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Pick Me Some Units!

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Cormag, Wyvern Knight. Give him the swift soles found in that desert level and he can travel most of the map in one turn. Great for rescues or for easy boss fights. Try to get him to level 20 as soon as you can.

Edited by MidnightShade
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I see a distinct lack of healer (besides Bishop Artur), so guess who? I know she might be a bit hard to train up but try your best, Valkyrie (because in this game I think Light Magic is more useful than Anima despite Anima starting at C Rank and Light at D Rank, also, there are no differences in their promotion gains except for Valkyrie getting a random extra +1 to Res) L'Arachel. I would recommend Heal abusing, but if your not into that it's fine, after all, you can reject this option.

Sorry if I missed the update for the final additions. And I think I'll be nice and take back my vote for Ephraim route and make it Eirika route. smile.gifThough it seems the favour is in Ephraim route.

for fillers syrene or deusel

Silly boy. The only reason Dozla is a facepalm is because you also have Garcia, so you're gonna have to juggle speedwings and the garm between them.

Cormag, Wyvern Knight. Give him the swift soles found in that desert level and he can travel most of the map in one turn. Great for rescues or for easy boss fights. Try to get him to level 20 as soon as you can.

Ok I'm back and decided for Valkyrie!L'arachel to be my last unit. Thank you to all who picked and expect the Prolouge to be up shortly.

@Dozla comment: I have three axe users, Dozla, Garcia and Ross, and more that get axes when they promote, sword users will be a pain.

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Let's get thhis show on the road.

PMU for Fire Emblem: THe Sacred Stones

Write-ups will go like this: Before chapter text

then the actual chapter

and the End of chapter text. Stats every 1 or 2 chapters. turn counts as well.

Okay, let's go.

Playng on Difficult mode, because why not.

Prolouge: The Fall Of Renais.

Some stuff about a war and stones. Not going to be important in any way. But, peace won't last here. In Magvel, there are Nations: Renais- ruled by Warrior King Fado Frelia- ruled by the Sage King Hayden Jehanna- ruled by Ismaire, Queen of White Dunes Rausten- ruled by the Divine Emporer Mansel And Grado- ruled by Vigarde the Stalwart Emperor And no one cares about CArcino because it looks like I'm going Ephraim's route. In 803, Grado invaded Renais because Vigarde doesn't like peace. And Princ Ephraim is missing. What's next, Wyverns, Generals, and MAgeknights attack? Oh, wait that happened. The game finnaly starts. The castle has been breached, not bleached. Bracelets won't be important either. Seth and Eirika head for Frelia to escape death by lance. And the rest of this convo is unimportant. And they escape. Outside the castle, Dragons! Valter, the Moonstone attacks! Go Seth! Seth used Sword Swipe, but it missed. VAlter us Stab, Seth takes 17 damage. Eirika ran away. Wait, wrongg game. Anyway, on to gameplay.

Rapier get. First, I change my settings. 7 damage twice against 9 damage at 39%, let's go. Crit, Dodge, kill. end turn. Second fighter misses, but doesn't die. E hides in forest and kills. End turn. Boss attacks on EP. Apparantly, I will be the first to die, will that happen? Eirika gets hit with 25%, so I heal and end turn. Boss atacks again, Dodge,Hit. Eirika kills on PP and her level up is: HP,Skl,Lck, and Res. Done

Eirika only got hit once SETH, STOP WORRYING. unintentional CAPS. And you don't look pale Seth? Well, you have 4 Strength, so for you it does matter. And Chapter end.

Pre-chapter won't be that long after this, so be glad.

Next time: I get a Knight and Cavalier, and wonder if this many earlygame units is a blessing or a curse.

Also, please forgive the double post, if it is.

try to follow along with what I'm saying to the actual text in-game. Also, I typed this as I did the chapter, and the others won't be like that. I'll play the chapter and write down what I'll type in a notebook then transfer it here. Hopefully it won't be an issue.

EDIT: Chapter 1 is here.

Last time, Eirika learned to fight. and a Moonstone atacked Seth.

This time: Chapter 1. Escape!

Inside a castle, Grado forces approach. And the princess must return to CAstle Frelia. But, she hasn't found Eirika yet so she can't. Something about friendship. Commander BOss man gets a 1% crit on genericMc.Mercenary. And, Tana gets captured, great. And, locks her up. Eirika wants to help, and then gameplay.

Eirika moves and Seth stays out of range. Eirika hits fire and Franz & Gilliam show up! And they join us. G softens up soilder so F can get the kill.E goes on fort and end. Soldier attacks G and both Fighters attack un-armed Seth. G misses Fighter, so F kills and E kills soldier, and level: Hp,Skl,Spd,Dfs, and Sword Rank. End. F kills Fighter and level: Hp,Skl,Spd,Lck,Dfs. All enimies wounded. E level: Hp,Skl,Spd,Lck. End after all enimies are dead. G uses vuln. and lureSoldier. G kills next PP, and level: Hp,Str,Skl,Dfs. Only boss left on turn 7. E waits in front of boss and end turn. Boss attacks and is left with 1 Hp. F gets kill and a level: Hp,Str,Spd,res! Seize and done.

Tana's worried 'bout Ephraim, and we head to the castle. We meet Hayden, the Ranger Sgae King. Fado died, and we all sad. Apparantly, Ephraim is fighting Grado with 3 men. And we get Vanessa and Moulder whom I can't use! And we get 5000 gold, and chapter end.

Honorable moments in this chapter: Gilliam getting the first str. level, Eirika NOT critting w/ the Raiper.

