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[FE7]My first Draft^^


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Starting Now! Gave myself a female tactician (for different unit reactions), a fire affinity because that is my majority, and started.

Ch11: 8 Turns Lowen traded his crap to Marcus and Eli, and they set off. Bartre and Dorcas passed their stuff to Marcus, and Eli decided to wear Dorcas's ring. Marcus grabbed the shield, which Eli decided to equip. Marcus then grabbed Eli, and ran off to the boss. (The reason Eli is getting these stat boosters is because Eli really needs the help in the earlygame.) Marcus got the boss kill, and Eli seized on turn 8.

Ch12: 8 Turns Marcus grabbed the dirty old book and sold it, while Eli took on the incoming enemies. Oswin grabbed Hector and hid in the corner, while Marcus saved them. Eli continued to destroy the bottom enemies, and got 4 levels, and the boss kill! No visits to the Armory.

Ch13: 13 Turns Marcus and Matt went south then west then north, Eli went west then south, and the others hid up in the corner. I had to stall for a few turns after Marcus got boss kill for Eli to come over, because those stupid bandits got in my way. Marcus also was carrying Matt because he was weak and had to use his turn to recruit Guy.

Ch13x: 7 Turns Oswin tanked the left, Matt and Guy went south, Eli and Hector tanked the north, and Marcus went up for the village. Lowen held on to Merlinus for dear life. Beccy died after giving up her bow.

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Progress! Brackets [ ] indicate the Mine Glitchless 16x thing.

Ch14: 8 Turns

Marcus went up and down, Matt stayed behind, Guy took some of the middle, and Eli took the bottom and whatever middle-ish enemies Guy couldn't take out. Eli bought a lot of supplies, got Prissy for no reason, and NPC Erk finished the final enemy bandit with a crit, after he burned the Iron Blade village.

Ch15: 6 Turns

Marcus carried Eli across the mountains, Guy and Matt hid in the nearby forests, Flo got some chips in, and Kent and Wil took on the lower enemies. Got both villages, and Merlinus felt like dying, so he did. Marcus set Eli out of Javelin range, and proceeded to smack Bauker with a Steel Axe.

Ch16: 11 Turns

Flo sold the Red Gem at base, and that was the main thing to note about preparations. Everybody went up except for Matt, Kent went back down once the Cavaliers showed up, and Marcus carried Eli to the throne, after killing the boss with the Hammer. Everybody's favorite tent blew up again. Got the Hero Crest, but Matt couldn't get up there in time for the Knight Crest, so Kent shall wait for Eubans. Two sucky soldiers survived, so I go to 16x, and I get a useless Light Rune.

Ch16x: 6 Turns [6 Turns also without using the Mine] I also grabbed the Satan Axe on both runs.

[i did the things I did normally, minus placing the mine. Eli drew out the secondary boss, and Rapier crit-killed him. Guy and Wil took the top. Wil went down to help Matt in the middle row. Flo flew around and got the two treasures I wanted (Short Bow and Lancereaver), and she also got Canas. Two Pirates went after her, but she could only be attacked by one at a time, and later hid in the water, so she could talk to Fargus.]

I sold the Rune, and Marcus sat out for Kent. I used the Mine Glitch (Is it allowed? It isn't mentioned in the rules so there's that. If not, I have another run of the chapter, and they have the same TC.) to make them give up their weapons, so I could attack the middle people without problems, and have Flo fly around without anything bad possibly happening to her. I got Canas for the Book. I also sent a Pirate into the Arena for fun, he died, and I lost 900 gold.

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Starting this draft early because fe6 and fe8 are being mean to me and I'm kinda bored of fe12.

Chapter 11 - 5/5

MARCUS RUSH! Wish I had draft lowen or one of the axe fighters

Chapter 12 - 6/11

Eliwood visits town, Marcus kills things and Hector and Oswin rape things.

Chapter 13 - 8/19

Damn it, I wanted Guy's Kill sword!

