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Mapping Voting Tie Break! :O

Chocolate Kitty


40 members have voted

  1. 1. FIGHT!!

    • [img]http://i1164.photobucket.com/albums/q576/MAC_148/FESTUFF/SFRound28Base1-1.png[/img] - Kenshi
    • [img]http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q30/Feaw_2007/FeawMapContest20.png[/img] - Feawr

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I always think it's cool that the mapping voters like to vote for newcomers, because the spriting comps don't tend to do that and encourage new spriters. Anyway, I still voted Feaw because I would use the hell out of that map, more than likely as a defend or uniform assault chapter.

Edited by Adolf Klokler
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tbh voting for someone solely because they're new is a terrible reason to vote for them. if they're new and actually skilled, then that's a whole different story.

regardless these types of things won't most likely occur since every entry will be anonymous

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I voted for Feaw! Kenshi's map is really well done -- the mountains are too straight in my opinion -- but I just like Feaw's more. :)

I was actually stuck between Kenshi and Feaw in the original vote. :P

Edited by eCut
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@Klock: I think the difference is, a map uses Pre existing tiles with shading, and a lot of the technical errors are hard to see/are fixed by dropping another tile over the bad one, yes maps come down to design in the fact that you're making a scene, but I'm sure the voting would be more similar to other comps if it was scratch mapping/editing/splicing tiles.

Voted for Feaw, purely epic castle :)

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