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Early game support conversations.

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Okay, since I'm at the end of Chapter 5 (just have "that blackheart Saar" left), I thought it would be a good time to get some support conversations started.

So I looked at the bonuses that the characters I'm currently using give to each other, and I'm not pleased with the results so far.

Not that it's great no matter who you pair up, but all the characters I've looked at thus far have better bonuses from others later on. But I have no guarentee that I'll find the later ones useful, or use them for any length of time.

I guess I am looking too deep into it, but the support conversations are one of the many things that make Fire Emblem unique, and the perfectionist in me wants to use it to it's full potential.

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Have mounts ferry infantry units they can support.

Also, getting paired endings is fun in casual.

Even though SethXEirika is what folks do when playing fast.

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There's an amazing Support Square of Eirika, Seth, Franz, and Forde. Eirika, Forde, and Franz all get max attack from it, and all of them get great boosts to their critical and avoid. If you wanted to try it, I'd go for this arrangement:

Eirika: Seth A / Forde B

Seth: Eirika A / Franz B

Franz: Forde A / Seth B

Forde: Franz A / Eirika B

This gives Eirika slightly better Avoid and Defense, both of which she'd want over a small Critical boost when she can already take Shamshir and Killing Edge easily. She gets ~17 crit (20 if Forde A/Seth B) from this support anyway, which is 52 with Shamshir before adding in her Skill (which is almost always high) and a +5 for S Swords when she gets there. 20/20 Eirika on average with these supports gets 19 from Skill and S Swords. Add that to the 52 with Shamshir and she gets 71 base Critical with Shamshir. 66 with Killing Edge. With a 0 crit sword she still has 36 natural critical, which is more than enough considering loluck on generics.

Other great earlygame supports are NeimiColm, obviously. Pair Neimi with Artur or Gilliam for a much-needed defense boost. Colm needs an attack boosting partner like Moulder.

Vanessa wants Moulder and Lute for max Attack, Defense, and Avoid. Three things she really, really, wants. Lute wants Artur for defense. I'd do:

Vanessa: Moulder A / Lute B

Moulder: Vanessa A

Lute: Artur A / Vanessa B

And maybe tacking on Neimi and Colm to that group would work well.

Ross and Garcia want A supports with each other. Double Fire is amazing in this game.

Natasha and Joshua complement each other well, the support is fast and gives good bonuses. What sucks is Josh doesn't get full crit, but since he's almost always a Swordmaster he doesn't need it as much as others. He can take most midgame partners. I recommend Gerik or L'Arachel for defensive purposes.

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