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It's the 43rd anniversary of Stonewall.

Caliban of Sycorax

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For those of you unaware, the Stonewall Riots became the first major event in the gay rights movement. On June 28, 1969, police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York, and people began to fight back. It sparked the gay rights movement, which is still powerful today. But because of Stonewall, we have gay pride, we have the slow process of legalizing same-sex marriage, and we have the ability to be gay and proud.

Further reading on Stonewall

The climb is still uphill, but because of Stonewall, it's becoming better.

To the pioneers, the first fighters, I thank you for fighting--it's because of you that I can be gay and proud.

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Damn, we have come a long way. Still a ways to go, but I'm always thankful I was born in these times and not back then.

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So am I. Things have changed for the better, but it's not where we want it to be. I'm so glad that more people are getting educated, though--more people are becoming familiar with gay culture and the fact that homosexuality is not a choice, mental disorder, or disease. It's natural.

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