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So I made this map for a small hack...

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First, I know it's big, but AFIK, FE8 doesn't have a map size limit.

This is my first attempt at mapping, but I think it turned out pretty well.smile.gif

Also, if you want to use it in a hack, be my guest, just make sure to credit me as TSI.

Let me know what you think!

post-4639-005568900 1336152194_thumb.png

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well first of all this should be in sprites i think but idfk

on to the map, it's pretty tree-spammed, the paths are pretty... nonsensical, but the mountains are half-decent, which is rare.

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I would like to use it, please!

But what do you mean? ;(

You might have noticed my member name is The Spanish Inquisition. Because I'm not sure if I actually want to keep this name, and it is a little long to type out, TSI is an appropriate substitute.

EDIT: As for the tree-spamming, I was trying to go for the ruins in the middle of a vast forest/jungle look, e.g. Mayan temples in central america, a few castles in eastern europe, etc.

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Yeah, definitely treespammed. As for the trails, they seem fine to me. They actually connect buildings. Overall, looks pretty good.

They look like skinny garden snakes :V

Maybe branch them out more, making them less than one tile thick

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