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PPACA, or "Obamacare," upheld.


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I would just say not a Tea Party person. People can be Republican voters and not part of that group.

Unfortunately, the minority always yells the loudest and has the most influence in political parties, and the Tea Party is a minority. A really, really, really vocal minority.

The Tea Party isn't really "Republican"; they're more racist libertarians in the vein of Rand Paul.

And no, I would argue that Republicans have been a harmful political entity the past three years. "Toxic" is probably the best word. Their game plan has been to demonize Obama as much as conceivably possible, which is good for getting re-elected, but bad for bipartisan cooperation; after all, once you make someone out to be Lucifer, working with him will be viewed by your constituency as dealing with the devil.

It's worth remembering that the Democrats were equally bad and incompetent in the 60s and 70s, while Republicans were the party for the intellectuals. Hopefully things become a little more even as time progresses.

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The Tea Party isn't really "Republican"; they're more racist libertarians in the vein of Rand Paul.

And no, I would argue that Republicans have been a harmful political entity the past three years. "Toxic" is probably the best word. Their game plan has been to demonize Obama as much as conceivably possible, which is good for getting re-elected, but bad for bipartisan cooperation; after all, once you make someone out to be Lucifer, working with him will be viewed by your constituency as dealing with the devil.

It's worth remembering that the Democrats were equally bad and incompetent in the 60s and 70s, while Republicans were the party for the intellectuals. Hopefully things become a little more even as time progresses.

That was during the red scare though, so I can see how it happens as socialists are more to the left as are communists.

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That was during the red scare though, so I can see how it happens as socialists are more to the left as are communists.

...? Red Scare was from 1919 to 1921.

EDIT: If you're referring to the "second Red Scare" that no one really talks about, I'm pretty sure that was in the 40s or 50s. Either way, the period I'm referring to is afterwards.

Edited by Westbrick
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That was during the red scare though, so I can see how it happens as socialists are more to the left as are communists.

I would just call that the Cold War and McCarthyism.

Yeah, political parties fall in and out of favor with time, depending on the idiocy of their policies. Honestly, I don't blame it on changing times, I blame it on human stupidity. Democrats ruined themselves because of Vietnam in the 60s. Republicans were able to take control easily, and then we found out how much of a corrupt sell-out Nixon was. Then Carter came into office at the worst possible time (There was really nothing he could do about Iran. His hands were completely tied. Blaming Carter for Iran is the same as blaming Truman for China becoming Communist), and Reagan came into the presidency. It's pretty sad that given Reagan's policies, the current Republican Party and the Tea Party radicals would tar and feather him. As for why Republicans lost in 1992? Well, Bush Sr.'s "No New Taxes" statement during the election which was completely idiotic in hindsight, and people angry about not ousting Saddam Hussein during the Gulf War (which as we see now as a result of Bush Jr. led to terrible results). That and Ross Perot being the Bull Moose candidate (Yeah, not his party but it's the same concept as Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, he drew away votes that would have gone to Bush) got Clinton in. And as for 2000...I have no idea.

Yes, what the Republican Party has been doing lately is nothing but toxic and harmful. Democrat's haven't helped either, they're too indecisive to do anything. Refusing to work with the other side on anything does nothing but destroy any respect from the other side and worsens the country as a whole because nothing gets done. That's why Congress has a glorious approval rating of 8%. The political landscape is about as bad as the 1850s. The only thing that keeps it from being the exact same is that Senators and House members aren't physically beating each other into a pulp on the floor of Congress. I swear, at this point if someone proposed a statement that said "Rape is bad" the other party would vehemently oppose it and get it destroyed. It doesn't matter the content of what is actually IN any bill, only that one side proposed said bill. Why are so many people disillusioned? This is why.

Edited by tenkiforecast
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...? Red Scare was from 1919 to 1921.

EDIT: If you're referring to the "second Red Scare" that no one really talks about, I'm pretty sure that was in the 40s or 50s. Either way, the period I'm referring to is afterwards.

The "second Red Scare" is probably the whole of the Cold War.

Anyway, an interesting decision. With Obama's reelection being almost certain, hopefully he'll go farther than 'Obamacare.' Probably not, though.

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The "second Red Scare" is probably the whole of the Cold War.

Oh? I don't think so. There's actually a second period known officially as the "Second Red Scare." But I'll get back to you on that; my memory might be failing me.

EDIT: Here we go -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_scare#Second_Red_Scare_.281947.E2.80.931957.29

So basically McCarthyism.

Anyway, an interesting decision. With Obama's reelection being almost certain, hopefully he'll go farther than 'Obamacare.' Probably not, though.

Mm. This'll go down as a monumental decision in large part because had the PPACA been repealed, it being Obama's signature piece of legislation from the past three years, he almost certainly would've been ousted.

Edited by Westbrick
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This is incorrect. What you're thinking of is the public option, which offers basic coverage to those who can't afford private insurance; the PPACA is essentially a tax with a built-in tax exemption if you buy insurance. Besides, it's fallacious to pretend that some entitlement programs will inevitably lead to a full Entitlement Culture. Are you worried that food stamps will lead to this culture? Medicare and medicaid?

In response to this, sorry I had to go, I feel this was for me so I will post my answer humans are never satisfied with what they have, we will always want more. This may be enough for now, but 20+ years in the future they may ask for more. With the current precedent set by obamacare, if the judges in that time believe in Stare Decisis the law will stand. I know of several people on food stamps and medicaid who never bother doing anything, because they prefer the easy life.

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My state may be an inconsistent mess at times (hello sewer maintenance all over the damn place), but I think they got health care right. Can the rest of the states pretty please adopt Hawaii's stance on health care as a bare minimum? Here's the gist of it.

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Oh? I don't think so. There's actually a second period known officially as the "Second Red Scare." But I'll get back to you on that; my memory might be failing me.

EDIT: Here we go -> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_scare#Second_Red_Scare_.281947.E2.80.931957.29

So basically McCarthyism.

Ah, forgot that that was the official term for it (I actually thought it was the Era of McCarthy or something as Tenkiforecast loosely said). Thanks for that.

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