Chapter 13x - 7/26


Chapter 14 - 8/34


Chapter 15 - 5/39

Lyn and friends went shopping while Eliwood Marcus and pals rush and kills things

Eliwood  4.81   21  5    7    8    8    5    1    Sword B
Hector   7.65   24  11   7    9    3    10   0    Axe B
Marcus   4.85   34  15   16   11   9    10   8    Sword A Lance A Axe A
Oswin   11.45   30  14   10   6    3    15   4    Lance B
Serra    2.35   17  2    6    9    7    3    6    Staff D

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Time to start this!

Chapter 11: 6/6 Turns: Dorcas took the Draco Shield of the village, while Marcus rushed though.

Marcus missed with 71% once, while doubling the boss with the Javelin, so Eli got that kill.

Beccy just harassed them all the time.

Chapter 12: 7/13 Turns: Marcus got the Book from the village, while Dorcas fought like a man.

While Dorcas dodges on the fortress, baiting enemies to Eli and Beccy,

Marcus hurried top and rescued Hector.

Beccy got Dorcas' energy ring though.

Dorcas got the kill on Zagan.

Edited by FirSaint
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Chapter 16 - 9/48

I wish I had a thief now.

Chapter 16x - 5/53

MOTHERFUCKING HECTOR WITH LOW HP DODGE A 75%! Now that's something Eli can't do!

Chapter 17 - 5/58

Eliwood thinks he's a myrmidon. How cute.

Chapter 18 - 6/64

Everything went better than expected.

Chapter 18x - 7/71

STILL wish I had a thief.

Chapter 19 - 8/79

Got a thief!

Step your game up Marcus!

Chapter 20 - 4/83

Needed the whip.

Chapter 21 - 3/86

Damn you Heath!

Chapter 22 - 8/94

Damn you reinforcements!

Eliwood  10.38   25  5    9    11   12   6    3    Sword A
Hector   18.70   35  18   12   13   7    15   0    Axe A
Marcus   10.57   39  16   17   13   11   10   8    Sword S Lance A Axe A
Oswin     1.18   40  18   14   9    4    21   7    Lance A Axe E
Serra     5.58   19  3    6    9    8    3    7    Staff C
Legault  15.55   28  9    12   16   12   8    3    Sword C
Heath     8.25   29  11   8    7    7    10   1    Lance B
Hawkeye   Just gotten

Might give a robe and the afas to Eli so he'll stop sucking.

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Progress! Brackets [ ] indicate the Mine Glitchless 16x thing.

Ch14: 8 Turns

Marcus went up and down, Matt stayed behind, Guy took some of the middle, and Eli took the bottom and whatever middle-ish enemies Guy couldn't take out. Eli bought a lot of supplies, got Prissy for no reason, and NPC Erk finished the final enemy bandit with a crit, after he burned the Iron Blade village.

Ch15: 6 Turns

Marcus carried Eli across the mountains, Guy and Matt hid in the nearby forests, Flo got some chips in, and Kent and Wil took on the lower enemies. Got both villages, and Merlinus felt like dying, so he did. Marcus set Eli out of Javelin range, and proceeded to smack Bauker with a Steel Axe.

Ch16: 11 Turns

Flo sold the Red Gem at base, and that was the main thing to note about preparations. Everybody went up except for Matt, Kent went back down once the Cavaliers showed up, and Marcus carried Eli to the throne, after killing the boss with the Hammer. Everybody's favorite tent blew up again. Got the Hero Crest, but Matt couldn't get up there in time for the Knight Crest, so Kent shall wait for Eubans. Two sucky soldiers survived, so I go to 16x, and I get a useless Light Rune.

Ch16x: 6 Turns [6 Turns also without using the Mine] I also grabbed the Satan Axe on both runs.

[i did the things I did normally, minus placing the mine. Eli drew out the secondary boss, and Rapier crit-killed him. Guy and Wil took the top. Wil went down to help Matt in the middle row. Flo flew around and got the two treasures I wanted (Short Bow and Lancereaver), and she also got Canas. Two Pirates went after her, but she could only be attacked by one at a time, and later hid in the water, so she could talk to Fargus.]

