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World Map Events

Sea Lion

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So how do I just skip them? Cause I was trying to change the events there but my Event Assembler isn't letting me disassemble them, so I'm just going to skip the world map portion. How do I do this?

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Nightmare, Chapter Data Editor, Scroll down to World Map Prologue or whatever it says and set it to the very first value (IIRC it says Prologue which has no World Map prologue)

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Kay, so I go into Nightmare Editor, go to Event Modules: FE7 World Map Event References, take the offset from there, put it into Event Assembler (Version 8.1), put in a blank text file, and disassemble it then it says Event Assembler is unresponsive and it closes out. It might be I'm not selecting the right option in EA, I tried to end code and chapter, but both of those didn't work. My game is the standard US version of FE7


Alright so I tried it again with a new copy of Event Assembler and this time it worked but I got a whole bunch of CODE commands at the end, how can I avoid this?

Edited by Sea Lion
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'whole chapter'

'add end guards'

'write a preliminary front-end that removes the CODE tags for you'

'delete the CODE stuff from a text editor manually'

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