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I.M. Gei

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MJEmirzian (or whatever his name is) is basically like that, all the time, from my experience. Alternates between funny and annoying. Seems like he pretty much goes out of his way to be like that. However, his FM4 guide was pretty useful/well put together for some of the war room missions (not so much to beat them as to beat them fast enough to unlock new ones), which is surprising considering how mediocre his FE10 guide is. Anyway, I guess I'm thankful for that.

He didn't really act like everyone was out to get him though, whoever that was labeling him as paranoid should quit playing armchair psychologist. Intensely or stupidly critical/hostile =/= paranoid. Even if you hate everyone else on Earth (which we don't have any particular reason to conclude for MJ), you're not necessarily paranoid, just a misanthrope. The user throwing psych labels at MJ was being rude and condescending too, especially after suggesting professional help. Not to say MJ's outbursts on that topic made any sense or were justified.

It's too soon to tell. The player will likely have access to imbalanced features like grinding, DLC items, rainbow pots, etc. to significantly reduce difficulty. I'm pretty sure there's no scoring system as the game has been completed several times by now with no mention of it on any JP wikis.

Any challenge you're going to get will be player defined with the usual socially stunted elitist insults and name calling over what game features should be allowed or not. The FE elitist community is like an insular anti-social high school debate club that lost its manners.

Actually, the BEST part about his post, IMO, is this: is it too soon to tell, or isn't it? MJ goes both ways - it is too soon for all the other stupid posters in the topic to tell, but he is smart enough to figure it out.

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I almost died of laughter with the psych diagnosis (especially since I just finished a chapter in my AP psych book).

But what the hell does it matter most people act condescending on the internet at times anyway.

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