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Nice. I like the Male MU and Inverse convo better though. Not really interested in cat fights.

Can't wait for Mark Inverse though.

I feel Inverse Mark will only be matched by Paris Mark. In this case I feel it will be the usual Magic vs. Melee showdown. I wonder what unique ability Paris will have to set him apart from other melee units. Perhaps Luna Plus or something that would make him some sort of weapon's master.

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I feel Inverse Mark will only be matched by Paris Mark. In this case I feel it will be the usual Magic vs. Melee showdown. I wonder what unique ability Paris will have to set him apart from other melee units. Perhaps Luna Plus or something that would make him some sort of weapon's master.

Aether/Nihil because it's actually Ike.

(Actually, I hope Nihil stays far away. At least until it's useless (Ergo, they're done throwing maps at everyone, and the game has crested its hardest point) that is)

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Gosh, if you make a spotpass team that contains anyone with Awareness, they'll become extortion masters.

Nihil should be the FINAL DLC skill. After it'd be useful (Cause they already murderalized you to get it), ya know-- it's only point would be for bragging, or making teams to troll people via Streetpass (haha..! I've got broken **** AND Nihil! Wut nao!?)

Also: FE4 Awareness is a no, just no. People need to be able to die to random criticals, even when they're protected from other B/S. :P

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Paris is coming in two weeks, right? I'm really anxious who he or she is gonna be. I haven't actually seen anyone consider it's a she yet. By the way, am I the only one who thinks (s)he has long hair and is just a hero without a cape? Maybe his or her hair is just way too long, just like Sephiroth's hair from Final Fantasy. I hope it's a guy with long hair. I tend to use those guys the most. (Nabarl/Navarre, Karel, Geese, Hugh, Elphin, Lucius (although he looks like a girl), Guy, Legault, Heath, Pent, Joshua, Knoll, Valter, Soren, Zihark, Stefan, Reyson, Haar, Sebastian, Nasir, Giffca, ... You get the point.)

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Paris is coming in two weeks, right? I'm really anxious who he or she is gonna be. I haven't actually seen anyone consider it's a she yet. By the way, am I the only one who thinks (s)he has long hair and is just a hero without a cape? Maybe his or her hair is just way too long, just like Sephiroth's hair from Final Fantasy. I hope it's a guy with long hair. I tend to use those guys the most. (Nabarl/Navarre, Karel, Geese, Hugh, Elphin, Lucius (although he looks like a girl), Guy, Legault, Heath, Pent, Joshua, Knoll, Valter, Soren, Zihark, Stefan, Reyson, Haar, Sebastian, Nasir, Giffca, ... You get the point.)

We know it's a he because he appears on Male Mark's support list as a possible parent.

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Since I haven't translated anything in awhile, I'll take that Velvet x Sol Support Convo.

Sorry off topic... but where did Emelina Badge go?

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I just want to say that it's great to see so many conversations translated! biggrin.gif

After reading these conversations, I feel like I have a better idea to pair which people together once the game comes over.

If it's possible, could someone try to translate KromxSoiree? I'm kind of interested in reading their support since I'm thinking of pairing these two.

Thanks for your hard work!

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Do you know anyone with the script for it? Because that's one I wanna read too. Hell, just more Soiree x anyone would make me happy.

The entire thing is up on Pegasus Knight in Japanese. There is still no SolxSoiree S up yet, though, which is what I'd want to see :(

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I kinda wonder how KromxSoiree's gonna play out, seeing as how Soiree's been the one proposing first so far. That, and that Viole support was pretty boss.

On a previous note that we've pretty much dropped by this point, I can't wait to play through as a Mute MU. Not only will it be an interesting experience, but there's just something about MU not saying anything, and yet they still have the charisma to make pretty much anyone in the army fall for them. Or anyone in the enemy's army, for that matter.

Edited by Yojimbo
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