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Fuzz94's Brawl Tournament


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So I want to give this tournament idea I have a try on the forums hoping it will get enough players. I do it with my friends IRL all of the time and it usually works out great.


As people sign up they are split into to groups, Group 1 and Group 2, who would have guessed,

When the tournament begins, it will phase through in rounds and each round you will play someone different (round robin).

However, you only play each person in one 3 stock match, on a random map.

List of banned maps/characters/items are below.

You will play everyone in your group and depending on how many people sign up depends on people from the other group.

I will create the list of who you play when everyone else once the roster is full.

At the end of X amount of rounds the top 2/4/8 move on to the finals bracket, which is single elimination. Anyone else is eliminated at that point.

There is no timing set in stone so if you get your list you can take a day to do all of your round robin matches or 2 weeks. If the tournament is being held up PMs will be sent out.

Delaying the tournament further will result in disqualification.

I hope that is good for you guys. Let me know about the rules and such and I'll fix 'em up where needed.

[spoiler=Group 1]

Fuzz94 FC: 1203-8984-8990

whase FC: 3610-6137-5296

[spoiler=Group 2]

Kaoz. FC: 1376-6029-9197

.... (Dark Pegasi) FC:0432-0972-0761 Now Eryth

[spoiler=Banned Stuff]


Meta Knight

All Items (Lag issues and such) except for healing items


New Pork City

Melee Zelda

Mushroomy Kingdom

Rumble Falls

Rainbow Cruise

Port Town Aero Drive


Shadow Moses Island

Spear Pillar


Big Blue


Edited by fuzz94
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Signing up I guess, 1376-6029-9197

I would recommend against all items though, some of them are either bad or just don't work online (probably).

Edited by Kaoz
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Signing up I guess, 1376-6029-9197

I would recommend against all items though, some of them are either bad or just don't work online (probably).


I guess like the fan and ray gun are banned. Any other items that should be banned?

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All but the following are probably better off banned.

(Sandbag) (Food) (Warp Star) (Bunny Hood) (Beam Sword) (Lip’s Stick) (Star Rod) (Super Scope) (Fire Flower) (Motion Sensor Bomb) (Freezie) (Smoke Ball) (Pitfall) (Mr. Saturn) (Banana Peel) (Franklin Badge) (Screw Attack)

You might also want to consider banning some stages, specifically those that are either really large, move or have a circle.

Edited by Kaoz
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I guess I'll be in (FC: 3610-6137-5296 )

about items; I'd rather had them set to none and off. I like brawl to be a game of skill, not one of who gets the lucky items.

about stages; only stages I don't like are flat zone 2, mario bros., 75 m and green hill zone. specifically the first 3 I suggest you ban from the random stages list since they're no fun at all.

Edited by whase
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I have absolutely no preference to having items on or off. It would be a nice change of pace to have items, but I'd agree to limiting which items get played. I would say certain skills are involved in item and stage manipulation. Say you get stuck on spear pillar, hold the control stick up, and try teching. You are almost guaranteed to survive to 200% in the little hole. The same for Shadow Moses. Hold down and to the side and you'll DI most attacks into the walls and bounce off the walls at a lower angle too. And the fan is not all that game breaking. I believe you simply have to hold down and shield, then mash A. You'll eventually DI into the ground, then powershield the fan and grab. Smash ball supremacy? Let the other person get one good whack at it, then you finish it off since they weakened it for you. Or if no one hits it for a long time, then the next strong attack will open it up.

All but the following are probably better off banned.

(Sandbag) (Food) (Warp Star) (Bunny Hood) (Beam Sword) (Lip's Stick) (Star Rod) (Super Scope) (Fire Flower) (Motion Sensor Bomb) (Freezie) (Smoke Ball) (Pitfall) (Mr. Saturn) (Banana Peel) (Franklin Badge) (Screw Attack)

You might also want to consider banning some stages, specifically those that are either really large, move or have a circle.

Food is rather pointless and a minor point unless you get a party ball. Sandbag is also another pointless object. I see no reason why it should be banned. There are a number of items which pointless in a match, but not game breaking. Something like a smashball or hammer is more game breaking. But you can abuse a person with a hammer because they cannot recover once hit. Throw a beam sword at them and watch them die offstage.

But, as you can already tell, we could spend a week or more discussing which items to be banned, which stages to be banned, etc. I say we leave the rules as is to avoid taking forever to get this thing off the ground.Play have fun. Don't get salty :D

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Food is rather pointless and a minor point unless you get a party ball. Sandbag is also another pointless object. I see no reason why it should be banned. There are a number of items which pointless in a match, but not game breaking. Something like a smashball or hammer is more game breaking. But you can abuse a person with a hammer because they cannot recover once hit. Throw a beam sword at them and watch them die offstage.