I sold the Rune, and Marcus sat out for Kent. I used the Mine Glitch (Is it allowed? It isn't mentioned in the rules so there's that. If not, I have another run of the chapter, and they have the same TC.) to make them give up their weapons, so I could attack the middle people without problems, and have Flo fly around without anything bad possibly happening to her. I got Canas for the Book. I also sent a Pirate into the Arena for fun, he died, and I lost 900 gold.

Eh.. what is the Mine Glitch?^^

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So does it matter which run of 16x and onwards I use? They have the same TC and same items gotten, just with different level ups gotten. The other main difference is that one run has a mine and the other doesn't. I probably won't use the mine glitch again anyways, except for maybe for Vaida's Spear, but I could definitely deal without it.

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Well, that would probably lean more to the glitchless run, because both Eli and Guy got Strength (as the main noticeable point), compared to Matt getting Skill and Wil getting Speed (as the main noticeable points on the glitched run. Also, the glitched run got Eli, Matt, Wil, and Guy levels, while the glitchless run got Eli two levels, and Wil&Guy getting a level. So each side got 4 level ups in total.

Edited by Konnor97
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Chapter 23 - 5/99

Eliwood at lvl 11 gets Str! Thanks Afa's!

Chapter 24 - 11/110

Hector promotesadshsdkfjhgauhgehr

and Heath gets a stave :>

Chapter 25 - 11/121

Man, I'm getting lazy with the logs. -_-

Chapter 26 15/136

Oswin laughed in the face of death!

Chapter 26x 16/136

Needed the Fell Contract for Legault.

Eliwood  16.17   37* 11   12   14   15   9    5    Sword A
Hector    4.82   42  23   17   19   8    19   5    Sword D Axe A
Marcus   13.81   41  16   19   14   12   10   10   Sword S Lance A Axe A
Oswin     5.84   43  19   14   13*  5    24   8    Lance S Axe C
Serra    10.48   23  5    9    10   9    3    10   Staff A
Legault  20.00   31  12   15   18   14   9    4    Sword A
Heath     4.36   42  14   14   14   10   14   6    Sword E Lance S
Hawkeye   9.75   53  20   17   13   15   15   14   Axe S
Karel    11.10   33  17   25   21   16   13   12   Sword S

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Chapter 27-14/150

This game is starting to troll me -_- Could have 12 turn this chapter BUTNOPERHERESMOARDRACOKNIGHTS

Chapter 28-8/158

Hey, it's Gergo!

Chapter 29-11/169

YYYYAAAA a ring for Eli and Karel goes to sleep

Chapter 29x-5/174


Chapter 30-10/184

Man, Limstella was cake thanks to Hector.

Final Part 1-5/189

Wait, I need to kill all of the enemies before I face Nergal?

Final Part 2 -1/190


Total Turns= 190



He turn from being shit to being not so shitty thanks to the afas.


Fuck yeah you are the best frontline fighter ever!


He's great, but I expected more.


The name says it all.


HAHAHA, oh wow!


Thief utility rocks!


Dancers are cool.


Durable, but slow and kinda weak. He's a fliers so that's kinda cool.


A good unit if you miss out on drafting Dart.


Damnit Karel! Why do you always try to please me?! >:x


Athos + Stat boosters = LOL

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Chapter 13: 8/21 Turns

Rushed top with Dorcas and Marcus,Eli and Beccy.

Boies got pwned with a critical of Marcus.

The others ran away from the enemys of Bottom.

Ch. 13x: 7/28 Turns: I am silly, lost Matthew and Serra for meatshielding...

Marcus got the gold of the village and killed Puzon.

Ch. 14: 8/36Turns: Rain... i was so close to 6Turn it....

Edited by FirSaint
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Time for some update!

Quintessence - Pent, Sain, Canas, Bartre, Louise, Jaffar, Renault

Chapter 11 - 4/4

Trolliwood crtkills the brigand, Marcus grabs him and ferries him. Bartre clears some enemies in the way. Trolliwood dodges like a baws.

Chapter 12 - 7/11

Trolliwood and Fartre EAST, KILL! Marcus rush NORTH!

Chapter 13 - 7/18

Trolliwood crosses the river, Marcus helps dealing with southern enemies. Fartre gets the Torch. Got Guy and Killing Edge!

