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Super Smash Bros. Brawl Iron Man Draft


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Quick question Eryth- is the last round going to be reversed? Its kinda unfair for me to get both the worst picks. (the worst first round and the worst last round)

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I failed to notice that. We'll invert the order of the last round. So, Soul, pick one character, then final order will be






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That means Soul gets the dreaded Sonic lol. So, guys, when can you all play?

@Eryth- let me see If I understand this.

We will play a super long set which always starts in Yoshi Island. Can we choose any of our draftees to be first or does it have to be in order?

-Second match. Winner stays with the character and begins next match without the stocks he lost in the previous match (like in a crew battle). Loser picks stage and changes character.

-Repeat until one of the players doesnt have any more characters and stocks. Whoever loses is eliminated or is it double elimination?

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@Soul: Sonic always seems to be the most polar in "likeness" lol

@PKL (&everyone):

1) This is correct. There is no order whatsoever. You make the selection regardless of draft order after each time a character of yours loses all 3 of their stocks.

2) This is also correct. I should have brought up the crew battle similarity lol

3) This is a also correct, but we will do a single thing of round robin instead. Judging from the past tourneys on S.forest, no one will ever finish there matches it seems. This way there is no waiting whatsoever between rounds to drag this out for weeks on end. Just go out there and play everyone and report back here. The more details the better imo, but not necessary for anything other than who won or lost.

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Soul vs me.

First match was Yoshi's Island Brawl Soul's Bowser vs my Luigi. He lost 3 stocks and I lost 1.

Second match was Battlefield Soul's Game and Watch vs my Luigi. He lost 2 stocks and SD'd the other. I lost none.

Third match was Final Destination Soul's Donkey Kong vs my Luigi. He lost 3 stocks and I lost 1.

Fourth match was Final Destination Soul's Sonic vs my Luigi. He lost 3 stocks. I lost none.

Fifth match was Lylat Cruise Soul's Yoshi vs my Luigi. He lost 2 stocks and I lost the last Luigi stock.

Sixth match was Battlefield Soul's Yoshi vs my Peach. He lost his last Yoshi stock.

Seventh match was Smashville Soul's Bowser vs my Peach. He lost all his stocks and I lost 1 Peach stock.

There was another match with Yoshi to make up for Wolf not working on my Wii. He picked Yoshi again and lost.

It was extremely weird and its probably inaccurate because my wii kept freezing whenever he picked wolf.

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lol PKL, just get a new disc. If that does not fix the problem, then you have a gremlin in your wii.

I do not think I'll have time to get started on this until Sunday :( Just a lot of RL stuff like work, having to drive people around, family matters, etc.

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PKL, that is a creepy as hell avatar.

I'm free to play now. Sort of surprised that not anyone else got this finished in about a week. I'll try to get on after 9pm EST if anyone has the time then.

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Played against Kaoz.

I won.

Match 1 YI: Weegee vs Olimar. 2-0

Match 2 BF: Weegee vs Mario 1-0

Match 3 FD: Weegee vs Snake 0-1

Match 4 SV: Pikapika vs Snake 2-0

Match 5 BF: Pikapika vs Ice Climbers 1-0

Match 6 PS1: Pikapika vs Lucario 1-0

Match 7 Halberd: Pikapika vs Falco 1-0

This look accurate Kaoz?

EDIT: Oh, you forgot Samus. It wasnt in the OP for some reason.

Edited by Ghost Marcia Drafter
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