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FE8 is way to easy to beat.

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Does anyone find FE8 way too easy to beat due to the extra maps and the multiple weapons to kill the demon king. I personally think is not that challenging at all IMHO. You could easily take advanage of your armies by leveling them up at Tower/Ruins/skirmish abuse which is quite similar to arena abuse but MUCH easier and faster ways seeing as you can retreat in the middle of battle when doing so.

Also during the first encounter in the game I also notice that enemy bosses aren't that much of a challenge comparing to their other GBA FE games especially on HM not what I expected and also quite disapointing. Secret characters like bosses such as Valter, Caellach, Selena and Reiv in the game are basically no better than pre-promotes because of their start off stats/boss stats when you first unlock him making those secret characters useless comparing to your other characters that you recruit through the story and you can't even use them when playing at the link arena solo. The only reason why I would consider playing the Creature Campaign is so that I could get my hands on Lyon's dark infinite tome Naglfar so that I could give it to either Knoll or Ewan FTW. And also get my hands on his Hammerne at the same time.

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"Wow that sure was an easy boss considering I killed him in 1 hit"

FE8 was indeed easy, I beat it in like 1 and a half days.

It's problems were

Overpowered player units

Underpowered enemy units

Abusable EXP and items

In terms of what made it easy anyway, the unimaginative characters and story didn't help either (I liked Lute though, since she was one of the few unique characters, others just seemed copied from FE7 or nothing, near FE6 level). Valter was also interesting despite being a psycho nut (he was also easy, Ross+Dragon Axe=OHKO, no criticals or anything, althoughs it's easy to since he only has 3 luck). And I also liked the powerful foe music for the "hard" (lol) bosses theme.

The fact that level 1 promoted units use the class base stats on easy and normal mode just makes me want to cry (as if they got no stats at all during all their unpromoted level ups). Hell promoted units were often WEAKER then the higher leveled unpromoted counterparts.

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