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First Difficult Run

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Solo weapon type runs are harder.

Run that only allows units that can only use swords is silly. Go go Swordies only run. Pure lancers would be a bitch until Vanessa gets up to speed thou

If you start doing axes only once you get Garcia and Ross, is it possible?

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I would say its fair start the chapter after you get garcia and ross. you could perhaps start in thier chapter thou. rescue drop eirika to garcy and ross, then talk to ross, talk to garcia with ross, take garcia to where you start with vanessa, then just win.

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I actually started an EirHM Swordies-only run. Eirika, Colm, Joshua, unpromoted!Gerik, Marisa, and Rennac. I got to Chapter 13 and never finished it for some reason... I think I made a really dumb mistake by accidentally selling the Ocean Seal after Chapter 9, mainly because that was the first time I'd ever used Colm in a combat capacity, and I'd forgotten he could even use it (I remember thinking it was basically Pirate only). And that made it way harder because my Eirika sucked, Colm sucked, Marisa sucked, and Joshua and Gerik couldn't survive against all those lance-using enemies by themselves. No Staffers either.

I think someone else did an EphHM Axe-only run, and actually finished it, but he still allowed the usage of dual-weapon users (as long as they only used Axes, and could use Axes at base).

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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With axers the dual users is ok in my books because the only promoted solo axe is zerk. Multi weapon users would only give him promoted!garcia, duracell and instapromoted!gerik. seems like quite matterful yet fair change.

I might do later mono lancer run.

Unpromoted Gilliam, all 3 potential wyvern knights, Super trainee or knight amelia and ephraim. Seems quite doable.

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With axers the dual users is ok in my books because the only promoted solo axe is zerk. Multi weapon users would only give him promoted!garcia, duracell and instapromoted!gerik. seems like quite matterful yet fair change.

I might do later mono lancer run.

Unpromoted Gilliam, all 3 potential wyvern knights, Super trainee or knight amelia and ephraim. Seems quite doable.

IIRC, not Gerik, because he didn't have Axes at base. I'm pretty sure he used only Zerk!Ross, Hero!Garcia, Duessel, and Dozla.

Mono lancers doesn't actually seem that difficult, because you get more units than Axe-only and 1-2 range unlike Sword-only. Gilliam + Vanessa earlygame would be difficult, but only up to around Chapter 7.

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Play this game with only the following:













I believe that's a full endgame team.

Go Ephraim route and good luck. You'll need it. Lots of it.

Going Eirika's Route, so imma take this team but switch 3 people.

Ephraim for Forde, Neimi for Moulder(cuz i already didnt use her and started using him :P), and Colm for Rennec( I hate Pre-Premotes)

Here is what I believe to be there hardest promotions-

Eirika -> Great Lord

Forde -> Paladin (this might not be the worst but I don't want double of the same type and Gilliam will be a GK)

Moulder -> Sage

Ross -> Fighter -> Warrior

Gilliam -> Great Knight

Knoll -> Summoner

Amelia -> Knight -> General (again, already have pally and GK :/)

Marisa -> Assassin

Ewan -> Mage -> Mage Knight

Knoll -> Summoner's Phantoms

Colm -> Rouge

L'arachel -> Valkyre (Already have MK)

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Solo weapon type runs are harder.

Run that only allows units that can only use swords is silly. Go go Swordies only run. Pure lancers would be a bitch until Vanessa gets up to speed thou

Franz and Seth exist. Why can't they use lances alluva sudden?

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