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Bluedoom's playthrough of Pokemon Black 2


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I've finally got my hands on a ROM of Pokemon Black 2, a better version of desmume and a good patch to fix no exp. Time to play, right? Even if its not in english... :(

So the game starts off with this lovely scen of Aspertia City or whatever its called. Then your rival makes you go somewhere... that is, go north past the center and then go left, to a staircase. Up the stairs, you find Bianca. She offers you your starter- I picked Oshawottt because its my favorite of the lot. The rival battle was easy- and the music for it is AWESOME! <3 Either ways, its an easy victory for me. :3

Then Bianca takes you back to the pokemon center...where she teaches you what you already know. WHY DO YOU TORTURE US GAME FREAK? I WISH WE HAD AN OPTION TO TURN OF TUTORIALS!

Then you meet your mom and your rival's sister. They give you running shoes and then send you off. Then you head off to Route 19... oh wait, forgot starter analysis

Snivy: Not a big improvement from last game, except it can be tutored aqua tail now, which provides good neutral damage to steel types and also deals with fire types. It also now has another gym it'll be good against- Marlon's. Still, its pretty udnerwhelming, especially its offense early on. Damn. Also, it'll suck against Roxie. Big time.

Tepig: They just switched around the effectiveness of Tepig and Snivy versus one gym. That's it. Its bad against Marlon, yeah, but ts still the same old Tepig. Not much of a difference really. Still slow with bad defences but good HP. And good variety. And offense.

Oshawott: The same as before. I generally like water starters, so this thing's awesome. Getting Shell Blade early on makes it have awesome offense, really that's cool. Not much has changed for the starters, so Oshawott still is the most balanced starter of the three.

And now, pokemon analysis for Route 19:

Purrloin: Still sux. Horrible moveset, horrible offense, WHAT THE FUCK CAN YOU D WITH THIS THING? I don't care if its fast, it sux.

Patrat: THIS SUCKS TOO! It doesn't even hit that hard and isn't fast. WTF?

And then you end up in Sangi Town. Alder halts you, tals to you, then goes of somewhere. Go to the northeast part of town and you'll find him again. he'll show you R 20- go there. Analysis for this Route:

You should capture, if any, Sewaddle. Period. Its the only pokemon which has a decent offense which will last the entire game, even if it has many weaknesses. Sunkern has no variety, Patrat still sux, Pidove sux too because lolno physical flying attack. Purrloin still sucks.

Then we arrive at Sangi Ranch. Another pokemon analysis:

Lilipup: Still the strong attacker you want it to be. Will have amazing offense early on, and starts falling a bit late game. But hey its still usable.

Mareep: Its a cool electric type, yeah, and it has Focus Blast and Power Gem over... Galvantula. That's about it. Its good an all but you can replace it with Galvantula, who's faster and can hit as hard with Thunder reliably thanks to Compound eyes. You're n no need of an electric type right now, but if you need one, this is pretty good.

Psyduck: Consider this if you didn't take Oshawott. It'll take a while for Psyduck to evolve, but its an early water type, which is nice. It learns confusion at lvl 18, which is good against Roxie. Usable, but annoying to raise.

The rest are mere scrubs. Riolu will be stuck with a poor moveset forever, Patrat sux of course, and Azurill is HORRIBLE. Doesn't even learn anything worthwhile and needs love to evolve. Psyduck's wayyy better. If you end up with this in a nuzlocke, god be with you, son.

So your rival battles you and then the ranchers come and tell you their Herdier got kidnapped by some thug. Follow our rival, and then go east, where you meat a weird ninja looking dude. It seems he's from Team Plasma: OH NO THEY'RE BACK AGAIN! He gives you TM 21 and flees.

Then go back, where you meet Alder. He makes you battle two traners the first one has a Pansear, the second has a Pansage. Or maybe this depends on your starter? Because when I was looking at Serebii's logs, he said it was a Pansage and a Panpour. Oh well. All I'm going to say is- Sewaddle's Bug Bite is so powerful. Really useful. :3

Go back to your starting town, and go to the trainer school to the northwest. The building has a northern exit- it takes you to a battlefield. That's right guys, its gym time!

You need to fight 2 trainers. My Lilipup screwed with them. And it screwed with Cheren too. IT SOLO'D CHEREN! <3

Cheren has a Lvl 11 Patrat and a lvl 13 Lilipup. If you have a Riolu, this gym battle will be real easy, and the only time that thing is ever going to be useful. Lilipup is turned out amazng here for me- and it was only lvl 12 or sometihing. Mareep's Thunde Wave can help out over here, but not necessary. Sewaddle and bug bite is pretty good too.

And that's it for the opening post, folks.

