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My Spriting


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Woah! Not to bad there! I am not the greatest battle spriter, but from what i see it is really nice!

Also, you should make an imageshack account and post your sprites there so we can see all of sprites right from the post

Edited by fuzz94
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Please upload the sprites to something like photobucket or puush because the attachment tool sucks. :p

With that being said, Vika's wings wouldn't be at the same angle on both sides. You can reference Fa and the Mamkute girl from FE8(whose name I can't remember right now haha) to see how their wings are angled. There are way too many colours that aren't necessary to have there. I'm not saying you have to stay within the colour limit (15 + 1) but you have so many colours that are practically the same (the blues for example: three blues would be sufficient but you have 6, most of which are hard to tell apart and look like they're being use for AA which isn't needed). The legs have an awkward shape to them (mostly the right opv leg), she has way too much hair which makes her head too big for her, and I really recommend using the normal battle sprite skins tones as they are much better.


Left wing needs to be changed.

Way too many colours that are not needed.

Legs need to be fixed, especially the right one.

Less hair.

Change skin palette.

Pretty decent overall! I agree with Deranger, you definitely have potential. :)

Edited by eCut
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Don't take your pallette directly from the picture. Use existing colors or make your own.

Any reason not to? So long as the individual can use a correct amount of color balance, it's not like it's physics-breaking, and if the individual can't balance colors, then it really doesn't matter where the colors are coming from in the first place.

There's enough colors in the portraits themselves to create good contrasts in the colors without being washed out or too saturated or whatever the problem seems to be. The issue doesn't lie in using preexisting color choices, but in how the person is taking those colors and utilizing them.

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True, but he doesn't have a good grasp on color contrast, as you can tell from how it looks flat. Once he's more advanced and better at spotting color contrasts, sure, he can take them from the portraits. It's kind of like a custom pallette itself. But right now, he needs to use GBA colors with basic edits.

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True, but he doesn't have a good grasp on color contrast, as you can tell from how it looks flat. Once he's more advanced and better at spotting color contrasts, sure, he can take them from the portraits. It's kind of like a custom pallette itself. But right now, he needs to use GBA colors with basic edits.

Hmm... Can't believe I actually picked up some good tips for choosing colors here lol

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As I said before, I just wanted to share these old ones before I get into more advanced spriting.

As far as GBA color palettes, are you just referring to using only three shades of a color (I guess I was trying to be too fancy before)?

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You can use more than three shades, but your shades are super-similar to one another, where it's hard to tell that there's any shading at all. You need a better balance of contrast--well, you don't need it, but your current use of contrast really jumps out in the style of sprites you're imitating, where the contrast is much more apparent.

I like your style of sprites, by the way. And for photobucket, when you've uploaded an image, you can copy an {img} link which will show your image wherever you past it. You can also take the normal url of the image and place it between an {img} tags for the same effect

[img=like this!]

Edited by Celice
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Yeah the colours really are the main problem, it lacks contrast.

Look, I shrunk the sprite to normal size and did a quick recolour to give it contrast.


Doesn't that look better?

I really do suggest listening to what everyone is saying! The fact that so many people are giving you critique shows that people have an interest in you. You're not bad, but it is clear that you can be very good.

Also: If this is your old stuff then please skip it and get to your new stuff or just post all of your old stuff at once. :P We are all wasting our breath if these are old sprites that you don't plan to fix.

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