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Can't get on GameFAQS?!


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99% of the time I get a problem loading page, 1% of the time it will load very slowly and text only. It happens in Firefox 13, Fixfox 3.6 AND whatever version of IE I have. Every other site on the internet I've tried works fine and other computers in the house can go. Not a localized issue as someone on the Bloodmoney board has the same issue.

I've cleared ALL my temp files. Odd thing is I worked fine after the transition to the new web host.

Edited by deuxhero
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I don't know the problem, perhaps you need to system restore your PC?

Or maybe your PC is telling you to Stay The Hell Away From Gfaqs.

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I looked at the front page of Gamefaqs and it looks like they switched servers the other day. Your connection problems were likely on the site's side and have probably since resolved. If you still have problems, your ISP just needs to refresh its DNS cache and everything will sort itself out within the next few days.

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I looked at the front page of Gamefaqs and it looks like they switched servers the other day. Your connection problems were likely on the site's side and have probably since resolved. If you still have problems, your ISP just needs to refresh its DNS cache and everything will sort itself out within the next few days.

"other computers in the house can go on"?

And I could get on right after the transition.

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Whoops that's what I get for staying up late. Do you end up with error messages or is the site just loading as broken images?

Only the "The server at gamefaqs.com is taking too long to respond."

edit: Problem solved. Was server side.

Message From GameFAQs on 07/01/2012

We've received several reports over the last couple of days of people having trouble loading GameFAQs on their PCs. According to our traffic logs, we're getting the normal amount of visitors, so this problem seems to be limited to very few people - but that's small consolation if you're one of the people impacted.

Most of the reports mention:

1) Slow load times with intermittent failures

2) Many pages loading with no styling or images (text-only)

3) Problems only on one PC - a second computer or especially another device (tablet/phone/PS3) works just fine, even on the same connection.

The best guess right now is that your browser may be triggering the anti-DDOS system on the new GameFAQs servers. It may take several days to fully analyze the problem and come up with a solution on our end, but in the meantime there are a few things you can try:

1) Disable any "Speed up your browsing" programs, or undo any registry/configuration changes you may have made that increase the max connections allowed per server (the default is normally 2).

2) If you've disabled caching on your browser, re-enable it.

3) Make sure your system date/time is reasonably accurate. If it's set several days/months/years too far behind or ahead, that can cause your browser to re-attempt to load data that should be cached.

4) Switch to the default Version 12 GameFAQs stylesheet - most other styles require multiple CSS styles and images to render.

5) Try using another device - another computer, a console, or a tablet or phone, if you have one. Most reports mention problems only with one device and not others.

Please try some of these changes and see if they help - if they do, let us know - if not, then try bringing up your computer's Command Prompt (Listed under Accessories in Windows), and type:

ping www.gamefaqs.com

Then copy and paste the results here.

We apologize for these issues you may be having, and we hope to get them fixed soon - but we'll need your help to find out what the problem is.

Edited by deuxhero
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