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Fire Emblem "What If" rebirth


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Can't decide if that would be annoying of if there would be no change to how I use it... Hrm. Good question.

What if Sigurd had gotten the chance to...

... fight Manfloy?

Manfloy would die due to the power of darkness fading away.

What if...

In the chapter where Ike's group fight Miciaih's on the river type thing Ranulf indeed managed to take off the black knights helmet and prove to everyone that he was in fact General Zelgius

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Manfloy would die due to the power of darkness fading away.

What if...

In the chapter where Ike's group fight Miciaih's on the river type thing Ranulf indeed managed to take off the black knights helmet and prove to everyone that he was in fact General Zelgius


What if Roy actually promoted at a decent time?

Edited by Chainsaw Police
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Wasn't FE7 like this? And FE8?

First boss (usually a druid/dark mage of some sort after ploughing through a barrage of pawns), then second boss (a dragon/demon. Consistency, folks).

Both cases aren't exactly fighting the same person twice. FE8, maybe.

But that's because of the way Lyon's Demonic Possession was handled.

I already mentioned that I was thinking more along the lines of Ashnard rather than those two.

@Question: Pretty much overlaps with Crash's question about every Lord having the same promotion type Celice, Krom, and Masked Marth all have. And I repeat part of the answer given by saying Roy wouldn't get as much flak as he does right now for starters.

What if some promotions in the GBA games excluding FE8 were character based instead of class based? Like Lilina becoming a Mage Knight instead of a Sage, and Lott becoming a Hero instead of a Warrior?

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Both cases aren't exactly fighting the same person twice. FE8, maybe.

But that's because of the way Lyon's Demonic Possession was handled.

I already mentioned that I was thinking more along the lines of Ashnard rather than those two.

Haha, gameplay-wise it's still the same - fight one guy, then immediately go on to fight another!

@Question: Pretty much overlaps with Crash's question about every Lord having the same promotion type Celice, Krom, and Masked Marth all have.

I don't see how...

Roy wouldn't get as much flak as he does right now for starters

What would happen gameplay-wise? All these "then people would play the game differently, huhuhuhu" answers are stupid - of course the game will be played differently! Don't need another captain obvious!

\What if FE had Eastern mythology references instead of Western mythology?

As far as I'm concerned, the names don't tie in to the story -that- much. If I were to change every instance of the word 'Forblaze' in FE7 to Kagu-tsuchi (The Japanese kami/god/spirit of fire, among other things), I don't think there'd be much difference plot-wise.

It would probably make for more translation errors, though. Japanese is one of those languages that translates really poorly back and forth into English!

Quick thought: Did the original Japanese translation of FE7 use Eastern references before the official translation? I was just thinking, maybe they changes around the references for ease of reading and translation!

What if the legendary/sacred weapons in FEs 6 through 8 all had only ten uses? (bar Latona, keep it at three)

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Haha, gameplay-wise it's still the same - fight one guy, then immediately go on to fight another!

Doesn't have the same feel as like say going from fighting Bizarro Sephiroth to Safer Sephiroth. Just saying. Besides, FE final bosses were generally anticlimactic, with the exception of Medeus, Julius, and maybe Ashera.
I don't see how.
:facepalm: Celice, Krom, and Masked Marth all have normal promotions, and can promote ASAP. Celice just needs to hit level 20 and to take a trip back to the home base to promote. While Krom and Masked Marth simply need a Master Seal. One could argue the Renais Twins as well as Lyn, Eliwood Mode Hector, and Hector Mode Eliwood as being able to do the same, but there's the issue that the Solar Brace, Lunar Brace, and the Heaven Seals aren't exactly available whenever either character should be ready to promote as opposed to Master Seals. Compare that to how Roy, Ike, Micaiah, or FE10 Sothe promotes.
What would happen gameplay-wise? All these "then people would play the game differently, huhuhuhu" answers are stupid - of course the game will be played differently! Don't need another captain obvious!
Excuse me for not being creative. It's just that a late promotion is one of the biggest reasons, if not THE biggest reason, that people tend to rag on Roy. Roy would be better if his promotion was earlier, but how much better is the question. Obviously, he's not gonna be on the level of Rutger, Deke, Percival, or Miledy. And of course his Master Lord class being describable as a Swordmaster without the crit or a Hero without axes with none of the stats that makes either class good doesn't exactly help. But some sort of gauge on the performance increase of the worst Lord in the series would be helpful.

@ your quick thought thing: FE always had references to Western Mythology.

Edited by Little Al
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