALL THE STATBOOSTERS. GHaar'm is the best ;>

Chapter 17: 3 turns

hellooo Syrene. hi warp squad

Chapter 18: 6 turns

Hello warp squad, hello hammerne. hello Syrene, thanks for flying. Joshua finally gets to kill things reliably for the first time since like, chapter 13 :/

Chapter 19: 3 turns

Warped shit to the speedwings and bolting chest, Duessel killed Riev with a crit. lolDuessel is manry.

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