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HM 179 turns

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Ike - Str, Skl, Spd, Def, Res

Titania - Str, Spd

Boyd - HP, Str, Skl, Spd

Mia - Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Ilyana - Mag, Skl, Spd, Res

Marcia - Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Zihark - Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Jill - HP, Str, Skl, Spd, Def (both Seraph Robes)

Nephenee - Str, Skl, Spd, Def

Ulki - Str

Haar - Str, Skl, Spd

Naesala - Str, Spd, Def (both Energy Drops, both Dracoshields and 3 Speedwings)

Part 1:

1-P: 7 turns   1-1: 4 turns   1-2: 5 turns
1-3: 5 turns   1-4: 4 turns   1-5: 6 turns
1-6: 6 turns   1-7: 4 turns   1-8: 4 turns
1-9: 8 turns   1-E: 6 turns   Total: 59 turns

1-1: I just skipped the Hand Axe here. Killed the boss with Nolan + Leonardo, shoved Micaiah to Escape.

1-2: Couldn't get any of the chests here, but 5 turns is sweet.

1-3: Careful Kurth positioning required here to recruit Aran with Laura on turn 5. This is probably possible without any transfers as well. I used a Bronze Dagger Sothe to weaken the armor knight in front of the escape tile during turn 4 enemy phase; Ilyana got the armor knight kill, Sothe got the archer kill (the one on the escape tile), then Micaiah got shoved twice to Escape.

1-4: Ilyana crit required here for the 4-turn. Edward with best biorhythm gets the Beastfoe.

1-7: Nolan + Muarim need to shove Vika in order to kill a Longbow archer that can OHKO Micaiah, preventing a 4-turn. Tormod has to get kind of lucky by hitting twice with 60 displayed hit, but it's pretty repeatable.

1-8: Vika has to go kill the Dracoknight and weaken a Bandit while Sothe soloes the east side.

Part 2:

2-P: 9 turns   2-1: 5 turns   2-2: 4 turns
2-3: 5 turns   2-E: 1 turn   Total: 24 turns

2-1: Originally, I beat this chapter in 2 turns, but I decided to get Heather as Pass is really valuable in Part 3.

2-2: I guess 3 turns is possible here with some insane RNG abuse, but I'm happy with 4.

2-E: With some careful positioning, I was able to get the Energy Drop and kill Ludveck with Haar.

Part 3:

3-P: 7 turns   3-1: 3 turns   3-2: 2 turns
3-3: 5 turns   3-4: 5 turns   3-5: 1 turn
3-6: 8 turns   3-7: 13 turns  3-8: 4 turns
3-9: 3 turns   3-10: 4 turns  3-11: 4 turns
3-12: 3 turns  3-13: 2 turns  3-E: 4 turns
Total: 68 turns

3-6: I was very satisfied with how this chapter turned out. Jill with Beastfoe went around murdering things and got to level 15 by the end of the chapter, with 22 str and capped def and speed. I used the partner units to great effect here (I simply let them roam around as they wished; they were excellent lures and good for killing untransformed or nearly dead laguz). Sothe, Zihark and Volug went east while the Black Knight went up once he appeared.

3-8: Good thing I had coins, I needed Haar with 30 strength and a 16 might Hand Axe to 4 turn this chapter. Resolve Ike took the south while Titania, Janaff, Boyd and Haar (with Celerity) rushed to the boss area.

3-9: Marcia with no transfers can 3 turn this chapter too, but transfers help a lot. I had Marcia promote; I think she'll help a lot in Tibarn's team.

3-12: My Jill was absolutely incredible. I could basically throw her into the middle of enemies and expect her to survive. Easy 3 turn.

3-13: Just restart until Jill gets a Stun with the Brave Axe on Ike.

Part 4:

Silver Army: Naesala, Skrimir, Haar, Jill, Janaff

Greil Army: Ike, Nailah, Titania, Boyd, Ulki

Hawk Army: Tibarn, Ranulf, Mia, Marcia, Shinon

Endgame Team: Naesala, Nailah, Tibarn, Caineghis, Giffca, Jill, Haar, Marcia, Boyd, Titania

4-P: 2 turns   	4-1: 3 turns   4-2: 5 turns
4-3: 4 turns 	4-4: 6 turns   4-5: 1 turn
4-E-1: 2 turns  4-E-2: 1 turn  4-E-3: 1 turn
4-E-4: 1 turn	4-E-5: 2 turns Total: 28 turns

4-P: Crazy but easy chapter. Just threw Naesala into the west, Jill into the south-east and Haar took the rest.

