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FE8: Now with FE6's Hit Rates!


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Want to see what FE8 would have been like with FE6's hit rates? Want to rage at Franz missing two Javelin throws (again)? This is the patch for you! It changes every weapon's hit (and some weapon MT) to what it was in FE6, much to the chagrin of Garcia and Ross. For weapons that weren't in FE6, I approximated. Magic weight is also lowered across the board, just like it was in FE6.

Also, Gilliam starts at Lv. 1, and GKs have 7 move. That's just two things that irritated me about vanilla that I just fixed. Will Lute finally be better than Artur? Will Garcia be relegated to obscurity? Will you rage at Gerik's Steel Blade? Does Eirika's Rapier suck as much as Roy's? Is Joshua just too good with +30 crit rather than 15? Play to find out!

Sacred Stones FE6 Hit Rates.zip

Edited by Venusaur
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It would be funny it if you made SMs and Berserkers have +30% Hit. Suddenly Joshua, Ross and Dozla are more useful.

It's worth a try.

Well, I wouldn't add to their HIT (because everyone should suffer in this patch), but I could easily do +30 rather than +15 crit. Should I throw that in too?

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Ahaha I love it

Except that FE6 tome weights were just stupid, because they meant huge penalties for dark magic and more or less utter irrelevance for light and anima. And I mean come on, Knoll is like the last guy who needs a nerf.

Also could you make it so that thrones have 3 def and 30 avoid and give killer weapons to a bunch of random bosses please, and switch the reavers in the Ch17 shop for silvers

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I'm actually interested in this. What versions of the game are supported? Please say the (E)....

I edited the (U) version, but it might work with (E), it's not like I edited whole chapters or anything, so it just might work.

Ahaha I love it

Except that FE6 tome weights were just stupid, because they meant huge penalties for dark magic and more or less utter irrelevance for light and anima. And I mean come on, Knoll is like the last guy who needs a nerf.

Also could you make it so that thrones have 3 def and 30 avoid and give killer weapons to a bunch of random bosses please, and switch the reavers in the Ch17 shop for silvers

Well, Dark tomes are lighter too, so Knoll isn't left out entirely. Nosferatu in particular has little (if none, I can't remember Knoll's CON) penalty now. I'll try to edit in the FE6 throne bonuses, because this needs more misses and rage, right? :awesome:

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Lol you can just C/P the tables from Nightmare into the (E) game. I'd assume the tables are the same, since they don't require any linguistics.

Edit: ah one minute. My good deed for the day~

Edit 2: :( It doesn't seem to be structured the same way, and I dunno if anybody even knows how the (E) rom might store class and item data :/

Edited by Jubby
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Lol you can just C/P the tables from Nightmare into the (E) game. I'd assume the tables are the same, since they don't require any linguistics.

Edit: ah one minute. My good deed for the day~

Edit 2: :( It doesn't seem to be structured the same way, and I dunno if anybody even knows how the (E) rom might store class and item data :/

It was probably just shifted somewhere else in the ROM. Reorganizing data is pretty common in situations like these, especially when the localization team is trying to squeeze in an extra four or five scripts without increasing the size of the cart itself (thus increasing production costs D: )

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I don't think so, it must be set up somewhat differently;

I went to the offset of the class table, then copy-pasted 20 or so bytes, and did a search in the EU rom for those bytes, but it didn't come up with anything :/ It could be 'cause text slots would be different, though, and there's pointers for those in the class data... I may give it another go tomorrow, depending on how much time I have.

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I'll make a (E) version of this, don't worry. It shouldn't be too hard, as I can just have both open at once in Nightmare. Should be done by tommorrow, as I have a 4 hour car ride, and this would be great to get done during it.

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Location of the item table in the (E) ROM: F05DD0

@OP: Nightmare Module attached. Enjoy.

I'll give you the character module later on.

Lol you can just C/P the tables from Nightmare into the (E) game. I'd assume the tables are the same, since they don't require any linguistics.

Edit: ah one minute. My good deed for the day~

Edit 2: :( It doesn't seem to be structured the same way, and I dunno if anybody even knows how the (E) rom might store class and item data :/

It's the same structure... it's just the TEXT indexes are different.

Item editors FE8 (With One Europe Module).zip

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Thanks shadowofchaos. Hopefully this will speed along the (E) patch.

Non, je ne peux pas le parler.


His oint is, you can clearly read and write english very well, so what's the big deal about getting it in french? Seems stupid to me too, actually.

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Because I'd prefer to use my French over my English. I've been replaying some of the Fire Emblems in French as some basic use. I'd rather not spend an entire game in English, when I could spend it in French--I'd also like to try this patch out. Efficiently, I would do both at the same time.

Separating between capability and desire is the point.

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@OP: Nightmare Module attached. Enjoy.

I'll give you the character module later on.

Truth be told I wasn't sure if I would have been able to do it, but with this I can. Thanks, I'll get this out as soon as possible.

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Oh, pretty please~~

alors, pourquoi ne joue-toi pas FE8 en francais

Oh! I do. Only, I haven't finished it (FE8's) yet, and I like the more difficult hit rates of FE6. I'm willing to restart my playthrough and use this patch. And that is my preference, really :newyears:

Also, I play myself...?

Edited by Celice
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