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Since you asked for screenshots, here are three which I took during my attempt to take on Roxie


That's her giving me the TM after winning. Now, I wondered how I was going to beat her, considering Koffing and Whirlipede have amazing defences and can poison you. I went south to the Verbank complex to train, and accidentally found my answer. And my savior.


Yes, Magnemite. I used it at base. Which was lvl 11. Lvl 11 Magnemite vs lvl 16 Koffing and lvl 18 Whirlipede. Solo. It was awesome, sonic boom messes with these guys. I feel stupid, training my Lilipup so it could evolve. All I needed was a Magnemite and two potions(although 1 potion most likely suffices)

Pokemon Analysis later all I know is I found my electric type. <3

EDIT: Ok, now for other stuff:

If you go to the right in Route 20 a hiker stops you from going. After you get your first badge, he battles you and allows you to go forward. The new path now takes you to Verbank City.

Verbank gym is tough without a pokemon good against poison types. Psyduck with confusion works well here, so does a certain pokemon. Well I'm talking about magnemite. If you trained Mareep it should be a Flaafy now- it can deal pretty good damage thanks to being special based and Koffing has low SP.Def, Whirlipede's Sp.Def is lesser than its Def. Thunder wave also can help. Herdier with take down(and perhaps work up) can do well here too, I believe. Your starter more or less will not do much here, especially Snivy. Oshawott, with Shell Blade(should be a Dewott actually) can do a lot of damage here thanks to nice base power of Shell Blade. Pignite can't do shit with Arm Thrust and will have to rely on its Flame Charge, which works well against Scolipede.

And for anyone who wants to know what Verbank Complex looks like, here you go. Its south of Verbank City:


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Pignite can't do shit with Arm Thrust and will have to rely on its Flame Charge, which works well against Scolipede.

Shouldn't this be Whirlipede?

But, you are forgetting that there's another Steel-type available, and it's one you've written off: Lucario! Granted, it can't do much to her, but I doubt she can do much to it, either. That means it's the perfect opportunity to set up with Work Up and Quick Attack your way through her.

Of course, Magnemite is still way, way better at this gym, but why not have another option, albeit one that isn't as good? I mean, if you're using Riolu you might as well.

Still, keep it up, Oshawott is easily the best of those starters, and I like that you review everything available on routes and such.

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Shouldn't this be Whirlipede?

But, you are forgetting that there's another Steel-type available, and it's one you've written off: Lucario! Granted, it can't do much to her, but I doubt she can do much to it, either. That means it's the perfect opportunity to set up with Work Up and Quick Attack your way through her.

Of course, Magnemite is still way, way better at this gym, but why not have another option, albeit one that isn't as good? I mean, if you're using Riolu you might as well.

Still, keep it up, Oshawott is easily the best of those starters, and I like that you review everything available on routes and such.

Yeah, sorry, my bad.

The problem with Riolu is that you get it around lvl 7. It evolves by love and it learns two fine attacks at lvl 19- Bone Rush and Reversal(not that good but better than anything else it has). So its got 12 lvls to gain happiness, which is really bad in here, and you'll need to grind for that too, because when I reached the gym my average Team lvl was about... 14. Yeah. And Lucario doesn't learn a good fighting attack until lvl 51... Aura Sphere. Facepalm_emote_gif.gif That's why I wrote it off- it will remain mediocre unless you teach it some TMs or something. And the pain of training it as a Riolu. Its unlikely that you'll have a Lucario by the time you reach Roxie.

Now then, Gym2 to Gym 3 time:

Not much is happening. The north exit was previously blocked by some dude from POKEWOOD! Now you get to go to that exit... to find some sort of director. Guess What? YOU'RE GOING TO GO TO POKEWOOD NOW! WE CAN MAKE MOVIES! :3


That's how one of the buildings look. They force you to watch a movie. Here's another screenshot of that:


Its pretty awesome, look at those cute faces of the movie-watchers! <3 The movie basically stars Brycen, who's the villain over here and he easily defeats the Hero's Riolu with his Vullaby and Pawniard. THAT'S CHEATING I SAY, CHEATING!


So the director and that other weird dude from Pokewood takes us to the movie-making buildng and ask us to act in the movie. They want us to be the hero who beats Brycen. WE'RE GONNA BE FAMOUS, I TELL YA! ^^

Its a simple battle, use Force Palm on Pawniard, and Ice Punch on Vullaby. I can't believe Riolu lost in the first movie. pfft.

After that, you need to return to Virbank City, and go to the docks. You'll find Roxie and your Rival facing off against three Plasma Grunts. HEY, THAT'S UNFAIR! You join in and battle a Grunt. Its an easy battle. Then they run off to Route 20 again. NO, NOT THE ROUTE OF UNDERLEVELLED POKEMON! You have to go down there and find one grunt, battle her and go back to Virbank City. There you meet up with Roxie's father, who offers you a boat-journey to Castelia City. Accept- what else can you do over here?

