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Hiya. I felt abliged to create an introudction. My name is Jake, I'm 17, I've frequented Serenes Forest for quite a while, however never really became a member or joined the forums- just using it for guides and other such pleasures whenever I felt like going on a Fire Emblem binge... c;

I first discovered FE years ago when my mom got a new car and we found FE7 in it. At that time it seemed lame and I didnt understand it... I tried it again later in my life and thought, "Damn. This is brilliant." and thus FE has become plausably one of my favourite game series 8D

I hail from other forums, none of which relating to Fire Emblem in any way.. mostly all gaming, spriting or animating forums.

I only recently came across FE hacks and custom maps... after playing through each game numerous times I want to try something new while waiting for Awakening to come out in Canada / America :P I shall lurk around and post if be needed.

Nice to meet you all, whom actually read my spleal of text. =w=

edit: PS. Hide yo woman. {:

Edited by Levolpehh
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Hello and welcome to the forest. Most people would say that you got that copy of FE7 for free. But if you think about it, you got it for the cost of a car. As much as I like FE, thats a bit much to pay for a video game, dontcha think?

Anyways, have a good time here!

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