4-1: Resolve Titania took the west, Nailah took the east while Boyd and Celerity Ike went south to deal with those enemy units. Ulki went around sniping Bishops with Heather's help.

4-2: THIS FUCKING CHAPTER. I gave Tibarn Pass so he could be between the Bishops near Valtome on turn 4. Tibarn carried Mia with Savior so she could own like 20 enemies with the Tempest Blade, and after it broke, a forged Silver Sword. Marcia went south then west on her own, needing a crit or Adept or Stun on a Crossbow warrior.

4-3: Sent Janaff south, Resolve Haar + Naesala southeast and Jill alternating between southeast and east. Very, very difficult chapter. I skipped the Laguz Gem since I thought it might be unnecessary--Giffca comes with one and I have Laguz Stones to spare anyways.

4-4: Another lame, difficult chapter. Nailah with Celerity and Pass went north solo. Ike took out the northeast treasure rooms, while Boyd took out the west one, then joined Nailah (with Rhys using Rescue). Ulki was needed for one bishop kill. Titania took out the east enemies all by herself.

4-5: Just needed one use of Rescue. Marcia got the kill.

4-E-1: Very difficult chapter. I gave Caineghis a strength level so he could reliably own the four armor knights surrounding Hetzel. On turn 1, Haar killed Hetzel and Caineghis killed a sleep staff user with Pass. Resolve Marcia and Parity Jill went west and east respectively. Parity Jill killed Lekain on turn 2, with help from Rafiel. Sanaki with Meteor helped out Naesala clear some generals on the west side, while Pass Boyd soloed the southeast side. Then Haar with a Hammer took out the generals surrounding Lekain.

No one died in the playthrough.

Top 5:

1. Haar (170 battles, 139 victories)

2. Jill (143 battles, 114 victories)

3. Boyd (122 battles, 85 victories)

4. Ike (108 battles, 74 victories)

5. Titania (99 battles, 62 victories)

Edited by Jushiro
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Silver Army: Naesala, Skrimir, Haar, Jill, Janaff

Greil Army: Ike, Nailah, Titania, Boyd, Ulki

Hawk Army: Tibarn, Ranulf, Mia, Marcia, Shinon

4-P: 2 turns

4-1: 3 turns

4-2: 5 turns

4-P: Crazy but easy chapter. Just threw Naesala into the west, Jill into the south-east and Haar took the rest.

4-1: Resolve Titania took the west, Nailah took the east while Boyd and Celerity Ike went south to deal with those enemy units. Ulki went around sniping Bishops with Heather's help.

4-2: THIS FUCKING CHAPTER. I gave Tibarn Pass so he could be between the Bishops near Valtome on turn 4. Tibarn carried Mia with Savior so she could own like 20 enemies with the Tempest Blade, and after it broke, a forged Silver Sword. Marcia went south then west on her own, needing a crit or Adept or Stun on a Crossbow warrior.

I'm having some trouble on a 4-3 4 turn. It doesn't help that Lekain and such don't leave by turn 4, either. It doesn't seem impossible, but I'd say it's the hardest FE challenge I've had so far. I think I can do it in a day or two.

Edited by Jushiro
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4-turned 4-3!

4-3: Sent Janaff south, Resolve Haar + Naesala southeast and Jill alternating between southeast and east. Very, very difficult chapter. I skipped the Laguz Gem since I thought it might be unnecessary--Giffca comes with one and I have Laguz Stones to spare anyways.

Lol, Micaiah talks to the Black Knight even though he didn't even appear since I beat the chapter too quickly. On another amusing note, Naesala killed Lekain, but Lekain wasn't angry at all, nor did they have a convo with each other.

Edited by Jushiro
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You know those transfers looks pretty smexy, kinda makes me jealous. Although I was able to cap most of my stats before 3rd promotion so it's good.

Keep it up though.

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