I'm saying those should be the legal ones. It's the ISP Neutrals.

My main concern with stages are really the moving ones, e.g. Rainbow Cruise, since when you have lag, you might very well miss a crucial change.

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All moving stages and large stages (Melee Hyrule Castle) will be banned. Delfino Plaza is not banned because, althoug moving it is not a huge difference.

As for Items as of now I only will ban Fan, Ray Gun. If there is/are any items you feel should be banned, list it/them and a reason why. The items, IMO, add an X factor to the game and can make it more interesting.

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Matches aren't going to be like the other person's in your living room. Trying to dodge Hot Heads, Bumpers, and Smart Bombs with lag sounds really irritating.

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All moving stages and large stages (Melee Hyrule Castle) will be banned. Delfino Plaza is not banned because, althoug moving it is not a huge difference.

What about New Pork City?

As for Items as of now I only will ban Fan, Ray Gun. If there is/are any items you feel should be banned, list it/them and a reason why. The items, IMO, add an X factor to the game and can make it more interesting.

Barrels, Capsules, Crates and Party Balls, all for the reason that they can explode when you throw them or hit them with an attack which can vastly influence the outcome and you have no way of knowing whether they will.

Lightning Bolt, Poison Mushroom, Super Mushroom, Timer. More or less the same reason as above, you have no real way of knowing what effect the item will have before you pick it up (or in case of the mushrooms, they look very similar and it's easy to miss the minor differences), which makes the whole thing more or less a coin flip. Also the mushrooms and Lightning Bolt are activated on touch, so it's possible that you activate them without even wanting it.

I'm not sure how well some of the other items work in lag, but probably wouldn't mind them too much.

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What about New Pork City?


Barrels, Capsules, Crates and Party Balls, all for the reason that they can explode when you throw them or hit them with an attack which can vastly influence the outcome and you have no way of knowing whether they will.

Lightning Bolt, Poison Mushroom, Super Mushroom, Timer. More or less the same reason as above, you have no real way of knowing what effect the item will have before you pick it up (or in case of the mushrooms, they look very similar and it's easy to miss the minor differences), which makes the whole thing more or less a coin flip. Also the mushrooms and Lightning Bolt are activated on touch, so it's possible that you activate them without even wanting it.

I'm not sure how well some of the other items work in lag, but probably wouldn't mind them too much.

I'll accept all of those reasons. As well as the three eclipse said.

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It sounds interesting, but the opinions are very divided between competetive and not-quite-as-competetive. I'd prefer to go for not-quite-as-competetive myself, but I don't quite agree with the ruleset either, and it's impossible to make one which all of us likes, I don't think I'll bother joining.

Anyway, Loota (a good player from Finland) has hundreds of hours behind him with item testing. He has made an item list which imo combines fun and competetiviness in a perfect ratio. But that's a matter of opinion. Also, I'd very well opt for at least smash balls to be banned - unlike the other items, they skew the power too much character-dependently and are a very strong asset, very difficult to dodge in some cases (whereas most other items are, with knowledge and skill, very well counterable and not in fact a strong gameplay point at all if enough stocks or matches are given). This is, in my and many others' opinion, deteoriating towards both the fun and skill aspects of the game.

Also, cave of life is really interesting with strong items. Too bad lag kills ukemi mechanisms.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay I'm on vacation still so when I get home i'll jump in you guys can start the round robin now if you want.


To end all discussion only healing items are aloud. Thanks guys :)

We'll go six rounds so you play everyone twice.

(So for my sake)


Round 1

Fuzz v whase

Kaoz v Eryth

Round 2

Fuzz v Kaoz

whase v Eryth

Round 3

whase v Kaoz

Eryth v Fuzz

Round 4

Fuzz v whase

Kaoz v Eryth

Round 5

Fuzz v Kaoz

whase v Eryth

Round 6

whase v Kaoz

Eryth v Fuzz

You can get started, I'll do my matches when I get home. And...GO

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I'm going to go to IP chat and play random games with everyone :awesome:

As for healing items, is that Food only, or Maximum Tomato and Heart Container are OK too?

If it boils down to that.. ..I'd say it's better to just ban items outright, they create lag. But it's up to you.

We played some games with Kaoz last night, and it was terrible playing in Frigate or anything that moved. Adding items to that.. it would be bad. The game was playable in BF/FD, though.

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