Chapter 13x - 7/25


Chapter 14 - 4/29

Marcus, go carry Trolliwood, drop and equip him Rapier! Eli South, Pal Sothe WEST. Fartre deals with eastern enemies.

Chapter 15 - 6/35

Marcus crosses mountains while grabbing Eliwood, he's a boss. Fartre kills bunches of enemies approaching Merlinus, I don't even remember if he died, lol. Maybe. Xane gets the spear and kills mercs.

Chapter 16 - 8/43

Marcus carries Eliwood, Xane clears his way gaining lv. ups. Fartre stays escorting Matt for the Crest.

Chapter 16x - 3/46

Rush Poseidon! Eli kills Damnian. Canas got and kills with Fartre.

Chapter 17 - 3/49

Hand Axes! Javelins! Flux! Kill!!! Eli shops.

Chapter 18 - 5/54

Horseslay! The rest, torch and train!

Chapter 18x - 4/58

Poseidon grabs Trolli, Xane supports both of them. Fartre gets Icon, Canas kills peggies and mages.

Chapter 19 - 5/63

Got Legault. Same old shit. Marcus grabs Trolli, Xane clears shit and leaves the path pristine for Marcus to move along.

Chapter 20 - 2/65

Marcus has 20 skl, he crtkills Boleg with a Jav.

Chapter 21 - 2/67

WUT!? Eubans moves? So much time without playing this lol. Well, much better for Xane, Jav kill and got Crest!

Chapter 22 - 3/70

Pent kills almost everything, Canas gets some kills. Legault steals the Ring. Sain gets a kill, a lv. up and Promotes, gets danced and waits for the killer warrior who is instantly crtkilled with Sain's crappy crt rate.

Chapter 23 - 3/73

Marcus Swordreaves Lloyd, Sain javs, gets the kill and level up. Canas lures the eastern sniper, lv. up and promotes, dodge and gets the kill XD

Chapter 24 - 11/84

Survive. Pent and Louise deal with enemies in the center and in the northeast. Trolli and Marcus get C in support and kill the northwestern wyvern reinforcements and the nosferatu shaman. Fartre and Canas stay southeast, Sain gets the Hammerne. Pent buys wpns and Louise sells her Gem.

Chapter 25 - 10/94

Ugh...Jerme's map. This time it was faster due to more units. Sain and Marcus head to the southern rooms. Pent and Louise reach Jerme's room for the Light Brand gee_wiz_emoticon.gif. Fartre and Canas go to the archer's and sniper's room in the north while Trolli deals with the bandits with his awesome Silver Sword.

Chapter 26 - 15/109

Bla bla bla. Sain, Pent and Louise take the western path. Pent has gotten awesome lv. ups (Hp, Mag, Sp, Def, Res), as well as Louise (Hp, Str, Skl, Sp, Lck, Res). Trolli, Marcus, Fartre and Canas take the eastern route. Nino talks to Jaffar. Sain is a beast, he dodges both Maxime and Ursula. He ORKOs Maxime with a Jav and Crtkills the Blue Crow. I wish the Black Fang were recruitable, they're awesome! gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

Chapter 26x - 19/109

Keep on! Training. Go Go Levels!!! Sain kills Sonia.

Chapter 27 - 9/118

Sain rushes to Linus. While he marches, he kills and crtkills enemies with Javelin/Short Spear. Marcus goes to the knights. Louise and Pent go to the eastern cavs but Pent goes back to Merlinus to help Eliwood killing Wyverns. Jaffar goes to myrms and heroes, Canas and Fartre kill sniper near the forests. Then Canas goes to the knight's forts to help Marcus and Louise, whereas Fartre gives a helping hand to Pent and Eliwood. Sain ORKOs Linus with Brave Lance. Trolli uses the Boots.

Chapter 28 - 4/122

What?! 3 UNITS!? Pent rescues Nils, he dances, Pent Rescues Eliwood. Both defend themselves with Tome and Light Brand. Next phase, Pent warps Eliwood, he Light Brands the warrior. Both the Warrior and the merc SD on Trolli. Next phase, Trolli crts the zerker, EP: He attacks 1-2 range and stays next to the spot. Next phase, Trolli crtkills him and claims the spot.

