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so im just wondering if anyone eles does this

Dark Nocturne

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when i beat gaiden the first few times i didnt know about the nightmare mods. but after i did i changed the game alot, like made a few class changes, upped the growths and base stats for classes so the enemies were harder ext. one change i made was make clea a mage and turn robin into a peg knight (i know robin is a boy but the sprite for the peg knights were kinda genderless so i didnt think it mattered) I did make fols a female mage just for giggles, and i turned the armor units into cavaliers or mercenaries.

so im just wonderin does anyone eles change the game to make it harder/different and how? i dont feel gaiden gets enough attention sad.gif so underrated

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I didn't make any edits like that... I did have a couple romhacking projects involving the game though.

There are a couple hacks I know of for Gaiden, if you wanted to try them out. One was a difficulty patch, and one modified some items, enemy arrangements, stats, and the like.

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I didn't make any edits like that... I did have a couple romhacking projects involving the game though.

There are a couple hacks I know of for Gaiden, if you wanted to try them out. One was a difficulty patch, and one modified some items, enemy arrangements, stats, and the like.

There actually is an easy mode patch too, characters have higher growths and start with rare items i believe . I think there's a link on the main site .

Edited by The_Purple_Knight
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Whilst not with Gaiden, I started tinkering around with FE4 after a few runs. This lead to the Shin Patch being born.

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