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Obscure Word of the Day #6


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Fizgig (Possibly from fise (A breaking of wind) and gig (girl).)

n. A woman who flirts and gads about.

Girl A: "Did you see that fat scene chick in the bar last night who was smacking her plump orange lips and batting her fake eyelashes at that hella hot guy?"

Girl B: "Oh my god, like yeah, I totes did! She was such a dumb fizgig!"

Girl A: "A what?"

Girl B: "Huh?"

Girl A: "Um, like, I forgot. Wanna go get a skinny martini from Lechino's?"

Girl B: "Oh my god, like, yeah! Let's go!"

*ensue the TAP TAP TAPS of their 5-inch wedge heels and the JINGLE JINGLE JANGLING of their dangling bracelets*


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When I see fizgig, all I can assume is that there is a party with spiked soft drinks somewhere. On a serious note... that's a pretty cool word! I don't know that I'll find much use for it normal conversations though, even with my exceedingly nerdy girlfriend. x3

I think we have linked brains because I was totally thinking the same thing. :U

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