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Tibarn's voice actor

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Me too. Like I said before, he was the only professional sounding actor (in my opinion), and the voice fit the character perfectly.

This reminds me, did anyone else think Micaiah's voice was strange? It sounded too...well, mature for her appearance. I guess.

I also pictured Ranulf with a more playful voice, though I was okay with the voice he had in the game.

OMB! Could this be....... Providence? lol!

i also thought this too!

their voices were completely wrong, IMO

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It's incredibly likely IS had no say in what NoA and NoE did for the voiceovers. Which is sad, because unless there's direct intervention, NoA hires actors and siblings to just read a script and call it good, while many of the actual developers care how the characters sound.

Surprisingly, Square Enix has been the only company to step in when it comes to localization. Perhaps they'd rather the job be an in-house one? Not even FFIV DS, so far, has been warped from its original depth and meaning D:

Thanks for enlightening me. I sincerely hope IF they make a chapter concerning the turmoil creeping forth in Tellius foreshadowed in Radiant Dawn, they adopt some of the practices Square Enix has imposed on their games(voice-acting wise.) All in all, this was a superb masterpiece that is unlikely to be toppled in strategic gameplay for a good while

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I thought Dheginsea, Nasir and Zelgius had good voices too. :o

Again, the acting...but Dheginsea and Nasir were fine for the most part...

Seconded, I forgot them. Ashera's also seemed to fit. And while the young Mist annoying....I guess it technically fit. Young Ike's was ear-bleeding horrible.

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Yeah young Ike from PoR was really bad. Jason Adkins got better in the span of two years, it seems.

EDIT: And yeah, Ashera's was fitting. Sephiran...I dunno. It wasn't bad, I guess.

Edited by Nightmare
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Yeah young Ike from PoR was really bad. Jason Adkins got better in the span of two years, it seems.

EDIT: And yeah, Ashera's was fitting. Sephiran...I dunno. It wasn't bad, I guess.

I meant the young Ike from this game. Ike in PoR was fine to me.

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There's so much more to the JRPG world that Squeenix. To be honest, I'm not a fan of the company anymore because they lost their soul somewhere around the Playstation age and haven't given us the effort that made me a fan back on the SNES. It's all wankery anymore, which really pisses me off. I'm not saying they are terrible and whatnot. I still end up getting most the games they release, but that's mostly due to good timing on releasing games on their part. (I swear to god, every time I'm in the mood for a JRPG, they just released one. It's uncanny.) They have good production values and all, but they are obsessed with menus. I can't remember the last FF title where the gameplay didn't lull me to sleep for being awfully slow for no reason. FF3DS is the best example of that. It takes like 15 seconds to load a fight, your characters move like molasses on the overworld screen, and each attack takes like 15 seconds. Just hit him with the goddamn sword and move on with it!

Go try a Namco Tales game. Tales of the Abyss remains my favorite console RPG of all time, and it's only likely to be topped by future Tales games. If you wanna talk about a company that goes the extra mile with their products, you don't need to look much further. And as we're talking about voice acting, I want to GUSH at the beautifully done VA in every Namco Tales game ever.

And that what to do with voiceover, exactly...?

Tales games suck by the way--can't even decide on the gameplay they want

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What it had to do with voiceovers: The Tales games all have beautiful, masterfully done voiceovers and is something other gaming companies should emulate. They hire top-notch people and actually give them good scripts. (Tales of Symphonia alone had great ones. Lloyd's VA does Robin from Teen Titans, Presea's was Tara Strong a.k.a. Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls or Rikku from FF10 or Raven from Teen Titans, Kratos was Cam Clarke, who was Leonardo back on the old-school Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and more currently did the male Blood Elves AND Illidan in World of Warcraft. There's a ton more. Then I could go on about Tales of the Abyss for like, an hour, but I'll spare you.)

I found the Voice Acting in Radiant Dawn to be tolerable, but that's about it. Honestly, I kind of wish they just left the japanese voices in because the voice acting done by the English crew was so ho-hum, it detracted from the characters rather than added to them.

(Also, GTFO. Namco Tales games are fucking amazing. Pardon my french.)

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During the memory scene after you kill Dheginsea. It's the voice of the guy objecting to the king.

I think, anyway. I can't remember if that's supposed to be Nasir or Kurthnaga.

I thought that was Lehran. Maybe I ought to look at the scene again.

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During the memory scene after you kill Dheginsea. It's the voice of the guy objecting to the king.

I think, anyway. I can't remember if that's supposed to be Nasir or Kurthnaga.

Pretty sure that's Lehran.

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It sounded different than Lehran.

Besides that, wasn't it Nasir who wanted to free the slaves in Begnion and bridge the beorc-laguz gap? There's also the thing with Dheginsea saying "Hold! Hold, I say!". That clearly shows that he's talking to a dragon, and he doesn't want him to leave the country (the policies they have and stuff). The whole conversation itself kinda hints that he's talking to a dragon (Nasir).

What would Lehran be wanting to do with Dheginsea, anyway? Wouldn't he have enough power to investigate and free the laguz slaves himself?

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It sounded different than Lehran.

Besides that, wasn't it Nasir who wanted to free the slaves in Begnion and bridge the beorc-laguz gap? There's also the thing with Dheginsea saying "Hold! Hold, I say!". That clearly shows that he's talking to a dragon, and he doesn't want him to leave the country (the policies they have and stuff). The whole conversation itself kinda hints that he's talking to a dragon (Nasir).

What would Lehran be wanting to do with Dheginsea, anyway? Wouldn't he have enough power to investigate and free the laguz slaves himself?

actually, he got his position quite recently compared to how long he lived.

remember that lehran lived in Goldoa after he lost his powers.

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There's also the thing with Dheginsea saying "Hold! Hold, I say!". That clearly shows that he's talking to a dragon, and he doesn't want him to leave the country (the policies they have and stuff). The whole conversation itself kinda hints that he's talking to a dragon (Nasir).

No. He's speaking to an old friend. And it was exactly what the conversation conveyed: two allies against each other in their values, presently. He sounded like Lehran to me to boot. If anything, the "Hold!" line shows almost a desperate tone, he knowing the consequences of Lehran's actions moreso than a simple dragon--of whom swear allegiance above all else to the words of their king.

What would Lehran be wanting to do with Dheginsea, anyway? Wouldn't he have enough power to investigate and free the laguz slaves himself?

Soan and the woman are dead. I'm sure trying to have his only other ally on his side would have at least comforted him, and possibly gave a stronger stand against the unavoidable conflict with the Goddess.

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See, that's why I thought it was Kurthnaga. The conversation could have been his decision to leave Goldoa. The timeline matches up more significantly, too. Plus, after it's over and it's back in current time, it immediately jumps into a conversation with Kurth thinking about kingly stuff, or so I seem to remember.

I'm definitely going to pay more attention next time I get there.

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