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Alternate events on different difficulties?


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I have no idea if this falls under Event Assembler (quite possibly) or ASM hacking (also a possibility) so I'm not asking in the event assembler topic just to be safe. Essentially what I want to do is what Radiant Dawn is, on a 'Clear Game' there are different choices and events to be unlocked, Except instead of tying them to a clear game, tying them to Hard Mode. So for example, not something I'm saying I'll do, but making it so Zephiel joins you on a clear game, and then that alters the storyline (due to his presence). I have no idea what kind of hacking this falls under so... has anyone attempted this?

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It's actually as Nintenlord said. FE8 -does- have a Hard Mode check, but I've only seen it(or have noticed it) utilized once in Chapter 9 Eirika. Certain units are only loaded if Hard Mode is played, but hell if I could figure out the code the game calls for in that scenario. :<

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