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FE8: Now with FE6's Hit Rates!


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Does the (U) contain a French script?

I wasn't aware you only spoke french, my mistake monsieur

Honestly lol, he didn't change the script do if you want to "practice your french" or whatever, just play the normal game in french

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Well, do you really NEED them? Kinda lazy to find the character table at the moment.

No, you don't have to, I'm fine with what I've released. Still, thanks for that (E) Item Editor.

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(E) Sacred Stones FE6 Hit Rates.zip

No Gilliam/GK changes, but it's more pure that way, I guess?

Thankies! If you happen to add in the other stuff, that's cool, but I'll enjoy this as it is.

Honestly lol, he didn't change the script do if you want to "practice your french" or whatever, just play the normal game in french

Your comprehension seems to be limited to a linear axis :( Refer to my post above for the actuality of the situation, not a (your) compartment of it.

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Oh my! My favorite Fire Emblem game made more challenging? This sounds like fun! =D

On that note, will there be any more modifications to the difficulty of the game? I'd like to see monsters beefed up a bit in all honesty. Grinding is too easy in Sacred Stones, and while we grinders will find a way anyway, I like to feel like I've worked for my overpoweredness.

Edited by Sophia Aetheria
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Oh my! My favorite Fire Emblem game made more challenging? This sounds like fun! =D

On that note, will there be any more modifications to the difficulty of the game? I'd like to see monsters beefed up a bit in all honesty. Grinding is too easy in Sacred Stones, and while we grinders will find a way anyway, I like to feel like I've worked for my overpoweredness.

Well, I wasn't really planning on it, but I guess I could try something when I have free time. I'm not too experienced at balancing, but I could still try.

I wonder if HM bonuses for recruitable enemies would be too broken?

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Well, Dark tomes are lighter too, so Knoll isn't left out entirely. Nosferatu in particular has little (if none, I can't remember Knoll's CON) penalty now. I'll try to edit in the FE6 throne bonuses, because this needs more misses and rage, right? :awesome:

Ahh, right, I forgot that the real reason FE6 dark tomes weigh down FE6 dark users is that FE6 dark users don't get better CON than other magic users like how it works in 7 and 8 :/ Knoll's CON is 7, so no penalty.

But I mean seriously, what's even the point of having things with a wt of 1 or 2 when the only 1-con character is Fa

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Nooooooot really, my point still stands lol

The text is unchanged.

He doesn't want to have to play this patch in English to play this patch, and simultaneously play the original in French so that he can play FE8 in French. He wants to patch the multi-language version so that he can have both experiences without playing two separate ROMs.

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I think that Cormag and Joshua are already pretty good and don't need a statistical buff. Cormag already is a match for HHM Heath, and Joshua a match for HHM Guy.

It's probably best to give a small buff to the base stats and growths of monsters. Possibly a CON buff too, since many of them are weighed down. You could also replace the Steel weapons they carry with Silver weapons; this is probably the best improvement you could make, but it would probably take a while to go through them all.

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