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What exactly makes a good unit "good"?

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Yeah, I beat that chapter in 8 turns. You just gotta run like mad through that central treasure room.

Here are the notes I recorded as I did that chapter.

Maybe you'll find them helpful. Maybe.


Double Heroes + Reinforcements:

The double Heroes past the Thief are having a romantic moment and do not move until you are placed right in front of them.

Going in front of them will also make the 2 Heroes, Warrior and Sniper farther down begin to move.

Additionally, the southeast room will open and reinforcements will appear. The ARRRRGGGHHHH DAMMIT IT TO HELL Paladin swarm in the east also begins. Enemies will start slaughtering and butchering Midia.

Enemies around northern prison room:

They are all independent move-if-in-range. However, they will not pursue your units if you enter their range and then leave.


Rescued Midia should reach into Marth's pants and retrieve a Door Key. She can open the central room door since there is literally nothing else useful she can do.

Longbow Sniper in central room:

The Longbow Sniper in the central room will move to attack, but he can't attack where the General/Sage are standing. However, you are still in his range so he will move forward anyways - which you want him to do so it will be easier to bash his skull in when you storm the central room.

While in the central room:

There's a space on the right wall where a Spear Paladin from outside can attack you, so please don't get killed by that. I AM LOOKING AT YOU KATARINA!

Enemies near Hardin:

The Sage will move to attack your units.

The Sniper appears not to move unless you attack him or piss off the Sorcerer.

The Sorcerer will move to attack your units, which then appears to piss off the Sniper.

This whole chapter pisses me off!

Attacking Hardin:

On the previous turn, have Super Sexy Berserker Barst (STARSPHERE, LIGHTSPHERE) stand on the chest 3 spaces above the stupid pissy Sorcerer.

Sorcerer Gryz should wait 1 space left of Barst.

Then make sure other people aren't standing too far away to do what they need to do next turn.

1. Super McBoots 9-Move Marth (with GEOSPHERE) opens the lower-right chest.

2. Feena lap dances Marth.

3. Katarina uses Unlock to open the door from 2 spaces.

4. Someone use the Master Key to open the chest in front of the door.

5. Luke uses the Mercurius to KO the damn Sniper.

6. Barst smacks Hardin.

7. Gryz takes the Lightsphere + Starsphere from Barst and whacks Hardin w/ Excalibur.

8. Malliesia can use the Again staff on Gryz/Barst if necessary to finish off Hardin.

9. Marth places his magical butt on the throne.

10. Despite there being like 60 enemies on the map, they all surrender!!! YOU WIN!!!

11. CRAP! Next is 20x. I hate fog-of-whore!

12. [unintelligible screaming]


Edit - Oh, wow. These are kinda embarrassingly weird. Rest be assured I only went crazy with the commentary on ch 19/20 because those chapters are full of misery. These notes are "supposed" to help me out on Lunatic Reverse so I wouldn't have to figure out all the enemy behavior and other stuff all over again. Yeesh.

Edited by Gryz
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Best way to do it Lumi is simply to go balls-out on Hardin and clear the chapter by 7 Turns.

It should be pretty possible, and if you need help I probably can (kind of) show you what I mean. Hell, I might still have at least the save file of Chapter 20 to make the video.

Well, I've long beaten it already, but a lot slower than 7 turns.

I do like to see a low turned version, though, since I plan on doing that after I have a go at Lunatic Reverse.

If I can not die in chapter 22, that is.

20 was just annoying. 22 is wtf dragons everywhere why can't I run fast enough aaaaah

probably gonna try a few different reclasses after friday since I'll actually have time to play video games then.

Edited by Luminescent Blade
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Yeah, 22 is another RUSH-OR-DIE ordeal. I did it in 7 turns.

That covered room is just plain evil - it has to be dealt with in 1 turn and it's gonna take 2 Rescue/Again uses to blitz the boss and get Princey's butt on the win chair.

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In my 2-turn endgame, I used 4 Rescue (3 uses from one staff and 1 use from the other staff) and 2 Again. Although I could potentially get by with 1 less Rescue and Again, but that would require me to get really lucky with Marth's criticals.

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Are the rest of his videos in his channel? I checked the thread but it's only up to like, 15 or so. Not gonna try LTCing that shit the first time around, anyway, but might need a hint soon enough.

Yes they are.

It would've been cool if he gave commentary, but whatever. At least his descriptions are usually awesome references to Queen songs.

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