In Castelia City, as you make your way to the pokemon center, a clown gives you a bicycle. Cool! You can go back to that same building in B/W where you train with people in the building. This time there are different pokemon, one even has a Growlithe. o.O Anyway when you go to the gym that old advicer tells you Burgh is out somewhere. Iris shows up and tells something about Team Plasma. Follow Iris to the eastern most pier in the City- she'll tell you to go into Castelia Sewers. Eww. Your rival will accompany for this journey.

Before I make a Pokemon Analysis of those in the Castelia Sewers, I must do one about Virbank Complex. So here goes:

You still get Pidove and that utter waste Patrat. They're both useless, as you know. Don't bother.

For Black 2, you get Magby, and White 2 you get Elekid. Here's my analysis:

Magby: Being a fire type isn't that great, and it needs to be trained till lvl 30 to evolve. My god. Then you need to trade it and stuff. And finally, its good variety of moves via egg and tutor are all physical, but Magmortar has higher Sp. Attack. I say pass. You can use it against Burgh if you like, but after that its not really necessary.

Elekid: This thing has the same problems as Magby, except being an electric type is slightly better, and it ends up being physical, which is good for its movepool. Still, I'd rather you stick with Mareep if you caught one, since it doesn't need to be traded, or Magnemite since its highly useful and pretty easy to use. Or you could catch a Joltik later on in the game. This thing is sort of... underwhelming.

Magnemite: This thing is by far the best of the pokemon you can catch in Virbank complex. Its instantly useful against Roxie and can solo her at base, with a potion use. Sonic boom is just amazing over here, and all they can use is pursuit and tackle against this thing. I also found it useful against Burgh, and I'll go into the details later. Being part steel has many advantages. Forget what I said about Mareep or Joltik- this thing trumps both of them defensively and has a very high SP. Attack to make use of.

Now, for the Castelia Sewers Analysis:

Rattata: Its just another normal pokemon with normal and dark attacks. It sucks so bad, its not even funny. I guess its better than Patrat though.

Zubat: Its good, much better than Pidove, and you will be rewarded if you raise it with love- however its still pretty underwhelming as a Zubat. If you get one at lvl 16 or 17, you're lucky because then it'll know wing attack. Still, it'll probably evolve late because you know, love. Crobat's awesome though. Did I forget to mention it naturally learns Acrobatics? <3

Grimer: This thing is a poison type which knows only poison attacks. And Mud Bomb. Most of them are based off of its weak Sp. Atk. Oh yeah, it evolves at lvl 38. Unless you really like this thing or you're a masochist, you'll want to stay away from this thing.

The Castelia Sewersis a large maze sort of thing. Tbh you'll just want to go around the perimeter and then north, where you find Plasma grunts. If you go a bit south you'll find another staircase which leads you to a grass patch in the city. It has cottonee in it for Black 2 and Petlil for White 2. I think it also has Eevee- if you feel like it, you can catch one. I don't really consider Eevee that great anyway, and while Cottonee is good and all I already have a grass pokemon. Whimsicott and Liligant have their own strengths and weaknesses, but I believe they play similar to how they were in B/W, and they were kinda good there.

After you defeat the grunts, Burgh shows up and talks to you, then some weird scientist called Achroma shows up and talks to you too, then they go away. Up ahead is a cave- I will check it out now...

Pokemon analysis:

Roggenrola: Being a rock type was pretty good in B/W, but you need to trade it to reach Gigalith. This thing will be highly useful against Burgh, and that's about it unfortunately, for a while. Its cool against Elesa's Emolga although Volt Switch will wreck you, its great against Skyla, and that's about it. You should probably wait for that Gigalith trade later in the game.

Timburr: Fighting types and rock types got nerfed in B/W 2, and this one is no exception. Luckily you get it at a good level where it'll know rock throw, so its fine against Burgh. Elesa can screw it easily thanks to weak Sp.Def and it's quite good against Clay's krokorok and Excadrill. Skyla wrecks it, Drayden isn't easy either, so is Marlon, who will hit its weak SP.Def. Now it can learn the elemental punches thanks to tutors, and it can remain useful in the Elite 4, so its still pretty cool.

Drilbur: Drilbur remaisn the sae- except now it has a new gym its weak to. Still has an underwhelming start, and still ends up being badass upon evolution. Mine has a good nature- + Spd -Sp.Atk.

Swoobat: Yuck movepool and evolves by love. I think I'll pass.

Next up- The battle against Burgh!

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You should replace Oshawott with Azurill. It might be difficult to train at this point, but Azumarill is so much better and with Huge Power, is absolutely worth it.

But it's your game, so... do whatever you want, I guess.

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