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Rate the Unit, Day 47: Douglas

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can't hit the broad side of a barn

can't even double base Barf

has the con to use axes but doesn't have the con to be rescued

5 move

fuck Douglas you guys are off your fucking rockers rating him as high as you have .5/10

Edited by Dark Sage
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I agree Douglas is miserable crap with offensive accuracy, movement and all-around potential to match, but not bottom of the barrel crap. A one star rating is nothing to be proud of. It's joke territory.

Nobody cares about any of these fucking low tiers who don't mean business in the field at the end of the day (as in IRL) anyway, that much is true. I don't......but, BUT! even among low tiers I think he still has more going for him out of the box than the likes of faggoty Wolt and his faggoty "I always lose stats to nublet enemy archers" chip, like having the savvy not to waste your time getting him to any kind of promotion and having a starting defense to match Percival's starting attack speed.......and possibly TWO brave weapons to hoard, whereas swordmasters are 'lucky' enough to get screwed out of the one they could possibly wield.

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Wilt contributes a free service during a forced period of time and when the team's offense boils down to Marcus. Douglas comes when just about everyone can be a mount or foot units with superior combat stats. They join in almost two different parallels.

Also Wolt isn't a faggot...

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He joins at an annoying chapter; ugh... those stupid falling stars and Purge/Bolting tomes paired with Berserk tomes everywhere!

His MOV hurts him; and Mages bites his ass hard, otherwise... Most things will go "TINK" on him!


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