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Fire Emblem "What If" rebirth


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Also, I think this thread is kind of old, so I'm not sure anybody should actually be posting in it.

What do you mean "should" be posting? Is there a rule saying not to post in threads that haven't been that active in a while?

If Fire Emblem was an RTS, I guess the entire fanbase would be different! I have alot of RTS-loving mates, and a few TBS-loving friends, and we all have our differing expectations when it comes to gaming.

What if somehow the citizens of Magvel and Elibe clashed?

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FE7 VS. FE8, that's what.

Captain obvious to the rescue!

What if the characters from Gaiden interacted with all the characters from FE:SD in a full length story (Awakening doesn't count)?

Gaiden Vs. FE:SD, that's what.


Edited by Chainsaw Police
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He is.

Hahahaha oh my god.

Oh my god.

That was the joke.

The fact that Lucius looks extremely feminine leads some to initially think that he is female, almost like when you see someone on the street and you can't tell whether or not they're a man or a woman, and you eventually have a little chuckle afterwards upon realising that person's gender.

Are you really that thick?

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Yes, I just didn't want to play along with it because I didn't find it funny.

oh snap

Also because you didn't properly answer my question. Not a big deal but since you didn't "play along" with my scenario, I just returned the favor.

oh snap

i dunno how to answer your question anyway, i've never played any titles with a Soren in it.

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That's not a spoiler, it's okay, you don't have to hide it! :P

If her stats were adjusted to fit, then she'd be at least remotely usable and would have Staff utility on her side.

If her bases remained the same or only gained promotion bonuses then she'd might be even worse (being one of the worst combat characters in the series, going by raw numbers) or possibly marginally better (she'd STILL start with Staffs, after all).

What if FE3/5 characters dismounted to use their primary weapon type (when it's not Swords, i.e. Fin and Brighton use Lances and Axes on foot, respectively)?

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The Gradivus would actually be useful, and you'd have an incentive to take lances tobthe final chapter?

What if both Ike and Soren were both girls? What if you could recruit a pirate unit in FE3?

Edited by Lieutenant Colonel Kalas
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Then, he'd probably would be as good as either of the fighters, considering that they don't promote. Last I recall anyway.

What if Soldiers were actually playable from FEs 3-8 and had their own class tree? (Not counting Amelia because while she sort of is one, she can go Cav or AK, and ultimitely go GK, Gen, and Pallie as well.)

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If there was a competent one in FE3 or 5, they'd get a lot of use simply for having Lance access indoors.

They'd see little use in FE4 due to basically having most of the same problems as Axe Fighters in-game.

In 6-8 they'd be roughly as good as in Tellius.

What if ALL Lords (excepting Sigurd since he's a prepromote) promoted normally, like Krom, Lucina and Celice?

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He'd be like Hector, except with worse stats and maining Lances, perhaps in exchange for a more normal promotion time (or just promoting normally). Definitely not as bad as his Vanilla self would suggest!

What if growth rates were displayed on the stat-screen?

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Then we'd probably have more casuals thinking that they told everything about a unit.

What if there were final bosses that had more than one phase during their battle? Like what Ashnard had, but somewhat handled differently.

[spoiler=For example]When you fight Idun, she starts off in her human form, and she's a Druid or a similar class armed with a Prf rank Dark Tome. After her health reaches zero, she transforms into her Demonic Dragon form, and you have to defeat her a second time.

Edited by Little Al
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Plot wouldn't be as interesting?

What if there was a mechanic in FE where if an attacker had low enough accuracy, they actually have a chance of hitting the person next to them, even if they (attacker and unfortunate victim) were on the same side?

Edited by Lieutenant Colonel Kalas
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What if there were final bosses that had more than one phase during their battle? Like what Ashnard had, but somewhat handled differently.

[spoiler=For example]When you fight Idun, she starts off in her human form, and she's a Druid or a similar class armed with a Prf rank Dark Tome. After her health reaches zero, she transforms into her Demonic Dragon form, and you have to defeat her a second time.

Wasn't FE7 like this? And FE8?

First boss (usually a druid/dark mage of some sort after ploughing through a barrage of pawns), then second boss (a dragon/demon. Consistency, folks).

Edited by Chainsaw Police
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Plot wouldn't be as interesting?

What if there was a mechanic in FE where if an attacker had low enough accuracy, they actually have a chance of hitting the person next to them, even if they (attacker and unfortunate victim) were on the same side?

That would make for another dodgy Devil Axe-esque moment.

What if magic was only a ranged form of attack?

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That would make for another dodgy Devil Axe-esque moment.

What if magic was only a ranged form of attack?

Can't decide if that would be annoying of if there would be no change to how I use it... Hrm. Good question.

What if Sigurd had gotten the chance to...

... fight Manfloy?

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