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Today is a Good Day in History


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Today, July 5th, is Algerian Independence Day! In 1962 on this day, Algeria gained it's independence from France using bows and arrows and things of that nature and became it's own nation (that most of the world hasn't even heard of, but still). Viva L'Algerie!

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Today, July 5th, is Algerian Independence Day! In 1962 on this day, Algeria gained it's independence from France using bows and arrows and things of that nature and became it's own nation (that most of the world hasn't even heard of, but still). Viva L'Algerie!

Bows and arrows?

And I'm pretty sure many if not most people have heard of Algeria, though they might not know it was colonised by the french.

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Today, July 5th, is Algerian Independence Day! In 1962 on this day, Algeria gained it's independence from France using bows and arrows and things of that nature and became it's own nation (that most of the world hasn't even heard of, but still). Viva L'Algerie!

Bows and arrows in 1962? I respect that. :P


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Well I'm glad you guys know of it; most people I know end up having a conversation like this:

Me: I'm from Algeria

Person: Algeria? Where's that? Is it like Nigeria?

Me: Sorta...it's in Northern Africa in between Morocco and Libya, which are by Egypt

Person: It's in Africa...how come you're not black then?

Me: ...

My dad told me that some people really did use bows and arrows actually, but in general they were at a technological disadvantage against France, but still managed to defeat them and gain independence. I'm actually named after my uncle who was a war hero and died during the war.

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Well I'm glad you guys know of it; most people I know end up having a conversation like this:

Me: I'm from Algeria

Person: Algeria? Where's that? Is it like Nigeria?

Me: Sorta...it's in Northern Africa in between Morocco and Libya, which are by Egypt

Person: It's in Africa...how come you're not black then?

Me: ...

My dad told me that some people really did use bows and arrows actually, but in general they were at a technological disadvantage against France, but still managed to defeat them and gain independence. I'm actually named after my uncle who was a war hero and died during the war.

So how come you're not black then.

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I'm a naughty cumslut

Seriously? Uh... how on Earth could somone make that mistake? That's awful. Awful, awful,awful.

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To be fair, Algeria won independence largely because France deemed the war pointless. They would win the battles but they would lose more money/men than they thought Algeria was worth. So Algeria lost all the battles and won the war. Quite ironic and actually pretty cool story of resistance.

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I was one of those men and i enjoyed the fuck out of it

That's a pretty weird friend you've got there. :U

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