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Pick Me Some Units!

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So I'm kind of new here and thought, " What better way to get to know people than to have them pick uniits for me?" So, this thread was born. New Poll, please vote

Just a few ground rules:

  1. No screenshots as I am playing on my GBA.I will NOT go for low-turn counts.
  2. I can reject picks, but I doubt that will happen.
  3. Also, all units who are close to promotion will be in a skirmish to get them to promotion.
  4. Tower will be used to get Trainees to level 10/1

So, let the picking commencegee_wiz_emoticon.gif If you'd like, give me Promotions as well I'm going Ephraim's route, thanks to those who voted in the poll

Also, to hte one person who picke Eirika's Route, THANK YOU IT WILL MAKE TRAINING AMELIA AND MARISA EASIER!! Question, what is the normal amount of units for PMU, I'm capping this one off at 15, but anyone who can answer will be helpful.

Units so far: Picking is over. Thanks to all who gave me units. Prolouge is done, check second page for it :) Chapter 1 edited in to same post.

1. Dozla- :facepalm:

2. Gilliam- He will be a Great Knight

3. Marisa- Still awaiting promotion

4. General! :Amelia:

5. Hero!Garcia- be an Hero

6. Bishop!Artur please cap magic like with CC

7. GK! Kyle Get defense or die :angry::mellow:


9. Druid!Ewan I could care less if you get defense, but get speed will ya mellow.gif

10. Warrior!Ross TRAINEE POWER

11. Falco!TAna Flier

12. Innes SNIPER

13. Rennac please be Eirika's route


15. Valkyrie!L'arachel- Mid-game healer is better than waiting for Artur to promote

I have realized that I have L'arachel's band of people, the Green Brigade( Franz, Gilliam and Kyle), and all three trainees.

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Gilliam: Cool, never used him will be nice to see his non-existent speed in action.

Marisa: Ha! your plan failed, because I like using Marisa.cool.gif

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make gilliam a great knight

ill be nice now artur bishop or fordeNewYearsEmoticon.gif

Garcia: Gladly Taken, Come, join the ranks of the not so ELITE

Great KNight Gilliam it is

Bishop Artur for Slayer and magic early game

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Falco Tana

innes and rennac laugh.gif have fun

Ross won't become a Warrior like his dad, GArcia is an Hero

Tana, Turn OUt good

Innes, SNIPER YES, I like him

Rennac: If Eirika Route, I recruit him after opening the doorbiggrin.gif

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Feeling nice, Franz!Paladin

Why thank you

Also, I am Offline AS of now, but I can update my profile, check there for which unit will be my last

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I see a distinct lack of healer (besides Bishop Artur), so guess who? I know she might be a bit hard to train up but try your best, Valkyrie (because in this game I think Light Magic is more useful than Anima despite Anima starting at C Rank and Light at D Rank, also, there are no differences in their promotion gains except for Valkyrie getting a random extra +1 to Res) L'Arachel. I would recommend Heal abusing, but if your not into that it's fine, after all, you can reject this option.

Sorry if I missed the update for the final additions. And I think I'll be nice and take back my vote for Ephraim route and make it Eirika route. smile.gifThough it seems the favour is in Ephraim route.

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