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Oh yes, I've never talked to BOPs about sports much. Mike Brown is a horrible offensive coach, but I'm hoping we can just win the west due to our size and Kobe being Kobe.(Our chances are pretty good too) Pau just needs to get the ball and be aggressive, he's an amazing player.

He has intelligent opinions when it comes to basketball haha. Man Pau is everything you want in a big man, he's just too soft mentally sometimes. Someone has to figure out how to get him to play his hardest at all times and forget the distractions.

Yeah it's hard with injuries because the Grizz were without Z-Bo so long.

And last year they didn't even have Rudy Gay, their superstar. It's gonna be interesting to see what they do in the playoffs this year. They'll need Tony Allen to be completely healthy as well though for dat defense.

I guess Duncan proved he can still turn the clock back for a night or two. The Spurs have swept the Grizz this year, expect them to win in the playoffs too.(Even though the matchups aren't great, they've got superior talent and coaching.)

Agreed. Pop is too good (learned that 2005 :/) to lose to the same team twice. How has Manu played this year? I haven't heard of him in a while. I do know that Dejuan Blair is doing well though, and Tony Parker is still as good as ever.

Yes, this is also true. BPA is good if you're either really good or really bad.

I think for the most part, BPA is the way to go when it comes to the NFL Draft. I think of it as drafting the highest overall in madden vs. drafting the highest overall at a certain position. Wouldn't you rather get the 80 DE over the 72 LT, even though you need an LT more than a DE? Just an example but you get the idea.

Our secondary is rough after Joseph, I think we cut Jason Allen,(Our #2 corner) so it's up to Kareem Jackson.(He's awful) Our FS is Glover Quin, he's fine. It's really all about the pass rush and Brian Cushing's general awesome-ness.

Joseph can only cover half the field, it's up to the other guys to step up. It's like with the Lions. Houston does a good job usually shutting down who he covers, but everyone else screws up and we would still get killed through the air.

Sadly, he's still getting a paycheck from the TankBlazers. Rockets traded him, Flynn and a second rounder for Camby.

Ahhh I see. I actually thought I saw him a couple days ago when I was flipping through channels and the Portland game was on. I didn't watch the game for long, and he wasn't in, so I wasn't sure, but you can recognize that ugly mug from anywhere haha. Sounds like a solid trade though. Scrubs + potential scrub for a solid C but aging. Is he signed after this year though?

I agree he'll be better than Luc, that's probably he's floor. He could be a perennial all star with good development. I could see PJ3 ending up on a team like New Orleans with 2 lottery picks who needs to hit a home run on something.

That actually sounds like an ideal fit for him tbh. NO really got screwed over by the NBA imo. Eric Gordon doesn't look as good as he was supposed to.

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He has intelligent opinions when it comes to basketball haha. Man Pau is everything you want in a big man, he's just too soft mentally sometimes. Someone has to figure out how to get him to play his hardest at all times and forget the distractions.

I don't think that's the biggest problem, it's just finding touches for him where he can be effective. We put Bynum down low a lot, an area where Pau is also very good. So it's difficult for both of them sometimes.

And last year they didn't even have Rudy Gay, their superstar. It's gonna be interesting to see what they do in the playoffs this year. They'll need Tony Allen to be completely healthy as well though for dat defense.

I wouldn't call Rudy Gay a superstar, and Z-Bo is definitely better, but he is really good. That team really struggles to hit 3's, OJ Mayo is big for them.

Agreed. Pop is too good (learned that 2005 :/) to lose to the same team twice. How has Manu played this year? I haven't heard of him in a while. I do know that Dejuan Blair is doing well though, and Tony Parker is still as good as ever.

Manu is struggling finding his groove and coming back from that injury, I think he's gonna go off on a team in the first or second round of the playoffs.

I think for the most part, BPA is the way to go when it comes to the NFL Draft. I think of it as drafting the highest overall in madden vs. drafting the highest overall at a certain position. Wouldn't you rather get the 80 DE over the 72 LT, even though you need an LT more than a DE? Just an example but you get the idea.

Yeah, but often you will have a very big hole in a certain area and need somebody to fill it up. FA and trades don't always work out.

Joseph can only cover half the field, it's up to the other guys to step up. It's like with the Lions. Houston does a good job usually shutting down who he covers, but everyone else screws up and we would still get killed through the air.

Joseph covers his guy, but that allows safety help to be moved to the guy defending the #2 receiver. And how many #2's can beat double coverage?

Ahhh I see. I actually thought I saw him a couple days ago when I was flipping through channels and the Portland game was on. I didn't watch the game for long, and he wasn't in, so I wasn't sure, but you can recognize that ugly mug from anywhere haha. Sounds like a solid trade though. Scrubs + potential scrub for a solid C but aging. Is he signed after this year though?

Camby is signed and wants to play 3 or 4 more years. Right now he's in great shape.

That actually sounds like an ideal fit for him tbh. NO really got screwed over by the NBA imo. Eric Gordon doesn't look as good as he was supposed to.

Goran Dragic, Martin, Scola and a first rounder With the corpse of Lamar Odom is much better than Eric Gordon and Minny's first rounder. The NBA really fucked that one up.

The tourist destination of a lifetime; VIRGINIA BEACH, VA!!!11!1


That pic makes it look shitty.

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Fuck man I swear I replied to this days ago. Oh well, I'll try again.

I don't think that's the biggest problem, it's just finding touches for him where he can be effective. We put Bynum down low a lot, an area where Pau is also very good. So it's difficult for both of them sometimes.

Ah that could be it as well. Can't Pau hit a jumper too though?

I wouldn't call Rudy Gay a superstar, and Z-Bo is definitely better, but he is really good. That team really struggles to hit 3's, OJ Mayo is big for them.

You're right, superstar is pushing it, but I think he's like Monta Ellis - really lowkey good player. I haven't seen him play in a while, but when I have he seems to always light it up.

Manu is struggling finding his groove and coming back from that injury, I think he's gonna go off on a team in the first or second round of the playoffs.

Ahh I see. He's a killer in the playoffs. Best second round pick ever?

Yeah, but often you will have a very big hole in a certain area and need somebody to fill it up. FA and trades don't always work out.

Well I did say "most of the time" lol. It's pretty rare that you have THAT big of a hole and don't find a way of filling it before the draft anyway. But you're right.

Joseph covers his guy, but that allows safety help to be moved to the guy defending the #2 receiver. And how many #2's can beat double coverage?

True true. But what about when the opponent starts using 3 wr sets or more and you have to start using nickel coverage? That's when the holes are seen.

Camby is signed and wants to play 3 or 4 more years. Right now he's in great shape.

Nice. I always thought he was a solid center, which are pretty hard to find these days. You guys are fine for a few more years then. Who's your small forward btw? Is it still Terrance Williams?

Goran Dragic, Martin, Scola and a first rounder With the corpse of Lamar Odom is much better than Eric Gordon and Minny's first rounder. The NBA really fucked that one up.

They're all pretty solid players except Odom, and could have made the Hornets contenders. Instead the NBA attempted to rebuild for the long term, and failed miserably.

Edited by Helios
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