Chapter 29 - 11/133

Jaffar gets shit, the rest train.

Chapter 29x - 5/138

More training and shop!

Chapter 30 - 6/144

Marcus, Eli and Pent team up. Eli rescues Pent and cantos, Marcus take and drops him. Then, they kill central pals. Later on, Pent warps Trolli, Marcus advances. Pent warps Marcus, so he can clear Trolli's way. Next phase, Marcus double crtkills Limstella with Silver Lance. 8X. Sain was the best for this job with Brave Lance but herp. Pent's lack of magic made me spent an extra turn, as well as, Nils left behind.

Final - 4+2/150

Stage 1

Truckload of keys, but lack of Luna. Sain opens the Brother's door with B. Lance, Jaffar with Iron Rune opens the Blue Crow's, Trolli opens Darin's and cantos back. Louise stays in Uhai's range, Jaffar crtkills The Blue Crow, Sain crtkills Lloyd, Darin and the morph gen approach. Next turn, Athos kills the sage on Kenneth's room, Sain crtspears Linus twice, Marcus Killercrtskills Uhai, Louise kills a sniper, Eli the other one, Jaffar Silences Jerme, Pent Elfires Darin and dodges. EP: The druid dies in the name of St. Elimine and her sublime light, Kenneth is hurt, The morph gen dies on Pent's Fimbulvetr, the last door opens. At PP, Jaffar is danced and enters the room with Killing Edge, the rest heal and move UP. EP: Brendan is Silenced by Jaffar. PP: Bartre trades Basilikos with Jaffar and kills the morph warrior. Nergal's door opens. Athos rescues Nils, he dances Santhos, Athos double Aureolas the Dark Druid, Pent warps Trolli, he Durandals him.

Stage 2

Lack of Luna meant extra turn here. Trolli Durandals the Dragon, is rescued by Marcus, he cantos. Athos double Forblazes, Pent Physics, Louise talks to him, Nils dances Pent, he Physics for more EXP, Sain takes and drops Trolli, Canas Recovers, Hector and Lyn go away, Jaffar rescues Nils. Next turn, Athos is Recovered and doubles the Dragon with Forblaze, Pent heals, and Eli finishes him. PENT IS A TOTAL LUCKY MORPH

Final TC: 150 turns


If you think something is suspicious, I gave Afa to Sain, and Pent turned wtf blessed. I gave him Robe, shield and Talisman. XP

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Progress Update.

Ch17: 3 Turns

Marcus, Eli, Kent, and Wil went left and down, and the others went right. Wil got some swords and mid-range weapons and killed a guy, Eli and Kent cleared Marcus's way and got the reinforcements, and Marcus beat down the boss. The other three just kinda got some EXP from the mercenaries at the side.

Ch18: 5 Turns

Dart and Matt went up, and the others went down. The others kinda cleared the way for Marcus, so he can kill Uhai with a crit from the Horseslayer. Fio died, but who cares.

Ch18x: 8 Turns

Skill book went to Dart. I didn't want to keep on resetting because Flo died by Arion (or whatever his name was) or because one of those Peg Knights killed her or whatever, so I did it the long way. People seem to be getting good levels finally. Matt stole the Silver Card.

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Progress Update.

Ch19: 9 Turns

Flo, Matt, Dart, and Kent went towards the Secret Shop with Killers, Wil stayed behind for the Killer Bow Archer and the bottom reinforcements, and the others went towards the throne. Matt got the Brave Bow, and then Flo carried him towards Kent and Dart who were knocking the wall down. Marcus did most of the upper work, and Eli almost got the boss kill, but he was one point short. I got a good bit of Killers, Legault was not recruited, and I only got the Brave Bow chest, but I don't really need any of the others besides the Blue Gem maybe.

Ch20: 3 Turns

Everybody ran right. Eli got boss kill and I got the Whip.

Ch21: 3 Turns

Bah, I don't want to right these description things anymore.

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