Double Edit with Chapter 2.

Last time, I got a Horse and a clump of armor. This time: Chapter 2: THe Protected.

Suddenly, World Map. Eirika's next stop is Ide. And King HAyden gave me 2 units who are completely useless to me. South of Renais, through Serafew to Grado is our plan. Nes' scouts ahead. Suddenly, bandits destroy a village. And, Ross & Garcia escape, and I have to rescue them, and use them. Them, GAmeplay.

Nes' rescues Ross and The BOudler visits village w/ Selena. Move rest of my units and end. Garcia kills bandit as NPC. Recruit Ross and Garcia, move units, and end. Nes' goes to get bottom village, MOulder visits 2nd village. Ross misses 80%. But Iron Sword, Axe, and Lance. Franz 2% crit to kill bandit with droppable vuln. Garcia equips Hand Axe to draw Archer. Nes' visits village, Franz deals with bandits on Mts. Eirika goes on fort. Ross misses 83% :(. End. Franz level: Hp,Str,Spd. Eirika and Gilliam swicth spots. franz misses bandit once, then doubles to kill. Eirika crits one bandit and levels: Hp,Skl,Spd. Garcia kills boss, but no level. Ross luress archer who went to heal. Tedius turns later: Ross kils Archer and level: Str,Lck.

Garcia and Ross join the merry band and nothing else happens.

Next time: Bandits,Levels, and Walls

Triple Edit with Chapter three

Ch.3 The Bandits of Borgo:

To Borgo's Ridge we go. A theif has stolen Eirika's bracelet.And we might as well kill bandits on the way. Bandits, in Renais, WHAT!!! Surprise Female PErson. We are MErcenarys. Bandits killed Neimi's freinds and family and she and Colm survived. And she came to look for him. But he has Weapon Triangle.

Ross miss 81 as the first attack. Everyone moves and end.Colm opens door. Recruit Colm and have Franz enter doorway. Roos hits! Wall broken and Gilliam protects Ross.Franz hit with 41%. BAndit attacks Gillam.Ross kills and level: HP. Garcia misses 61. Franz ht again with 41. Garcia level: Hp,Dfs. Colm grabs I.Lance. Franz kills bandit.Gilliam protects Ross from Bandit after open door with Eirika. Bandit attacks Gilliam, Garcia kills H.Axe bandit. he even hits Archer! Colm gets H.Axe. Ross kills bandit. Get the Javelin. Archer suicide on GArcia. Ross level: Hp,Str,Skl. Eirika breaks wall.Garcia blocks theif.Colm gets Iron Sword. GArcia hits with 54%.Gilliam kills theif.BAndits go for Franz.Gets hit with 26 and level:Hp,Str,Spd,Res! Ross kills bandit and no level.Garcia level:Hp,Str,Lck.Goilliam kills hand Axe guy and gets Hp,Str. Gilliam walls the Merc. Does no damage twice. Ross hits with 59%. Gilliam kills Merc. Boss attacks Franz on EP. Franz misses 2 77%. Redo. Franz hits bith times. GArcia hitting with 35%.Ross kills boss. Level: Hp,Lck. Levels at the end of chapter: E-5 F-5 Gi-6 R- -5 Ga-6

Colm and Neimi re-unite, and he got the Shadow Mirror back to stop Shadow Link from tormenting Hyrule wait, wrong game.And he willingly gives us the Bracelet back.And join me which is not helpful at all. Meanwhile at the Grado place, GK, WL, and MK talk. The king gives no orders, unless it involes killing his own kind. The rest of this convo. was skipped.

Next time- Magic,Monsters, and Lightning

Edits everyday

Chapter4: Let's get hiit by everything under the Sun

Artur to forest and gets hit by EVERYTHING. Eirika to village, Garcia,Ross,And FRanz kill stuff and Gilliam stay behind. Stuff happens and Zombies and Skeletins died, and Ross hit level 0! And got the boss kill. All that happened was that.

Chapter 5: Roos, y u no have Speed

franz up the right,Gilliam blocks fighter, and Ross and GArcia to forest. Ross gets doubled from Bandit with face, I recruit Joshua, and Srtur got hte kill.

Chapter 5x: Kyle, y u no Defense

Ephraim and Kyle ROFLstomp the chapter, and Kyle got no defense.

Sorry for no plot, but it got boring

Edited by shadowbreeze64
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  • 2 weeks later...

Triple post, but ah well

Chapter 6: Wait, there was a Spider here?

Artur handles cavs. and everyone else heads right. Stuff dies (including Artur,Eirika,and Garcia on seperate attempts,) Franz kills the boss.

Chapter 7: Ross stinks

Ross handles left side and all go right, with Franz and Garcia killing most of the enemies. Artur gets the boss kill becaus Ross stinks.

Chapter 8: Where's Admiral Ackbar when you need him?

Franz kills all on the way to help Ephraim, And Garcia goes to doorway to wall Armors. Colm grabs the chests, and I kill Tirado with Kyle,Garcia,Artur,and Ephraim.

Chapter 9: How is he a General, he has axes?

This chapter invovled Garcia and Kyle being hit with Sleep, and Everyyone charging. Franz got Amelia, and she got like one kill and chipped a lot. Tana was left with 1 HP with no vulnerarys, and survived, and Artur killed the Great General Gheb. After the chapter Amelia went to the tower to hit level 0, and she promoted.

SURPRISE EDIT: no chapters yet, but my level 9 Pupil Ewan has 3 DEFENSE!

Edited by shadowbreeze64
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