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Matthew likes dodging.

The lack of sound in the video is due to me listening to my pandora so I muted the in-game music and the VBA recorder doesn't record sound outside of the game.

Edited by Austin LePurple
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  • 2 weeks later...

If this statement is true, then why did you have Knoll attack in the first place?

Well, I had savestated before hand since this playthrough's not on a GBA, so I could just reload right back where I left off when the inevitable response happened. And besides, sometimes I'm wrong and it does go through right. Better to try and get a video than to not try at all, right? Right? okay so maybe I just like being right okay

In related news, I was going through the final chapter when this happens. Sure, the poison would have likely killed him anyways, but come on, a 1% crit off of a 39% hit chance? Now that's just rubbing salt on the wound...

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I think I have a winner:

But wait! Here comes the backstory!

<MrMystery> ST218: should I pass cuan's javelin to someone else?

<MrMystery> nah, I think i'll wait til near the end or chapter 3

<ST218> Fin has the Hero Lance, so the Javelin is wasted on him

<ST218> and Fury doesn't have the strength to use it well (she's best with a bunch of effective weaponry, honestly)

<ST218> whereas Cuan has the strength to use it well in a pinch

<ST218> oh, yeah, I suppose Sigurd is capable of using it, but...

<ST218> if he's using anything but his Silver Sword you're doing it wrong

Edited by Rambo M
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  • 2 weeks later...

Not exactly Fire Emblem.......but close enough. TearRing Saga is brought to you by one of the creative minds behind the first five in the series, and it plays like a Fire Emblem in everything but name.

The obligatory massive cash winnar at the gambling mini-game!

Edited by FabledTome
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Sacred Stones' large penultimate chapter finished in 2 turns, on hard mode:

No stat boosters, tower, arena, etc. Ephraim and Vanessa had turned out very well for mass enemy bait subjects, but that's to be expected with their good bases/growths/classes etc. Even so, they got beat up real fierce on the only turn the enemy got. I think there was something of an element of luck still involved in this result even with careful positioning and barrier staff/pure water application. I daresay Cormag might have died had he taken Vanessa's place simply due to his resistance being gutter trash. He very well might have not slain as many enemies as Vanessa either given his inferior attack speed, even with a killer weapon equipped.

As for the length of this, about half of it is merely the usual plot (with text set to fastest scrolling) just to make it seem more of a complete presentation to any viewer, I guess.

Edited by FabledTome
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