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[FE8] Your Run-of-the-Mill FE8 Draft!


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The finesse. The raw passion riding through your bones! I feel it! I see the champion, and I have seen him.

The golden red locks curling in the wind! Yes! His banner rides tall, and his army marches strong! The force of a thousand ordinary men could not withstand his might!

The winds are blowing, my friends. They are blowing westward.

They blow to Michigan.

Our champion is Konnor97.




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Well, awesome that you think that about me.

You flatter me, sire.

My liege, we shall conquest the land and claim the throne that was unjustly stolen from your hands.

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I agree, Golf is just like Fire Emblem. Both revolve around the player's ability to succesfully CHOKE DAT POINT.

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