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Help with designing maps?


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Over the past couple days, i was able to learn how to create maps, insert them, as well as how to insert music. The problem is, I am HORRIBLE with mapping.

So far i have inserted 2 maps, the first was fairly decent, the second was horrific. The first one was a simple river near a castle, with some nearby forrest. The second was the interior of said castle, and it just came out WRONG. I started working on a third map, but this is where i realized how bad i am. I cannot figure out how to make a simple mountain, even following existing maps as examples i can't do it. The tilesets i was able to find look mostly jumbled up in both mapping programs i have (mappy, tiled) and i simply can't get a feel for them. I also have a problem with the grass patterns. You know, to make the maps not boring? I always end up repeating a pattern, or it will look differently once i actually put the map into the game. (like how some tiles in the castle map clashed fine in the editor, but looked like shit together in the actual game)

I was hoping to find a tutorial somewhere on map design, but all i came across were some vague tips, nothing that helped me. Since i don't want my hack to be filled with mediocre maps thoughout, I was wondering if anybody knows of a tutorial that could help me, or has some more specific tips for my issue. For now, I will keep practicing. Mostly its frustrating how some tiles are so similar to each other, yet so different.

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The mountain tiles are not as jumbled as you think.They are organized around a somewhat-consistent pattern, you just need to become aware of it. Then you need to realize how, if you're wanting to imitate, the games actually use these tiles to create a span of mountains.

If you're worried over the plain grass tile, there is actaully only one or two, or something like that. The rest are very finely-shaded "hilly" tiles where the terrain is warped (FE4 had these more pronounced). One thing you can do is to create a small patch of a design that you agree with, then select that patch and paint it all over the map, alternating now and then to shake up the repetition, if any is noticeable.

Your best method to learning is, again, if you want to emulate the style of the actual games, is to see how their maps are comprised. Beyond that, do a sketch-version of the map where you place a single generic tile for what you want, then go back and detail over things once you think you have what you want. Some people prefer this method overall.

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I'm stunned nobody has suggested reading my buddy Prime's mapping tutorial. It's a ton of help for fledgling mappers! I only gave the link to the tutorial on my site because I can't find the one on SF, assuming it's even here?

I find it hilarious that you linked us to a tutorial hosted on your forum that requires us to register to see the images. Hm, I can't imagine why...

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Wait, really? Well fuck. That must be because of Forumotion.

And instead of a pointless troll post, you might have tried linking to the tutorial on this site, assuming it's here.

You should probably take your own advice... you're not really helping just by doing that then.


@OP: Here you go. Primefusion's mapping tutorial.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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