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Super Smash Bros. Brawl Iron Man Draft


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I wanted to try a draft of SSBB. This probably should be in the Other Games Draft section, but in this forum the topic seems more relevant. Please humor me with this ruleset since I'm experimenting a bit. I tried to keep it as dynamic as possible and still try to avoid as much random BS that might get thrown into a match. I would like to have experimented with a ruleset with specific items set to low, but for now I think this will do.

We will do a round robin tourney since we have 5 players.

This is a draft for 5 people.


-All matches are played in a 1v1 fashion, 2 stock, 7 minute timer, items set to off/none.

-The first match is to always be played on Yoshi Story Brawl.

-You may pick whatever character you wish to play first from your draft list.

-The winner must keep playing with the same character in the next match, but whatever stocks they lost in the previous round must be lost in the next round right away before continuing. So if Mario wins with only 1 stock (out of three) left in the previous fight, he must begin the next round with only 1 stock remaining while his opponent starts with 3.

-The loser of the previous round selects a new character from their draft list and picks the stage to play on.

-MK is banned, so only 35 characters can be chosen from. (Due to PKL having TL issues, this solves our undrafted unit)

-Zelda/Sheik are to be treated as singular character in a draft, so absolutely no swapping between them in match.

[spoiler=Legal Stages]

Battlefield, Final Destination, Delfino Plaza, Pirate Ship, Frigate Orpheon, Yoshi's Island (B), Halberd, Lylat, Pokemon Stadium 2, Castle Siege, Smashville, Brinstar and Pokemon Stadium 1.

Draft Order:

  1. -B.Rabbit - Bowser, G&W, Wario, Yoshi, Wolf, Donkey Kong,
  2. -Fuzz - Marth, Captain Falcon, Pit, Link, Pokemon Trainer, Fox
  3. -Kaoz - Falco, Ice Climbers, Snake, Lucario, Olimar, Mario,
  4. -Eryth - DDD, Ike, Jigglypuff, Ganon, ZSS, Kirby, Rob,
  5. -Pickle - Sheik, Peach, Pikachu, Luigi, Zelda, Diddy Kong, Ness

[spoiler=Characters Left]

Lucas, Samus, Sonic

Edited by Eryth
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Considering the lack of support thus far, I sadly must oblige.

Still, I always like a detailed explanation of why.

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Pictochat is extremely large. Leading to ridiculous amounts of camping and living forever. It also has those stupid ledges :p. As for green greens, DDD says hi and the blocks can lead to a loooooooooooooot of unbeatable (unless u risk it) turtling.

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Highly advantageous positions depending upon match-up seems reasonable for Green Greens, but your reason for Pictochat is sort :/

YI brawl has virtually the same ledges. I'd have to check on the stage dimensions since I am fairly certain its not that huge as you make it out to be. Either way, both stages are removed per request.

YI Brawl is being started out on because again I'm experimenting with non-traditional stages, but still keeping it to neutrals. I always think people are stigmatized towards stages before ever putting in any effort to adapt to them. Besides, its another bit of fighter theory I'm experimenting with a bit too. What dynamics of a stage should be allowed in a fight? From melee, people will already agree that flat stages with multiple levels of platforms are tolerable. If anything, anything without platforms is terrible. So, its an already accepted notion that platforms add good gamplay. But what about slopes? In brawl, slopes can add a very good strategic advantage. Fast falling an aerial down on a slope gives you movement to your ending lag making moves safer. If you hit a shield, then the sliding action coupled with shield push makes it a bit more safe. Item are changed on slopes as well such as Snakes nades. Throwing when on a slope is a bad spot to be in, so you would want to prefer to be on the drop of a slope throwing projectiles down.

I will agree that stages which have hazards and other stage dynamics can be a bit too game changing.

Overall, I'm doing this because I want to experiment with different stages like brinstar or PS2. Another reason is to challenge our conceptions about stages. Stages with slopes like YI brawl can make some interesting and strategic gameplay. Without this rule, everyone will automatically pick BF or SV without hesitation as a starter. After that one forced stage, you can move onto whatever stage and gameplay you wish to focus on. I do not expect to get 9 people (4 char. per person), so each set of matches is going to contain about 5 matches or so. And playing once on YI I do no think is that much of a problem for anyone to adopt.

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Ive tested all stages before though. If anyone knows about stages in my area, its me and Action P@nda (another Toon Link player from my region). We even had Pictochat legal for most tournaments here in Puerto Rico until a lot of BS stuff happened. Try playing a good snake there, its ridiculous. As for green greens, the thing is, it would be OK if it were in only a few matchups, but whoever gets a lead and camps 1 of the sides has a ridiculous advantage. The other player has to commit way too much in order to try and get him out of the advantageous situation.

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I do not want to remove SV, BF, and FD completely from being used in a set. Just a one time rule to get people to do things a bit differently and see how it works from there.

I'm surprised to hear there being issues on Pictochat not related to the random nature of the stage. I've found the stage hazards and alterations to the stage being more troublesome than anything else about the stage. I guess it has to do with the slanted edges giving more power to either the guarder or the one being guarded in certain match-ups.

So, Kaoz are you joining or not? You have not sad anything about it really other than "Any special reason why we're starting on YI:B", but this seems to heavily tease me that you are.

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So, Kaoz are you joining or not? You have not sad anything about it really other than "Any special reason why we're starting on YI:B", but this seems to heavily tease me that you are.

I did, it was apparently just well hidden:

In. I'd be fine with Picto, the only really bad part about it is that stupid diagonal line.Any special reason why we're starting on YI:B?

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Man, I really want to take peach, but I'll go for King Dedede.

hurr hurr hurr hurrr!

I got a strategy in mind.

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Peach and Sheik. I would obviously draft Toon Link if he worked on my wii >_>. Also, Im aiming to 3 stock whoever drafted Marth. Thats my main YO.

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