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How good would Shinon be if...

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...if he never left the party, giving him the early chapters to be useful, a chance to grow and make use of his excellent growth rates and his recruitment not being inefficient, postponed and pointless due to him always being there?

Now, you still have a character with mediocre, unreliable offence for a prepromote, and you still lack an enemy phase with his bowlock. But you have a foot unit with excellent mobility who isn't too unlikely to score ORKOs with a Killer Bow equipped, and who doesn't have trouble keeping up with the mobile mounted units.

If Shinon stayed the whole time, what kind of utility would he contribute? Earlygame only or long-term as well? Where would he appear on the tier list?

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Shinon staying would make Rolf's presence obsolete, and he'd at least be in lower-mid tier or even mid-tier, IMO.

He'd have some use in later chapters, especially the ones where wyverns start spawning everywhere.

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He'd still be mediocre. The only real contributions he'd make are in chapter 12, where sniping Ravens could be useful, possibly chapter 13 with it's tight space, and... I think that's about it. He'd have a chance to put his growths to use, a little, but I doubt it'd be enough for him to rise more than a few places on the tier list, since his current position is based pretty much on earlygame utility, and he would still lose that rapidly over the next few chapters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Shinon's growth rates are outstanding, and if one were willing to get Rolf to 20/20, (which I was on easy mode during my first playthrouhg) Shinon will actually be slihgtly worse on average. However, it's really only if your willing to train Rolf, and if you promote him at level 20 mor close to it. If Shinon could Jagen early on and gain the experience to not be left behind by the time other units promote, he'd be amazing. 9Bow-lock could still screw him over, and stop him from being another Seth)

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I would say mid tier easily. While I am far from a tier list debater, I could imagine a good argument for this hypothetical Shinon being between the various myrmidons and the beginning of the mages. I'd probably say right above Mia and Zihark if I had to guess. Assuming that Shinon gained just half a level per chapter, he could probably be close to level 3 when the map Mia joins the game ends and with equal amounts of BEXP being given to them Shinon would still probably be winning offensively. By the time Zihark joined our sniper could possibly be up to level 5 (assuming little to no BEXP, maybe 6+ with a decent infusion of BEXP) and probably doing better than the other swordie for that chapter too. Then we have a chapter full of ravens that Shinon could 1RKO with iron bows even and then once we get to Begnion he'd still have some good usage against the bird tribe in the desert and chipping against the sturdier opponents. By the time that most characters are promoting, around Chapter 17-18, then Shinon could be around level 8 or so easily which means he'll still be doubling, but without forges or crits wont be 1RKOing much of anything that isn't flying anymore. I'd say that around this point you could argue that Mia and Zihark could overtake Shinon's usefulness but you have to ask yourself, what is better a Shinon who has made early game significantly easier and is passable lategame or a set of characters that are passable early game and grow better endgame.

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Base level Shinon's offense against hard mode chapter 12-13 Ravens:


10-11 damage @ 91-98 displayed hit (98.47 - 99.94 true hit), 21-22 crit


16-17 damage @ 76-83 displayed hit (88.72 - 94.39 true hit), 21-22 crit


20-21 damage @ 91-98 displayed hit (98.47 - 99.94 true hit), 21-22 crit

Ravens have 28-31 HP.

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Okay, you FE theorists, try yer hand at this:

Where would Shinon be on the tier list if...

1. Shinon didn't leave the Greil Mercenaries.

2. A Silver Bow is added to Shinon's starting inventory.

3. The Double Bow is now the same as its FE10 reincarnation.

4. Shinon replaces Oscar in Ike's support list.

5. Shinon's initial skill is now Paragon instead of Provoke.

6. Titania suddenly transforms into a Valkyrie with the same stats as 10/1 Mist with C Staff and E Sword.

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